Well, here we are once again...end of yet another week.
And a pretty good lineup of things going on, considering we're finishing up the month of May.
Looks like even the weather might be cooperating for the most part.
Speaking of which, our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly sunny skies to begin with, but a chance of showers by midday. and lasting into tomorrow morning. Temps will be climbing to around 63 degrees. Might even feel a light breeze.
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I also like THIS drink as well. |
*** First out of the mainframe is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
(be warned, the list os a bit on the long side)
APRIL 27 -
---It's National Arbor Day
(beware the tree huggers)
---It's National Babe Ruth Day
(IS baseball season)
well, it
---It's National Day of Silence
(we NEVER have any such day on the SE side of Ft. Wayne, sad to say)
---It's National Devil Dog Day
(Drakes Cakes thing from the east coast...fantastic!)
---I'ts National Hairball Awareness Day
(actually cleaned one up off of the rug the other day)
---It's National Prime Rib Day
(okay, now we're talking good dinner)
---It's National Tell a Story Day
(don't get me started...heh)
*** Next, and because week's end has arrived, let's all take a look at what we can observe over the following 48 hours.
APRIL 28 -
---Saturday is National Blueberry Pie Day
(3 words: Sign Me Up!)
---It's National Bravehearts Day
(children should never have to endure any of this)
---It's National Great Poetry Reading Day
(check your pockets...lol)
---It's National Kiss of Hope Day
(hope is very strong medicine)
---It's National Pool Opening Day
(still a bit cool for that)
---It's National Rebuilding Day
(where to begin...right?)
---It's National Sense of Smell Day
(love those hyacinths we have blooming)
---It's National Superhero Day
(a day to be more "responsible", perhaps?)
---It's Workers memorial Day
(yes, people die on the job, as well and too frequently)
APRIL 29 -
---Sunday is National Peace Rose Day
(we could use more peace and roses, is you ask me)
---It's National Pet Parents Day
(nice to see "we" get a day now)
---It's National Shrimp Scampi Day
(sounds like Sunday Supper to me)
---It's National Zipper Day
(makes fastening jackets and pants a LOT easier)
There we are then...plenty of things to do if you're not going to see the new Avengers - Infinity War movie (and don't be surprised if this movie sets yet another box office record).
Just be sure to observe responsibly. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you (when Thanos comes calling).
*** Next, our "Friday O'Reilly" has a good column on air travel. Here's the link:
Geez...I remember a time when air travel was mainly for people with some money, and everyone dressed like they CARED about how they looked.
I suppose much of what passes for that venue (today) could be considered more akin to "taking the bus" in. Urban transit comes to the airline industry, and with all the (screening) procedures now in place, you wonder if staying home isn't a BETTER option.
I know the times I've flown were pretty straight forward. Even used my birth certificate instead of a passport when I visited Aruba way back in the late 70s. Times have changed, and prices have risen accordingly, along with the angst..
I think I'll stick to being a "ground-pounder" when it comes to travel.
*** Next up, this is one of those stories that will give you whiplash when you begin shaking your head in disbelief.
Indiana Child Services has broke the bank...already? They still have a couple months to go in the fiscal year, and they're outta moolah.
Where the hell has all the money gone, and why is this department SO backlogged?
To me, this is just another case of "government intrusion" at a high cost to taxpayers that results in a financial black hole when it comes to any level of accountability.
Like so many OTHER departments we have (which are too numerous to count), they ALWAYS seem to run IN THE RED.
(when they're not downright bankrupt)
And that means we "need" to dump even MORE $$$ into these agencies, so they can perpetuate the facade of helping people.
All this crap needs to be looked into, and if need be, become privatized.
*** Next, the future of driving in America just got a tad more "interesting". Here's the lowdown:
Yeah, Ford Motor Company will stop making all it's CARS except the Mustang and Focus, and instead concentrate on trucks, SUVs, CUVs, and electric vehicles. Even GM has similar plans they may implement (waiting to see what goes on with Ford, I imagine).
Won't even be able to buy a new Impala in less than a decade.
So, let me ask the really OBVIOUS question here:
WTF will all our POLICE BE DRIVING? Sure they have SUVs, but you also NEED patrol CRUISERS (cars). They're typically FASTER and can catch crooks easier.
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The (failed) Carbon Motors cruiser |
Wow...we didn't see this coming, did we? I guess in the near future, the only "cars" we will be able to buy will be foreign or electric...sounds just like the way television is headed...(via Internet), or forcing us to buy those OTHER lightbulbs...or no longer making CRT televisions (flat screen versions only)...or the loss of broadcast signals through the FREE airwaves - going to digital broadcasting, or even the loss of the tried and true copper wired phone systems we barely even have any longer.
Remember ANY (or all) of those and how "well" all of it has worked out for us?
There is indeed a DOWN side to all of this stuff, and forcing people to buy a "particular" vehicle is another nail in the "no freedom of choice" coffin, isn't it?
*** Next, time to dump the dumb and stop by our "Kitten Corner"..
Our kids were doing okay yesterday, and spent some of the day rediscovering some of their favorite toys.
Then, there is always that time of day when our female decides to chase the male around. They might even get into some "wrestling".
Kitty-Smackdown Time!
Nah, no pictures there...nothing but rolling blurs, and then off again for chasing, bird watching and finally snoozing.
It's a good life, isn't it?
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
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Not wandering too far. |
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Centerfold for CATS magazine. |
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Synchronized patio lounging, no doubt. |
*** Last back to the hard drive...technology can be a marvelous thing (just ask Tony Stark).
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I only wanted the drive-thru menu. |
As a result, much of this technology is being thrust at us daily...to do WHAT for us, exactly?
Are our lives made BETTER, or just more complex (with a top-coat of cool to divert our attention)?
Every time we think we have something good, something bad comes along and erases the progress made.
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Where's the SOCIAL progress? |
--High tech cars - expensive repairs (when they can even BE repaired, that is).
-- HD smart televisions - loss of privacy.
--24/7 news cycle - non stop politicizing of anything and everything.
Pick your poison here...almost anything you can think of that's supposed to make living better, isn't even making living easier.
Quite the reverse, in fact.
Very few if any things have actually contributed in a major way to help mankind solve a problem without unintended consequences following in it's wake. We've had a good number of accomplishments that HAVE indeed made all our lives better.
Yet, when it comes to all the tech, almost ALL of it can be trashed with a simple electromagnetic pulse.
Makes ME feel all warm and fuzzy every night...how about you?
It's not the end of the world as we know it (good song, btw)...yet, but we'd better be careful, lest we become that complacent so as to be controlled BY all that technology. Hopefully, things will work out...for the BEST.
Do have yourselves a good weekend
Be well make a difference ot someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Man 48 hrs are long when they are 6 8's in a row. All-day Saturdays blow...
(Which kinda goes with your opening picture- IF I'm Tony...)
Pool Opening in April... some people don't even make sense...
Child services: So many broken kids out there... too many bad stories and not enough good ones. A workmate's daughter just got guardianship over the two teenage daughters of a woman who was rooming with her. Said as soon as the papers were signed, they started calling her Mom. Breaks my heart that this isn't a higher priority.
Thing about privatizing- the first time a foster sues the company over a kid so broken they couldn't be controlled, they'll just dump the incorrigibles back on the gov't, "And their second state shall be worse than their first..."
Cars: Same reason we have cookie-cutter radio stations. Money more important than service. One customer with big bucks worth more than a dozen little guys. Still wanna privatize CPS?
"Synchronized patio lounging- " perhaps we could try out for the US team...
---ANY weekend where you HAVE to work blows (big chunks, too)...I've done my share of that in the distant past.
---Figured that picture would "set the tone" somewhat (felt a bit creative)...heh.
---SOME people???
Try MOST people (present company excluded, or course).
---It SHOULD be a higher priority, because broken kids turn into broken ADULTS...and prisons are overcrowded with many of those as it is.
---Sadly, that would be the case, and we start that merry-go-round ALL over again.
---With the PROPER oversight, handing CPS to someone OTHER than the gov't might be a good thing (couldn't be much worse than it is now).
---We'd have to petition the IOC to make that an EVENT...then we need sponsorship...knowing he way the world turns today, it might even WORK....LOL.
Hey, thanks for taking time to drop by and comment.
Stay safe (and rest yourself) up there, brother.
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