25 July 2018

Humpday Happenings...
It looks like that "chance" of rain passed us by yet again yesterday. No complaints from me.
And, it would appear that we're looking at another nice day, albeit a more warmer (and uncomfortable) one.
Any rain we're supposed to get seems like it will be holding off until later tomorrow.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us clear skies (as the sunrise will attest to nicely), temps rising to around 85 degrees with the usual rise in humidity as well (could be worse like out in AZ where they're looking at 116 degrees).
So, let's get that refreshing drink to get us all going, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the computer lab is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"If everyone invested in the neighborhood they lived in, the United States would be a magical place." 
Sadly, this is not as commonplace as many would believe (or desire). I can see very few examples of this STILL being done, in spite of the social issues we have down here on the SE side.
When a neighborhood goes into decline, it is possibly one of the most slippery of slopes to climb back up. So, WHO said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post. Meanwhile, back at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts...
*** Next, time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 25 -
---It's National Wine and Cheese Day
(with some it's more like WHINE...lol)
---It's National Hire a Veteran Day
(if only everyone who could would do more of this)
---it's National Hot Fudge Sundae Day
(gotta love these, even if it's not on a Sunday)
---It's National Merry-Go-Round Day
(is this another government observance???)
---It's National Thread the Needle Day
(and when you eyes age, it becomes more of a CHORE)
*** Next up, a Slocum neighborhood meeting was held recently, Here's the story:
And some had some truth to say.
(("I don't care about low-income. That's not what I care about," Lisa Jackson said. "What I care about is 140 people, 80 feet from my property."))
I think Lisa makes a very valid point. But, there's more, like this open letter to the News-Sentinel:
The writer of this article (Christopher Stieber) makes what I feel are perhaps some of the BEST arguments against this development going into the Slocum neighborhood. And, it also mentions something probably many of us around Fort Wayne didn't know a single thing about what went on right under all our noses.
((...I just need to direct you to any patrolman in the Fort Wayne Northeast Office on State Boulevard and his evaluation of the State and Hobson situation since the city relocated the residents of Eden Green to Baldwin Creek.))
I had NO idea this was done. It makes the case for "spreading the crime around" however, in a vane attempt to minimize it and the effects it has already brought to areas where it has been allowed to thrive for decades.
Sadly, other locations ALL around the city have already had this happen, and a look into what is being called "affordable housing" around Fort Wayne nets some interesting results to those wanting to be more "in the know".
Then again, all you have to do is look up court documents for criminals and see WHERE they live. Try not to be too surprised.
*** Next, and speaking of crime, we have this story:
Yes, there does seem to be some fallout from the recent downtown shootings.
(("Crime has no address, so we just always have to be aware of our surroundings. And can't just stay at home all the time. That's not the answer either," Annette Widman says.
"You've got individuals that are armed with handguns that should not be. And if you mix, and I'm making an assumption here, alcohol with stupidity, bad things happen," says Officer Michael Joyner.))
The odd thing about this, is that you have active meth houses very near the downtown areqa already, and we know none of those cause property values to rise...do they?
*** Next up, a new Dollar General to open in FTW:
Farther south on Anthony - been robbed a couple times
Now, the opening is to take place this Saturday at 8 AM - 3903 S. Anthony Blvd at Rudisill. (yeah, that's the ghettohood)
God bless those who choose to WORK there...wonder how long before it gets robbed?
The new location at Rudisill/Anthony
Another dollar store is the BEST we can do for our area? Not exactly a long-term investment, is it?
But, it's what you come to expect for those unwilling to do what is needed to gentrify an area that could be profitable for the city (like it used to be).
*** Next, time to put aside the stupidity, and visit our "Kitten Corner"...
Another good day with our "kids" was on tap yesterday.
There was time to watch things going on outside other than rain coming down and dreary skies.
Later on, napping was the order of the day, and to that end, they were well prepared.
*** Next up, time to check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry twosome were busy as well. Midnight missed his lunch but came by for dinner.
Whiskers tends to stay close by, ever since her "week-long" jaunt last year.
I know she will also roam about (can't stop nature), but she knows where her eats and water and affection can be found.
He also knows that, but is comfortable in going on his patrols.
Again, you can't stop nature.
We had a visitor - "Boots" was nearby, and that meant watchful cats making sure this cat didn't inflict itself on territory that had been already claimed by our two.
Treats time went fine, and our two were there until the sun got low in the sky.
*** Last back to the mainframe...there are neighborhoods that last longer than others.
Some have even managed to survive the tests of time and troubles.
Yet, others have been allowed to fall into decline, and (as could be expected) it due to the PEOPLE that have replaced the "old guard" - the people who cared for their neighborhoods, watched out for one another and had that vested interest in maintaining a nice place to live, work and raise a family.
The larger a city becomes these days, the more difficult it is to keep that way of life, and we're suffering the problems connected with this forced disenfranchising of our communities (for the sake of diversity or whatever other nonsense is being peddled by the merchants of political correctness).
Maybe Slocum doesn't want THIS in their area
And when you take people in a crime-ridden community and move them into another area (with a lot less crime to begin with), and THAT place sees a marked rise in crime, you have to ask yourself if what is being done is helping ANYONE at that point.
When I look outside every morning and see the same BS by the same morons, I wonder if the city EVER had our best interest at heart, because we've seen TOO many businesses, leave, too many neighborhoods fall into decline, and too much revenue fo the city go down the drain with the rest of the waste water. Is there a "belief" that the water treatment plant can ever FIX that problem? I think not.
Hell, the (improved) downtown area isn't even safe from the effects of criminal activity.
This makes me wonder further WHO is making out on all this.
So, yes, I'm with the Slocum neighborhood, and I don't even live there.
I'm just one person who has seen the result of similar tactics that were permitted to occur in MY neighborhood, and I'd really not want to see it happen in any other nice neighborhood (as ours used to be).
Hope...it's one weapon we still have and can;t be taken away.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Temps: My bloggy friend Holli and her husband went to a Counting Crows/Live concert last night at an outdoor venue in DFW area. She said, "At least it was just 100, after being 109 this weekend".. I asked if Einstein's special relativity covered that one.

I read your "Meanwhile, back..." and said to myself, "Well it sure the heck wasn't Ray Nagin..."

Wow, busing for the criminal element. Whoda thought FTW was so progressive?

Funny how we don't seem to get the idea that if you want to rid a nice house (say, downtown) of rats, you have to PUT OUT POISON, put out some traps. Rats won't just go to the next alley over on a request...

"...wonder how long..." not as soon as it'll get shoplifted is my guess...

"What is Parkview thinking?" What Parkview always thinks... money money money...

Bob G. said...

---She and her husband HAD to be in an alternative reality (bubble universe, anyone?)...heh.
---LOL...No (thank God), but I think you will be rather surprised to see another "newbie".
---I'll wager there's more progressivism going on (behind the scenes) than meets the eye.
Good point. Legends tells that rats might even follow someone playing the flute, but haven't heard of ANY flautists downtown lately, have you?
(Jethro Tull isn't in concert, is he? Thought it was NUGENT.)
---Yeah...let's just pray no customers or staff get injured along the way.
(now looking for the next convenient store opening SE...lol)
We DON'T need more of this stuff...seriously.
---I'll run with ';ya on that, but remember that it pertains SOLELY to the IVORY TOWER residents, and not the working class staff on call there. They have no say to things, either.

Hey, thanks much for taking the time to drop by and carry the blog today through your comment. Always appreciated.

Stay safe (and keep cool) up there, brother.