11 May 2018

Friday Follies...
As nice as yesterday was, it looks like today won't be following along.
Good and cloudy out there, and I felt some drizzle when I went to feed our community cats.
Still, it beats having a volcano in your back yard, spewing lava and other fun pyroclastic debris.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us scattered showers early in, with skies (supposedly)  clearing later today. Highs for our neck of the woods should wind up in the low 70 degree range, and some breezy conditions.
(watch for stuff in the streets while driving, as some folks don;t believe in policing thier own property)
Now, with that dispensed with, let's grab ourselves a glass, cup, or mug of Friday fortitude, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the countertop is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 11 -
---It's National Foam Rolling Day
(WTH is this crap and why should I care?)
---It's National Eat What You Want Day
(meatball sandwich for breakfast perhaps?)
---It's National Military Spouse Appreciation Day
(as stressful to them as it is to those in theater)
---It's National Provider Appreciation Day
(don't many of us provide something to someone?)
---It's National Twilight Zone Day
(LOL...that could be EVERY day where we live)
*** Next, and since week's end has arrived, let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
MAY 12 -
---Saturday is Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Awareness Day
(it's a genetic disorder...feel free to look it up)
---It's National Archery Day
(makes you long for Robin Hood...or the Green Arrow..or Hawkeye)
---It's National Babysitters Day
(just make sure it's not the "boyfriend of the month")
---It's National Birth Mother's Day
(sure beats death mother's day)
---It's National Dog Mom's Day
(what? no CAT mom's day?)
---It's National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
(those who HAVE it certainly are very aware of it)
---it's National Limerick Day
(have at it, but keep it clean)
---It's National Nutty Fudge Day
(Charlies in Vincennes...VERY good fudge)
---It's National Odometer Day
(must be a bitch to try and turn a digital one back)
MAY 13 -
---Sunday is Mother's Day
(if you still got one...love her)
---It's National Crouton Day
(crunchy little buggers)
---It's National Frog Jumping Day
(jumping...NOT tossing. Got it?)
---It's National Fruit Cocktail Day
(not a big fan, but the syrup is good)
And there you are...PLENTY of stuff to work with. Just remember to always observe responsibly.
*** Next up, I'll bet many of you have been watching the volcano doing it's "thing" in Hawaii and are glad you don't live there, right?
Well, what if I told you that having such an event could actually be GOOD for planet Earth? Here's a link that sets the record straight:
You mean to tell me that volcanoes can cause global COOLING?
Well, yes...they can (and do). Think about it. All that volcanic ash blown into the atmosphere...it just HAS to cause a dimming effect of our sun, which means lower temperatures. And it can last for more than a few days or even weeks, but don't take my word for it (and definitely don't listen to Bill Nye or Neil Degrasse Tyson). Check this out:
Now how about that?
Guess the Earth CAN take care of herself...without OUR "help".
*** Next, if that isn't enough, perhaps the following story can put some icing on this cake:
Okay, so our sun is actually growing dim...who knew?
But this won't be taking place until 2050, so we got us some time to buy all that cold-weather gear.
So much for global warming...ROFL!
((  Warning: History Alert - You might learn something!  ))
((One particularly cool period in the 17th century guided the research.
An intense cold snap between 1645 and 1715 has been dubbed the “Maunder Minimum.”
In England, the Thames river froze over.))
Hey, didn't they do a Doctor Who episode about one of SEVERAL such events like THAT?
Yes - Thin Ice - (circa 1814 to be precise) - season 10.
((The Baltic Sea was covered in ice — so much so that the Swedish army was able to march across it to invade Denmark in 1658.))
Goes to show that Mother Earth knows what SHE'S doing a lot more than we mere humans.
*** Next up, Chris Martin (and his musical TARDIS) must have smiled over this story:
Amazing...Spotify got something RIGHT. Banning music with specific bad language and sexual acts
mentioned in certain songs.
Your music DOES suck, moron.
One rapper (R. Kelly) got the heave-ho...good. Serves him right for the "type" of music (?) he pushes, which only serves to foster anger.
*** Next up, it's time once again to stop by "Kitten Corner"...
I opened the back door screen, and the cats were loving that (before it got warm out, mind you).
"I see you."            "No, I see YOU."
They like having the fresh air waft inside, and even one of the community cats got into the act.
Feline staring contests...I love their curiosity (as long as it doesn't break anything).
But them it's time to eat...and to nap...and later to follow daddy around the house...and then nap some more.
"I saw BOTH of them...what's the big deal?"
It truly is a wonderful life...for all of us with them around.
*** Next, let's check back in with "Midnight and Company"...
"Wake me when it's time to eat."
Our furry twosome spent most of the day doing what they do best. Midnight was napping a LOT among the flower beds (and patio) while Whiskers went on patrol (again missing her lunch).
"Sometimes, all of me doesn't lay down at once,"
She returned almost an hour later and she got some food. At last call, both of them were right there, getting dinner and treats, and then having some "laser-play" time on the back lawn.
Thankfully, neither of them wandered off as the sun was setting.
*** Last back to the kitchen sink...it's nice to have a day where there is LESS trouble than usual.
Thing is, there used to be a LOT more days such as those. Where did they go?
In today's world, we're tossed about, hurrying here or there, barely taking time to catch our breath, and yet we push ourselves even more. We do pay a price for such actions. Maybe not right away, but sooner or later, all that scurrying, rushing, and the accompanying stress we encounter catches up to us.
What we have to do is take as much "in stride" as we can...
People say don't sweat the small stuff, and yet, it's that small stuff (the little things in life) that we often pass by in our everyday march to the next day.
Little things like watching nature, or spending time with loved ones, or a family pet are more therapeutic than you think, and such little things are the ones we regret NOT enjoying as we get older.
With age comes wisdom, and to take the time to "sweat some small stuff"  (especially when we NEED to) is a very wise thing to do.
Don't forget Mother's Day this Sunday.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Okay, so I'm most of the way through a Golden Monkey and was going to just say hey and come back later, since I still have to pry Peggy March out of the Elvis buffet, but I saw my name and said, well, I have to at least respond to THAT.

It's not the first time Spotify has played SJW with music- a bunch of "violence-promoting" acts got booted after the concert massacre in France. Nobody I gave the witch's left nipple over, and really it just eliminates their promoing him on their lists. All you really got to do to keep him on your playlist is to put your home files on Spotify- which I have done myself on a handfull of obscure ditties of my acquaintence.

OH, I'm gonna ask you something by e-mail in a bit, but first I guess I'll try to see if reading is a good idea. Lessee...

National Days: Good: Eat what you want; MilSpouseAp Day; Twilight Zone a good current fit; Dog mom's day one past Laurie's birthday; Mothers day and all permutations; croutons;

Bad: Frog jumping (not into that kind of... oh, you mean the RACE...);Nutty anything; Awareness of anything I might have, catch, or pass on; foam rolling- too close to working the poly line at Arden;

Everything you can put into either WTF or IDGAF. Or whatever polite version you prefer.

Except Odometer. That goessquarely into the Don't you have better things to do than salute a dashboard gague file.

Volcano: Now to me, you have to pick whether this is global cooling (from cutting off the sun) or warming (b/c of the greenhouse gases.) Damned if you do, etc.

Imagine that. The climate changes over time. And without a gigantic meteor strike to extinct a few thousand species, too!

Love the Whiskers pic.Looks like she's pissed at her stubborn butt. Maybe she's like a stegosaur with that extra brain in the back hips to run the nether end...

Bob G. said...

---If putting your NAME in the post is all I have to do to get you hear...we'll have to look into that...heh.
(maybe we can get Deadpool to do the honors?)
---SP Spotify dumps music with such content...about time someone did (reminds me of the days when stores wouldn't carry certain ALBUMS (cassettes, DDs) for the same reason.
---(ask away)
---There's a POLITE version of WTF? Never knew that.
---LOL on the odometer...and what about the "fasten seatbelt" ringy thingy WITH the glowing red dash light?
---With volcanic ASH, there is all that particular matter floating about that blocks the sunlight (and heat...so yes, cooling., but the greenhouse gases filter through that muck anyway. I think a similar deal cam around when Krakatoa blew it's stack.
---Whiskers was just being too darn cute (again).
Sometimes, I think cats have brains back there, because the TAIL operates exclusive of the rest of the cat...lol.

Thanks for stopping by to comment.

Have a good weekend and you folks stay safe up there, brother.