End of another week (finally), and one that sees yet another "walkout" by students across America.
Makes me wonder if they're celebrating pot of Hitler's birthday.
(I'm sure the leftists have a good reason that we'll soon find out about)
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us sunshine (no precipitation), temps rising to around 60 degrees, and more of the same through the next couple days.
Get out the sunglasses.
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A hint of hazelnut... |
*** First off the growing lawn is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 20 -
---It's National Cheddar Fries Day
(to each his or her own. I like mine plain)
---It's National Lima Bean Respect Day
(a boring legume in my opinion)
---It's National Look Alike Day
(Lord help MY doppelganger...lol)
---It's National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day
(any other cakes made this way?)
*** Next, and since it IS the weekend, let's see what we cna observe over the following 48 hours...
APRIL 21 -
---Saturday is National Auctioneer's Day
(going once, going twice, going three times...)
---It's National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day
(sounds like a winner)
---It's National Kindergarten Day
(never saw the need for that, really)
---It's National Record Store Day
(yes, some things ARE worth preserving)
---It's National Yellow Bat Day
(Batman did not turn chicken)
APRIL 22 -
---Sunday is National Earth Day
(be funny if the EARTH took the day off.)
---It's National Girl Scout Leader's Day
(molesters need NOT apply)
---It's National Jelly Bean Day
(save me the black ones. They're my favorite)
There you go...enough stuff to do to keep you out of the hoosegow. Just remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next, we bring you more of those "Tales of Dumbassery".
---We begin with a vehicular fire at (or in this case IN) the Diplomat Apts (fun place to AVOID). Here's the story:
Yeah...a suicide (by someone whose name sounds a bit on the BURMESE side.
Guess that's how THEY deal with rejection from the opposite sex.
Sounds a tad on the permanent side to me (and smells bad to boot).
---Hey, it's another drug bust in the Summit City:
Yeah, by all means, leave your drugs ON the microwave when the police come calling.
Makes it a LOT easier to find for them.
---A former Fort Wayne judge passes away.
I used to refer to him as "Turn 'em Loose Kenny", because he always gave lesser sentences to people we really didn't need back ON our streets. I wonder what the recidivism rate for his drug court has been of late?
---An armed robbery with the victim coming along for the ride in our city:
This is what happens when you venture into the badlands and perps are wandering about looking for that "crime of opportunity".
Thank God things turned out well for the victim (and an arrest was made in the process).
--- Seems the Travel Inn is NOT the place to be these days:
What used to refer to as locations to "stay over" for honest travelers has become the new "dens of iniquity" with a lot of human flotsam frequenting such locations.
Noah Zimmerman, 20, of the 400 block of Putnam St. was arrested on several charges.
Makes it rough for the regular people to find a place to bed down for the night, doesn't it? A "point-of-destination"? Not at this rate.
*** Next, and leaving all the stupid behind us , let's stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
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I don't see our missing kitty. |
I think even they could sense my angst over recent issues, and I can't blame them.
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I don't see her either. |
I feel that in their own way, they're trying to "help".
*** Next up, time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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She's not back here... |
Whiskers is STILL missing from our patio (and lives).
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Not out here either. |
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She's not in here. |
I'm not used to his being lethargic, because I think he DOES miss having her around (as do Wifey and I).
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Waiting for Whiskers. |
*** Last back to the tool shed...Wifey is planning another trip to see her dad down in Vincennes, so that means this house will seem larger, as it always does when someone is missing.
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An empty dish is like that empty chair. |
It's disconcerting to see ONE cat out there eating, or lounging about, when there should be TWO.
All that I can think of is how Hobo went missing the same way. Last year, when Whiskers first went M.I.A. for a week, (around Halloween of all times), that was rough, but she did return.
I'm really hoping she (again) comes back, as she is very much loved and taken care of where we live.
I can't say the same for anywhere else in this area...the "locals" just go about their worthless lives, having the same self-serving and disrespectful attitude towards everything and everyone else.
I want to believe that people have not become so uncaring, but every day, I see evidence that such is indeed, the opposite case.

If anything, it makes you long for some good old-fashioned "divine intervention".
In times such as these, I think we're overdue for some.
And, in my old-fashioned way...I still do believe in miracles.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America
All right, I have fought my way this far at last.
Lima bean respect? As your new neighbor often says to me, "I am SO done with you..." LOL!
Earth Day- so what are we this year? Global warming, or back to cooling?
Comment on GS leaders day- another topic broached at BJs, when the crawler announced that Bela Karolyi's wife told NBC that she and her hubby didn't know anything about Larry Nasser's perversion. First, BS. Second, perverts track toward places that are inviting to their habit while providing cover. Thus the kids clubs, the Catholic rectory, the gymnasium. And they all have organizations more paralyzed by protecting their rep than protecting their charges. No way in hell Karolyi OR Paterno, OR the MSU admin didn't know. They were just cowards, and the rep they sought to avoid is theirs, and even worse.
"...and smells bad to boot..." Like the curry they wear like cologne is pleasant...
I hope Whiskers will be back soon.
Sending you an e-mail update in a bit.
---Is THAT what she says?
---I'm working on GLOBAL APATHY this year...so far, it seems to be working!
---I'm SURE this is [plenty of clandestine "damage control" to go around ALL those people (and places).
---Curry as cologne...so THAT'S what I smell...no wonder I hate that stuff.
I have to admit that turning oneself into a HUMAN TORCH (without the help of "cosmic rays") DOES a pretty good job when it comes to suicide.
(can't be anywhere close to painless, either).
---We hope Whiskers comes back, too. We REALLY miss her.
After all, you can't have a "furry twosome" without her...can you?
Thanks for dropping by to comment.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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