Welcome to the middle of this, our Holy Week in the Judeo-Christian calendar.
And, we get a break in the rain (which will return tomorrow, oh joy.).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, temps reaching back up to around 55 degrees, and some light winds,
(guess any kite flying would be a "go")
With that said, let's get that morning cup (or glass) of whatever you prefer, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the drying streets is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"The strongest and most effective force in guaranteeing the long-term maintenance of power is not violence in all the forms deployed by the dominant to control the dominated, but consent in all the forms in which the dominated acquiesce in their own domination."
In lieu of recent events, this would seem to mirror what might well take place, should people choose to ignore the obvious and instead, follow the sensational, letting themselves be led about, rather than leading. So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in the Great Dismal Swamp in Virginia...
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 28 -
---It's Manatee Appreciation Day
(and we need this observance WHY?)
---It's National Black Forest Cake Day
(okay...now we're talking. I used to always want this for my birthdays back in Philly)
---It's National Little Red Wagon Day
(haven't seen one of these around here for a very long time)
---It's National Something on a Stick Day
(does this include the heads of politicians?)
---It's National Weed Appreciation Day
(whoever thought THIS up needs to be taken into the street and beaten within an inch of their life)
*** Next, a couple articles that spell out the truth regarding one of the most "popular" topics making the rounds these days - gun control.
Here's the first article that advocates for LESS gun control, and not more:
The second article pertains to the Utah school bombing:
Goes to show you don't ALWAYS need a firearm to commit mayhem, chaos, and death...
*** Next up, an arrest has been made in the recent death of a Fort Wayne 5-year old. Here's the lowdown:

And, "baby-mama" knew about the abuse all along, and said NOTHING.
This particular piece of human crap is Danial Tyrell Pope, 28, who lived in the house located at 1218 Gay St.,where the abuse took place.
He has been charged with murder (and rightly so).
This makes FIVE child homicides since last November.
Definitely have us a problem with some of the male population in this city.
*** Next, and while we're talking STUPID, there's this story:
This fire took place at the Eastwood Point Apts - 3511 Cheviot Dr around 1700 hrs Monday.
And once again, people who TRY to cook screw life up for others (as well as themselves).
But, not to worry, there's a whole NEW batch of single family homes at the recenetly opened "Bottle Works" (former Coca-Cola plant on the SE side) for them to trash.
And don't think they won't soon enough.
*** Next up, a simple question on the 2020 census is causing an uproar...and with the USUAL people. Here's the story:
I don't see the problem here. What is a citizen in America...it's a damn CENSUS.
We take the census to MONITOR (keep track of) our population...been doing it since the damn thing was started WAY back in 1790, and yet, there are those (in California) who are against this, because it UNFAIRLY targets certain people (that would be ILLEGALS).
And the last time I checked, illegals are not (and should not) be counted as part of OUR census in this country. The U.S. census is for U.S. citizens...simple, huh? Those leftards really need to STFD and STFU...NOW!
*** Next, this story clearly shows the lack of social skills in the up and coming generations.
Dining etiquette...for COLLEGE students, no less.
Guess when you're brought up never having dinner at home with your parents, and take to living off of fast food, THIS is the result.
Again, this is precisely the kind of stuff we were brought up learning...in case we ever went out to some fancy "sit-down" restaurant, where you HAD to use all that flatware that was on the table. In other words, you can eat more soup with a damn SPOON than with a FORK, numbnuts!
*** Next up, time to take a little stop over to our "Kitten Corner"...
Our kids did pretty well yesterday, considering all they had to watch outside was the rain coming down.
They took to spending a good part of the day napping, which always works for this man.
Gallifrey was going to various windows, seeing if things changed from the rain. Violet was content to hang with me, when he wasn't jumping into my lap when I was trying to watch some TV.
*** Next, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome were a bit on the damp side yesterday, even with the shelters.
Midnight stayed under the patio table, which worked out fairly well, while Whiskers used the one shelter to stay out of the rain.
This meant all feeding was done under the table, to keep the food (and cats) dry.
We did make time for treats at last call, and I didn't mind getting a bit wet in the process.
Suffice it to say, neither did the cats.
*** Last back to the ghettohood...I always say there's never a really boring day down here. Sometimes, that's okay...other times, not so much.
![]() |
Nice cut-n-paste collage, Bob. |
So, I called the police to get them on scene, as I didn't know if either motorist would do likewise.
No fire, no fluids spilled or injuries to speak of (PRIDE not withstanding).
The police came, took down statements and handed out some "paperwork" to those involved.
The black Ford SUV was able to drive away (left front damage only) while that silver sedan required a flat-bed to get it off the pavement.
That driver became a pedestrian, and hopefully, both drivers learned a valuable lesson.
When you see a YIELD sign, that means do not ignore it, because someone might be coming from another direction (like a cross-street), and they DO NOT have to yield.
It's like I say...there never seems to be a dull moment down here, and, truth be told, I could seriously USE some dull right about now.
Boring or mundane would be even better.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
On the opening meme: Had two donuts at 9 AM break. Skipped lunch and walked 1/2 for "donut pennance". Partner gives me a hunk of chocolate cake around 2 PM. "Well, there went that walk", right? Get home- sugar at 72. FYI, that is "No wonder I have the headache" low. Can't seem to get a grasp on this stuff since switching to Pepsi Zero Sugar. And the fast comes Thursday-Friday ("Fast"? Yes, that's the "project" that's taking me off grid.)
Why? So you'll appreciate manatees! See, quetsion answered!
On A Stick: Works for me!
I used to appreciate weed... but anymore, my lungs can't handle the co- oh, wrong weed.
"Oh, please, Mr census man! Don't make me incriminate myself..."
Dining: I've no rocks to throw. Elbows on the table forever!
Yield signs in town anymore are like they are on gravel roads out in the ol' stomping grounds... blow your horn and hope for the best...
---See, even the AVENGERS agree with you today...heh.
(that can't be all bad)
---AH, yes...Maundy Thursday into Good Friday...got it.
---LOL...only you would come up with THAT answer...!
---Thought so. We have consensus.
---Wrong weed...yeah, right.
---Well, we've BEEN doping similar stuff w/ the census for a VERY long time...why change JUST for CA?
---There's nothing wrong with KNOWING etiquette...PRACTICIMNG it, however is another thing (that rarely comes along these days).
---OR...people could just PAY THE HELL ATTENTION...so they can AVOID things like what happened out front.
(if they were speeding, they MIGHT have come INTO the house (then I shoot them for breaking and entry...future problems solved there, hmm?)
Thanks much for taking time to stop on by today and comment.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe (and relatively sugar-free) up there, brother.
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