01 May 2018

Tuesday Tidbits...
Welcome to the "merry" (?) month of May. We're getting close to having HALF the year over ALREADY. Amazing how time does fly.
Gonna start hearing fireworks soon enough (oh...joy).
I wonder when we'll start seeing CHRISTMAS decorations...lol.
And, as can be expected, we've a pretty full slate of stuff to get into as well.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us more summer-like conditions with mostly sunny skies, temps climbing all the way up to around 84 (that's eighty-four) degrees an gusty wind conditions., so NO open burning or cooking out (for safety's sake).
Now, let's all grab a cup, glass, or mug of whatever works for you as a morning beverage, as we see what ELSE has been going on...
*** First off of the maypole is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MAY 1 -
---It's National Foster Care Day
(nothing wrong with that)
---It's May Day
(hopefully it's not a cry for assistance)
---It's Law Day
(is this for those following or breaking the law?)
---It's National Loyalty Day
(depends who or what you're loyal TO, doesn't it?)
---It's National Chocolate Parfait Day
(all you had to say was chocolate)
---It's National Mother Goose Day
(I guess kids still know who that is)
---It's Silver Star Service Banner Day
(another way to acknowledge and appreciate thise who serve)
---It's School Principals’ Day
(for FWCS, it's more like musical chairs...lol)
*** Next, and because it IS the 1st of the month, let's take a look at what we can observe for the remainder of May:
---It's National Asparagus Month, National Military Appreciation Month, National Motorcycle Awareness Month, Sturge-Weber Syndrome Awareness month, National Mental Health Awareness Month, National Brain Cancer and Brain Tumor Awareness Month
---It's also Date Your Mate Month, Foster Care Month, Older Americans Month (alright...about TIME), National Barbecue Month (that's damn near every month around here with these yahoos),  National Bike Month (that's riding and not stealing), National Blood Pressure Month,
National Chocolate Custard Month, and National Chamber Music Month.
---It's National Cystic Fibrosis Month, National Egg Month, National Get Caught Reading Month, National Hamburger Month (there we go then), National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, National Photograph Month, National Recommitment Month, National Salad Month, National Salsa Month, and National Strawberry Month.
---It's also Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, National Water Safety Month, Melanoma Awareness Month, and National Moving Month (which occurs with a few of the mooks every month down here for some reason).
Whew! There we have it then... Told you we had a lot of stuff. But wait, there's more...
*** Next up, time to once again take a look at ALL the FWPD calls we didn't hear about last week.
APR 23 - APR 29:
((23,113 - vandalism by gunfire))
18F045512 04/23/2018 02:38am 113 SHOTS FIRED S HANNA ST & E LEITH ST
18F045511 04/23/2018 02:40am 113 SHOTS FIRED 300 KILLEA ST
18F045812 04/23/2018 08:06pm 113 SHOTS FIRED S LAFAYETTE ST & E RUDISILL BLVD
18F045851 04/23/2018 09:19pm 113 SHOTS FIRED HOLTON AV & E PONTIAC ST
18F045875 04/23/2018 10:19pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2100 EDGEHILL AV
18F045925 04/24/2018 02:11am 113 SHOTS FIRED 5400 LOIS LN
18F046275 04/24/2018 08:40pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 2500 LAKE AV
18F046362 04/25/2018 04:30am 113 SHOTS FIRED HERMAN ST & FREDERICK ST
18F046547 04/25/2018 06:58pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 1300 GUTHRIE ST
18F046552 04/25/2018 07:21pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3700 S LAFAYETTE ST
18F046658 04/26/2018 01:25am 113 SHOTS FIRED 3100 WELLS ST LOT 33
18F046713 04/26/2018 08:31am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2300 LONG RD
18F047062 04/26/2018 10:24pm 113 SHOTS FIRED E RUDISILL BLVD & S LAFAYETTE ST
18F047462 04/27/2018 09:08pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3300 MCKINNIE AV
18F047557 04/28/2018 02:22am 113 SHOTS FIRED 6400 FAIRFIELD AV
18F047659 04/28/2018 12:14pm 113 SHOTS FIRED E PETTIT AV & LILLIE ST
18F047785 04/28/2018 05:40pm 113 SHOTS FIRED LILLIE ST & OXFORD ST
18F047866 04/28/2018 09:12pm 113 SHOTS FIRED DREXEL AV & ALEXANDER ST
18F047920 04/28/2018 11:36pm 113 SHOTS FIRED 3200 WEBSTER ST
18F047938 04/29/2018 12:32am 113 SHOTS FIRED 200 W LEITH ST
18F047993 04/29/2018 03:09am 113 SHOTS FIRED 900 COLUMBIA AV
18F047997 04/29/2018 03:23am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2800 S HARRISON ST
18F048001 04/29/2018 03:54am 113 SHOTS FIRED 700 WOODVIEW BLVD
18F048017 04/29/2018 04:45am 113 SHOTS FIRED 2800 S LAFAYETTE ST
18F048127 04/29/2018 02:03pm 113 SHOTS FIRED HOLTON AV & E PETTIT AV
18F046363 04/25/2018 04:34am 23,113 1000 HERMAN ST
18F047289 04/27/2018 03:10pm 23,113 7900 GLENOAK PKWY
18F045575 04/23/2018 09:00am 53 ARMED ROB 200 MECHANIC ST
18F046267 04/24/2018 08:25pm 53 ARMED ROB 2000 GLADSTONE DR
18F046784 04/26/2018 12:02pm 53 ARMED ROB 3300 WINTER ST
18F046696 04/26/2018 07:03am 59 CUTTING/STAB 2400 FAIRFIELD AV
18F048323 04/29/2018 10:55pm 59 CUTTING/STAB 7500 DECATUR RD LOT 111
18F048075 04/29/2018 11:15am 61 RAPE 5200 BROADMORE CT
18F045709 04/23/2018 03:15pm 61 RAPE 00 E MAIN ST
18F045814 04/23/2018 08:07pm 61 RAPE 2900 TRENTMAN AV
18F046497 04/25/2018 05:00pm 61 RAPE 7000 COLDWATER RD
18F045797 04/23/2018 07:17pm 67 INDECENT 700 EWING ST
18F047237 04/27/2018 01:16pm 67 INDECENT 00 E MAIN ST
18F047341 04/27/2018 04:48pm 67 INDECENT S LAFAYETTE ST & E TILLMAN RD
18F046506 04/25/2018 05:22pm 75 PURSUIT 2200 S LAFAYETTE ST
Plus 21 narcotics calls
18F046272 04/24/2018 08:37pm 44FW 2600 LYNN AV
There just HAS to be ONE idiot...right?
*** Next, and speaking OF crime, we have this story:
Yes friends, ANOTHER shooting down on the (where else?) SOUTHEAST side of the city...and around 1530 hrs...when SCHOOL is letting out. How effed up is THAT?
Well, you DO have to consider the "source" of such behavior, and when you connect the dots, it's easy to figure it out. We got us a bunch of whacked out morons down here, and I'm not seeing anything being done to quash this growing problem.
The 900 blk Rudisill - The "Badlands".
Not much is known about the shooting (as usual). Maybe some PATROLS in the badlands would do something to change the current state-of-affairs? Funny, that used to work a lot better than what's supposed to be working now.
*** Next, time to stop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
I iz chillin' out.
I think the kids are doing okay, which takes a load off my mind. They have lots to busy themselves (when they're not sleeping the day away). Gallifrey is making window cleaning a full-time job for me, with all his "nose-prints"...LOL.
Violet just watches him a lot (probably wondering what he finds so fascinating outside).
What iz he up to now?
I was thinking we could take them both out on the patio, as we did a few times with Penny and Rassie, but I remembered we have two others who might not take to that. Oh well...them's the breaks.
*** Next up, let's check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Guarding the wood pile.
Our furry twosome were also busy yesterday...but not too busy that they missed a meal.
(well, Whiskers missed lunch...no biggie).
Making sure the grass is growing.
I think we're seeing a shift in behaviors. Where Midnight used to do his daily patrols, I believe Whiskers is doing the daylight gig now, and he is taking the nocturnal duties (3rd shift).
It's fine, as long as the two of them know where the easy food is located (as well as some care and affection).
*** Last back to the Maytag...the Military History Channel had had some very intriguing programs on of late.
There is this one series titled: "Hitler's Empire - The Post War Plan" that discusses what he (and his cronies) "envisioned" for the world, and it's pretty crazy (and we're talking bat-shit kid here) to see what type of world they would create. I, for one, am DAMN glad none of that came to light.
Kristallnacht - night of broken glass.
One example of how much "better" Aryan society was SUPPOSED to be...well, you know they closed down ALL the businesses owned by the Jews. Funny (curious) thing about that...
At the time, about 97% of ALL textile work in Germany was performed by (you guessed it)...Jews. They basically owned and operated all the textile industry, so when the Nazis closed everything )Jewish) down, what happened to all the clothes, shoes, etc??
Well, the "people" were told to become more GERMANIC in their attire, and to wear more modest garments. All well and good...but...
The "elite" STILL got their upscale clothing from French designers, or took to creating special "camps" for Jewish slave labor (from the textile industries) to hand make THEIR clothes.
So much for the "master race". They cut their Nazi noses off to spite their primate faces...,many times over, and to what end?
Germany barely had the resources for it's OWN people (including German-Jews), so what happens? They basically start off by conquering their OWN country with this national socialistic regime crap.
Didn't work out for them in the end...did it?
 So much for a 1000 year "Reich". They barely got off with 144 MONTHS.
The real tragedy comes with the loss of so much LIFE, though. All the engineers, designers, artisans, craftsmen, seamstresses...gone, as a result of Hitler's "final solution", which, when the dust settled, left a badly beaten German people that caused their defeat by their own hand. And that's AFTER you add up to 6 MILLIION JEWS who were murdered.
A MAJOR lesson to be learned there.
And if the world isn't careful and mindful of the atrocities committed by evil men from the past, there will be a destiny of repetition to deal with..
That is exactly what we want to actively avoid...whatever the cost.
Now there's something to think about.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Ooh, chocolate parfait...

Kids prolly think MG is a woman that works for Brokaw...

I'm not aware of Sturge-Weber syndrome... is that what Dick Weber got in his wrist that made him retire from bowling?

Shots fired at Lois Lane? Damnnit, Clark...

Not much is known- except what logic tells you- somebody wanted afterschool reefer and didn't want to pay...

Hey, I bet you'd be good with BEAGLE-printed windows...

Germany- no matter how it gets dressed up at the start, Satan's "creativity" is always dross and destruction. But stupid humans get sold on the hook every time.

Bob G. said...

---MG? Let's HOPE not!
---Not quite...more like a birthmark-capillaries near the surface of the skin kinda thing.
---Probably Lex Luthor...he's got this "thing w/ Superman.
---Logic tells me the FWPD is not as much into the law-ENFORCEMENT gig, as they are with showing up AFTER crap happens.
---I used to be good with golden lab and German shepherd prints...lol.
---I know...this series goes into all the minutiae behind the rise of national socialism...and how the sheep followed the WRONG herder...amazing.

Thanks for stopping over to comment.

Stay safe up there, brother.