Okay, so we're finally ditching the rain, and there's a good chance of sunshine coming our way by midday. Could our Spring be arriving at long last?
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings a cessation from yesterday;s rain, so stuff will be drying out. Temps are supposed to rise to around 62 degrees and the sun will be making it's appearance later this morning and continue until it decides to set.
All in all, not a bad day (to be somewhere other than the SE side of Ft. Wayne)...sorry, did I say that out loud?
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Seems I like THIS drink as well. |
*** First off of the greening lawn is out "WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual)."
Oh yeah...this one covers SO much, and so many people don't take the time to understand the profundity of the words
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at Petrograd State University...
*** Next up, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 25 -
---It's National Administrative Professional's Day
(we actually HAVE those? Coulda fooled me)
---It's National DNA Day
(helped catch a killer in Ft. Wayne, too)
---It's National East Meets West Day
(what happens AFTER they meet?)
---It's National Hug A Plumber Day
(I think I'll pass on that one)
---It's National Telephone Day
(when things were a LOT simpler)
---It's National Zucchini Bread Day
(like the bread - hate the vegetable)
*** Next, so plastic was "supposed" to be a boon to mankind...
((ahem))...guess things didn't work out as planned. Here's the story:
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Can't recycle ALL of it, can we? |
Could it be due to the fact that careless morons toss discarded plastic items ALL OVER?
Our property can attest to THAT much.
When something is disposable, the dumbasses of the world will exploit that premise...with gusto.
(and they do...every single day)
Funny, didn't have this mess back when I was young and we have a LOT LESS plastic items that were (as) disposable.
Time for a little "what goes around, comes around" time? A return to less disposable things? We shall see.
*** Next up, a good column by Bob Rinearson. Here's the link:
It's a good study in the difference (or perhaps level) of knowledge between past generations and the millennials.
And, it's a good lesson in something we call HISTORY, and what today's youth "believe" versus what is (and was) known FACT.
*** Next, looks like we are never at a loss when it comes bat-shit crazy people in the Summit City. Here's the story:
Now, I don't know the specifics, but when people just go off the deep end in this manner, there has to be something at the root of such behavior. And why we even have people as weird as this on our streets baffles the hell out of me.
Slashed bicycle tires...that's a new one on me, too.
*** Next up, time to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were much better yesterday, and enjoyed taking things a bit easy (how much more easy can it get for them?). with catching up on their sleeping time during the day.
That's when they weren't eating, or wanting some affection-time with Wifey or myself.
One of them coughed up a hairball, so we know we're at that stage of life when we need to watch for that.
Not a problem - the rugs are easily cleaned (plus I got used to cleaning up after our former cats Penny and Rassie...it's like staying in practice of sorts).
*** Next, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
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It's not raining now. Time to stare at stuff. |
Whiskers stayed in the shelter for the most part, and Midnight was alongside the house, or in his "new" spot - along the fence.
Guess he likes to change his "digs" from time to time.
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Hey, it's nice and dry where I'm at. |
And they're usually there when Wifey gets home (although they might be slow to greet her...they also like to sleep a lot.)
*** Last back to the patio table...I think our lives are but a microcosm of our world's history.
If we do something wrong, and don't learn from it,. we probably will repeat it (until we get it right).
Sure sounds a lot like history to me.
And yet, we have too many people who actively choose to ignore not only the warnings of history, but ignore all the things they do wrong in their own lives...and yes, they wind up repeating it...time and again.
If it's a criminal activity, they do get caught and THEN find out they need to change things in their lies. Same goes for history.
It might take a world war to set things right and overthrow evil and it's followers.
Sometimes, it might just take the right words to the right people at the right time to avoid such tragedies.
The same thing follows in our own lives. Contextual comparisons abound, if you're paying attention, they will serve as good learning tools.
And, as we all find out sooner or later...a little bit of "history" never hurts anyone (or shouldn't)
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
So first, "Why is Chris here so early?" Answer, at 8AM we three cutters, despite newbie missing a day and a part and ol girl missing Friday, were about 6 canopy tops away from being able to stop doing Harris stuff till Monday AM, and I got the ol' "Lack of work" bonus. It was the answer to a prayer.
But unfortunately on that quote, I personally know a "minority of the fruity persuasion" who used that as an excuse to say the government needs to promote the minority will over the majority.
What happens after the meet? They crash!
Plumber: Me, too- no hashtag...
Did you see where the stats on straws came from a 9-y-o boy who called some restraurants and made a guess- and the media never bothered to check sources?
And how many save the planet people picked up after themselves at the years' protest rallies? I've seen pictures...
Good column by Rinearson. Desrerves a "Gets It".
Makes me wonder what the kid on the bike did in the first place. Prolly nothing to warrant all that, but...
You know, I think God designed us for repeat stupidity. Abraham, Moses, Samuel, even Peter are all in the category's hall of fame. To expect it today in our current moronic society... I'll let you calculate the odds.
---Can't argue with God's success...can we?
---Yeah, I thought about that when choosing the quote. I don't believe the author had all this government-sponsored, privileged class restructuring in mind when it was written.
(just a wild guess)
---Oh, so THAT was the sound I keep hearing...heh.
---Plumbers=butt-cracks...'nuff said.
---Much of the media DOESN'T check sources (when they're not making stuff up, that is).
---That is a wonderful comparison study...the leftards leave trash at protests...tea party member pick up AFTER THEMSELVES at their rallies. Interesting, yes?
---We live in a more REACTIONARY society than I can remember. People never act...they just REACT (sometimes when no reaction is needed).
Crazy, huh?
---Well, doing the SAME stupid stuff over and over is one thing...doing DIFFERENT stupid stuff...there's a bit of
(unintended) creativity at work there...LOL.
(trust me on THIS one!)
Hey, thanks for stooping on by to comment.
Much appreciated.
Stay safe (and historically-sound) up there, brother.
Cats. They are ready for spring adventures. But where is spring? Who knows. It's raining here today. I thought I could handle it, but I am over it. I need sun. I don't care if it is 30 below or 30 above. I just need sun. Seattle sucks. I won't be moving to Oregon either. Stay safe, Bob.
Momma Fargo:
---Hey, I missed seein' ya around here.
---Spring IS a'comin'...I PROMISE!
(and I never make promises I don;t plan to keep...lol)
Sure been looking like it around the Heartland, hasn't it?'
---Hang in there.
At least the weather will be getting better.
As for humanity?
(that's a tossup for me at the moment).
Thanks for rolling up to comment.
Stay safe down there, dear.
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