Welcome back to another excursion into the last full week of April - a month I will not soon forget, but sure as hell WANT to.
(more about that in a bit)
And, I think we're finally done with the snow (I put our shovels away already), but never discount the possibility of it happening. Remember,m the "climate" is ALWAYS "changing".
(it's what it does, people)
Speaking of which, our Hoosierland weather for today brings us partly to mostly cloudy skies (colorful sunrise), temps again trying to reach 70 degrees,, and an increasing chance of rain later this afternoon into evening.
So, let's get this show on the road with a nice refreshing drink, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the starting gate is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 23 -
---It's National Cherry Cheesecake Day
(never met a cheesecake I DIDN'T like)
---It's National Lost Dog Awareness Day
(do lost cats count?)
---It's National Picnic Day
(can't remember the last time I went on one, but I think it wa in high school)
---It's National Take A Chance Day
(I did when I moved to Indiana...'nuff said)
---It's National Talk Like Shakespeare Day
(sorry, don't feel much like "forsoothing")
*** Next up...let's put all the stupid-ass crime and political crap aside (it'll still be there tomorrow anyway), and instead talk about this past weekend, because I find that when you're extremely pissed OR depressed (or even a combination of the two), somehow, writing about it alleviates some of the pent up anxiety. So here goes...
After a wonderfully uneventful run to the grocery store (and gas station), Wifey loads up and heads out to go down to Vincennes.
A couple hours later, I get a call from AAA asking about where the car is.
I tell them MY car's in the garage...they must mean Wifey's car and WHY are they calling HERE?

Anyway, she gets that tire REPLACED (could not just plug it, as interior damage was severe. Whatever she ran over (she didn't feel anything) cut into the belt of the tire, trashing it. So, a NEW tire was slapped on (more costs we don't really need).

She finally got to Vincennes okay, but someone is going to pay for that tire (aside from us).
I just pray that her drive back north is nowhere near AS eventful as her trip down. I just wish her a safe return back home.
*** By then, the mail had come, and in it was...(wait for it)...ANOTHER SUBPOENA...just like the FIRST one (oin that green paper form).
Says the same stuff with the same CONTACT INFORMATION...which I have tried several times (in vain via phone AND email, obviously) with NO reply from the person on the damn form.
I was talking to a friend of ours at the grocery about this, and the after I described the event and told him I was subpoenaed, he said "What the hell for?" Funny, I told him I thought the same thing? Weird how two people can come up with the same conclusion, isn't it?
*** I've also been riding the emotional roller-coaster over the absence of Whiskers...to much like what happened with Hobo almost TWO years ago.
You really develop a bond with these critters that come into your life (and heart) and want only to have a meal, some water, a little love, someplace safe to rest at night.
*** And that brings me to our "Kitten Corner"...
Our indoor cats wee pretty well-behaved while Wifey's away.
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Watching for Whiskers. |
It's not that I don't want to bother with Violet or Gallifrey, because I do whenever they come over to me...it's just my mind is elsewhere thinking about other cats (and one or two in particular).
*** Now, we take some time to check in with "Midnight and Company"....
He's been staying REAL close by the house since Whiskers went missing. If he does wander off, it's NOT for long and not that far, which makes me breathe easier.
But today happens to be a very special day for Midnight...
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It's been a whole YEAR...already? |
And, it's been great having him about ever since.
When Wifey gets back, we are planning a bit of a celebration with small cupcakes (that we know he likes).
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We missed you...a LOT. |
Turns out it was...WHISKERS! Imagine THAT!
Well, suffice it to say, I was overwhelmed with joy (which doesn't happen all that much in THIS neighborhood these days).
I went out and hugged her and got her a dish of food (which she gobbled up). And Midnight even acted more animated that he's been the last few days. He got some treats, too.
Talk about an answer to prayer (yes, I said prayer!)
Hopefully, she will remain nearby the house and not take to wandering off. I've got enough to keep me emotionally-busy.
*** Last back to the finish line...there are days when it really bothers me to care so much for the outdoor cats.
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I think these people REALLY like us. |
Having grown up with a knowledge and respect for pets made a huge difference in how I view animals in general (domesticated ones, anyway).
Can't do much for all the wild critters...that's not my "job", but caring for the lonely or lost certainly is.
If we were fortunate enough to live outside the urban areas with a nice parcel of land, I'd welcome any and all strays into our care. Hell, I'd even get a small out-building to house them, but since this IS the city, we have to take care not to "overextend" ourselves.
We do what we can for who we can, and expect nothing in return.
For we know those we choose to care for will return our kindness with their own, for as long as they can.
Can't ask for more than that...can you?
Be well, make a difference to someone (no matter how many legs they have) and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Finally today a friend took me to Foster Park then drove me around the Southtown area! looks very "bare" compared here on the Southwest part of town! The Kroger where I work at Chestnut Plaza is always crowded! saw the former Target store, looks like they aren't working on the "data center" at all! it's certainly very quiet in your area compared to where I live, off Scott Road!
Foster Park is probably one of the best places to visit down here SW (especially when all the tulips bloom!).
The Southtown area IS pretty barren these days (thanks to rising crime and Section 8 housing).
We DID get a MENARDS and WALMART out of this (after losing the mall AND the movies)...and Target...AND Kmart...and about a hundred OTHER businesses that up and left.
You mistake "quiet" for EMPTY...lol.
I WISH it were quiet...gets noisier every year.
From what I saw about Scott Rd on the map that DOES look like a very nice area.
Be happy in knowing your area isn't going down the crapper (like the city let OURS do).
Thanks so much for stopping by to comment.
You stay safe out there.
Yay! Cherry cheesecake!
Me and Boofus love picnics on summer Sundays...but not in frigging April!!!
Verily, thou canst bloviate in thine own language with a greater uplift, fair squire!
Tires: Good gosh, bet you can't stick an arrow in THAT brand...
Subpoena: So one on the door and one in the mail... act like they're AFRAID of you (and the way they're going, they're gonna have good reason).
Oh, thank the Lord she made it back- I'd been praying too. God understands prayer for our furry loved ones- at Scrappy's age and condition, I can't afford for Him NOT to.
---Cherry Cheesecake...YOU KNOW IT!!!
---April IS pushing the envelope of dignity (and sanity, especially when it's STILL cold out).
---You've been watching those THOR movies again, haven't you?
---These new "low-profile" tires that come on EVERY single vehicle leave lot to be desired (imho).
I've changed tries a few times , and always managed to get them fixed.
Indiana Interstates... worse than being broadsided by Moby Dick! And the city streets are NOT far behind.
---I think I'll have that one WELL covered. I might wear ALL BLACK to the courthouse...just to up that "intimidation factor".
---I know...and I will take ANY "miracle" that comes down the pike...no matter HOW small it might seem.
(faith STILL works wonders).
Hey, thanks for dropping by to comment today.
Stay safe (and dry) up there, brother.
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