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(never ask that question) |
(luck had nothing to do with that, I can assure you)
And, it looks to be another warm day out there.
Truth be told, yesterday was about as warm as I would prefer. Besides, summer no longer has a "allure" for me that it once had when I was a child. Yes, some things you DO grow out of.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly cloudy skies, temps climbing once again to around 76 degrees, and a chance of a shower during the day (those chances get better after dark for more rain and maybe a thunderstorm).
Now, without any further ado, let's get that morning drink poured, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the back door is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 13 -
---It's National Donate Life Blue and Green Day
(I still need what I was born with, thank you)
---It's National Blame Someone Else Day
(a democrat observance on Friday the 13th - how apropos)
---It's National Make Lunch Count Day
(I try to make every meal count)
---It's National Peach Cobbler Day
(not that much a fan of peaches)
---It's National Scrabble Day
(much harder in Klingon, trust me)
---It's National Thomas Jefferson Day
(salute to a founding father)
*** Next, and since it IS a Friday, let's take a look at what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
APRIL 14 -
---Saturday is National Dolphin Day
(well, I don't OWN one, so...)
---It's National Ex-Spouse Day
(used to have one before she passed away)
---It's National Gardening Day
(except if it's raining, right?)
---It's National Pan-American Day
( I like to think there's only ONE America...OURS)
---It's National Pecan Day
(pecan pie is to die for)
---It's National Reach As High As You Can Day
(tried that...pulled a back muscle)
APRIL 15 -
---Sunday is National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
(did that for Easter)
---It's National Rubber Eraser Day
(wish they made one that took care of life's problems that easy)
---It's National Take a Wild Guess Day
(ahh, a city budgetary meeting day, no doubt)
---It's National Tax Day
(render unto Caesar, right?)
---It's National Titanic Remembrance Day
(and to think it could have been avoided...if not for "fate")
There we have it...lots of things to do over the weekend. Just remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next up, from our "I Learned Something New Today Department" comes this little gem:
Okay, so these snowflakes surveyed really believe that freedom of speech (the 1st Amendment) is DANGEROUS?
Freedom is becoming dangerous?
Maybe they get it confused with the "ABUSE of freedom with little regard for others" instead?
What you need to do when reading this story is keep in mind the CONTEXT of what wa said, as well as the application of the data.
((Older generations of Americans were much less inclined to have the government censor speech that offends minorities, Pew found. When combining all age groups, 28 percent of Americans said the government should ban this type of speech, while 67 percent said people should be able to offend minorities in public.))
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Last time I checked, anyway... |
(that makes me, as well as a LOT of other Americans a racist, btw...ROFLMAO)
Hey, everyone's entitled to their OWN opinion, not anyone else's.
*** Next, seems it's not AS easy at the BMV when you go to renew a license. Here's the lowdown:
Gee people, you want the records of my prostate exam as well?
Yeah, I know we're doing this to "protect" people (somehow), but if you've been a "customer" of the BMV as long as I have, you'd THINK people would know WHO THE HELL YOU ARE BY NOW.
Still, such precautions keep Indiana from becoming another California, where they hand iout driver's licenses like a bowl of M&Ms to anyone who wants one (especially those illegally entering the USA).
But, I do have another "point of contention" with Indiana's BMV...the PRICE of registration.
Now, I can't really bitch all that much, as my (35+ year old Firebird) car costs around $60 and change to renew the registration. That higher than Philly, actually (or it used to be).
The Wifeymobile (a 2015 Impala), on the other hand cost us over $200 bucks for the same size sticker for the license plate!!!
Seems the NEWER the car, the (much) higher the cost of registration.
I can understand higher INSURANCE for newer cars (all that crap costs more anyway), but registration as well? Talk abiut highway robbery. Someone's making out well with drivers of newer vehicles in the Hoosier state.
Which gets me to wondering HOW the hell can all these SE side "aborigines" afford such newer cars (before they ghetto them up with loud stereos, rims and such), hmm???
*** Next up, time for our Friday O'Reilly column, which is another excellent excursion into what troubles America.
Yeah, I'd have to say that journalism is certainly NOT what it used to be...it's a mere shadow of itself (at best).
And to be able to separate the "wheat from the chaff" can be a bit intimidating for the uninitiated (millennials).
As you get older, you can't help but develop a bit of cynicism (or a lot in my case...lol).
That helps in no small way to aid in finding the truth.
*** Next, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
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Nodding off... |
It's not that bad, though. They do well, and manage to busy themselves without getting into things they're not supposed to, which is fine by we humans.
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Posing for Daddy. |
*** Next up, time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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Sunning themselves on the patio |
Naturally, they were there for all 3 meals (and hand held treats after dinner).
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He can sleep anyplace...anytime. |
I just want to make sure they stay as close to our house as possible, because wandering about with all the idiots who think they can break every speed limit set down for a residential area, can be dangerous to one's (four-footed) health.
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He sure CAN sleep! |
*** Last back to the garage...we live in perilous times, and I honestly mean that.
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(sound kinda familiar?) |
We have people trying to subvert our political and educational systems, people trying to promote various "religions" (read ideologies) that have nothing to do with GOD, but rather the worshiping at the altar of whatever fad that comes down the pike, people trying to steal our identities, our stuff, and even our lives. We have people determined to fundamentally change our nation, disallow our president to do the job he was elected to perform, while on the other hand, allowing so many refugees and illegals into our country that it become unsustainable to support them (with other peoples money).
We have people wanting to tear down our democratic republic for the sake of some socialist commune, and technologies that make things easier for the evil among us to thrive, while baffling everyone esle along the way.
And too many of us seem to be okay with that. Sorry, I'm NOT one of them, and never will be.
Yes, perilous times for our nation indeed, and perilous for those awaiting the return of country to something better than what we have in front of us today. Count me in THAT group, for I believe we can do better...and have to for sanity's sake.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference ot someone, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Knew I never got here last night, Kc and Peanut stopped by.
Without boring you with the story yesterday went great- until that one half-hour where my trainee was at lunch and I was alone. Then all hades set in for 20 minutes...
Ex spouse... You can have mine... she's reportedly living in a car in Michigan...
Frredom of speech- only someone familiar with the Bible can believe how impossibly stupid this generation is...
"How they afford the newer vehicles..." Called non-payment and w/o insurance...
---S'ok...figured family came over.
---ONLY 20 minutes?
You got ME beat!
---She probably EARNED that. Some often do.
---IT sure is starting to LOOK that way.
---The car dealers that don't check the background of people might want to think about closing...
Last time I looked, any GOOD (reputable) dealership DOES check such things.
(amazing how rules work when implemented).
Hey, thanks for dropping by to comment.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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