05 December 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Welcome to the middle of the week, chilly as it is out there.
From what we're being told, it is looking like a close repeat of yesterday.
The farther north you go, the better chance of icy road conditions (you can blame that on "industrial snow"...lol.
Seriously, look it up. Factory stacks blow out steam which condenses and falls back to the ground as snow..You just can't make this crap up. (A cure for global warming perhaps?)
Extra sweet...like me.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly cloudy skies, temps staying pretty much where they're at now (30 degrees), so no REAL melting of anything for now.
Toss in some flurry activity just to make things more interesting, so drive accordingly and dress appropriately.
Now, if this isn't cause for a hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa, I don't know what is, so let's get some, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the ice rink is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." 
I'd have to agree there. Language is the major way in which we all communicate, and to that, we might want to make sure we say what we mean and mean what we say...none of this PCBS stuff, right?
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at Motihari, Bihar, British India...
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's Bathtub Party Day
(Yeah...right...sorry, no.)
---It's National Sacher Torte Day
(got ahead of myself yesterday...that happens when I see something close to cake)
*** Next up, some more shooting on the (where the hell else?) SE side.
Here's the story (so far):
This took place  in the 6100 block of Landsdowne Drive (behind the former Kroger along Decatur Rd.) about 2005 hrs last night, when a red Ford F-150 pickup truck drove past (the male victim) and at least one person inside the pickup engaged in a gun battle with the male. The victim is listed in critical condition.
No motive has been determined yet.
Always good to venture outside AFTER DARK down here with a gun...JUST in case, right?
*** Next, Tis the season to be "racist"? Gimme a break. Here's the *411*:
From a Minneapolis police PRECINCT house comes this "despicable" Christmas tree. Looks okay enough to me, considering.
Decorated with a lot of the VERY SAME CRAP I have been picking up from MY property for over 2 decades. (maybe I should have made a tree..or several)
Do I think it's racist?
How "urbanely-festive".
Nah...it's rather humorous (imho), because it reflects the culture that permeates the low-information class in our urban areas these days.
Naturally, this is being called every PC name in the book, when all it does is show what is clearly a disconnect with normalcy when it comes to pointing out a specific culture, if you can even call such behavior that today.
Now, if were OUTSIDE, it could be construed in bad tattie (maybe), but IN the police house? It's just cops dealing with the streets as best they can...leave 'em alone to enjoy the holidays (and all the abuse they take from the citizenry)..
*** Next up...'Tis also the season to ban phrases (read TO BE STUPID beyond comprehension) while trying to create their own "dystopian utopia" with crap like THIS:
with vegan sensitivity, also.
Insensitive phrases? How long before we start burning books, I wonder?
Swansea University (in WALES of all places) is being more "sensitive" to VEGANS...oh, for God's sake, let's knock off all this BULLSH*T!
Here'are the phrases (with their vegan-friendly alternatives)
Hw about a bacon-bagel sandwich?
--Bring home the bacon - Bring home the bagels
--Let the cat out of the bag - Spill the beans
--All your eggs in one basket - All your berries in one bowl
molding minds into mush.
--Open a can of worms - Open Pandora’s box
--Flog a dead horse - Feed a fed horse
--Hold your horses - Hold the phone
--Killing two birds with one stone - Feeding two birds with one scone
--Taking the bull by the horns - Taking the flower by the thorns
--More than one way to skin a cat - More than one way to peel a potato
--Be the guinea pig - Be the test tube
Okay, so HOW much more stupid can people get?
Tell you what...I won't bust on YOU (vegans) for what YOU eat, and you leave us MEAT-LOVERS the hell ALONE...kapeesh?
*** Next,  time to drop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids spent the day doing as little as possible.
Still working on staying on the "nice" list for Santa, no doubt.
I've no problem with that. I used to pull out all the stops when I was young, as if to make up for any bad behavior I had displayed earlier in the year. We forget about how good a memory our parents always had.
*** Next up, let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
It's not dandruff...it's snowflakes.
Our furry twosome spent as much of the day as they could near the house. She took to the sheelter, while he went someplace else to stay dry (from the flurries).
Geez, come up for some air.
At least they got to be fed out from under the patio table. And the treats-time keeps coming earlier...for about another 3 weeks, and then, days will start getting longer once again, and maybe I won't be feeding them in the dark by 5 PM, right?
*** Last back to the bowling alley...why does mankind feel the need to control that which he cannot (or even should not)?
Speech has become the tip of the spear on this one...banning (or changing) words, and now phrases that don;t "fit" into some asshole's agenda...this is a VERY slippery slope.
Freedom of speech is STILL contained within our own Bill of Rights, so I see no reason to amend what I say, when I say it, or to whom it is said.
Then again, I will weight my words according to the circumstances. That's called SELF CONTROL (something many feel no need to practice at all).
All words have power, and it's important that ALL of us remember that, rather than summarily ban, change or otherwise amend such words from our lexicon. Same goes for phrases.
What is increasingly troubling, is the fact that a mere few can manipulate the masses with their rhetoric (or the masses will face lawsuits, insults and caustic behavior directed right at them by those few).
We ALL have the right to speak our peace and in most any manner we see fit, but there is no tolerance for oppositional debate, it would seem, given the bellicose behavior of those who want to take from others to make themselves feel superior.
If we don't halt the slow erosion of our liberties and freedoms, we'll wake up one day without ANY at all.
That's something I hope to God never occurs...for any of us.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

And top off the weather with Laurie getting home last night to announce that the drivers side wiper had a catastrophic failure. Thankfully, only a few "sugar pills" had materialized by morning.

IDK who did the quote, but I noimate them for a "He gets it." I might have changed the ending to "give a sence of sweet fragrance to a fart", but I'm immature like that.

"Bathtub party"? No. Just no.

I THOUGHT that Saxon Tart was up there before, lol...

I have just two things to say about the Cop Tree. 1- Minneapolis has descended into the seventh level of racism and PC disregard for common sense, this is actually the sanest thing I've seen out of there in a while. 2- It wouldn't be a stereotype if you didn't keep doing/using it.

Bacon- Laurie pointed out this story to me. My response: "PETA has to be the level-worst stupidest people on the planet." Surprised they haven't gone after manure spreaders for being "derogatory".

Oh, before I forget- I hit the work bingo for $80 today! I sit next to the lady rolling the numbers, and after last time we each needed #59 to hit. About the third number today, I filled in another spot and told her, "Now I don't have to get the same number to win"- and the next number was the other one I needed. "She said, "45"- I shouted, "And there it is!" And split the pot with ANOTHER lady!

Back to PETA- they forgot my favorite- "Bacon and eggs- the chicken's involved, the pig's committed"!

You know, I never really went for Santa. Prolly the whole "don't have a fireplace for him to come down" thing. But I was very saintly as a child (ducks to avoid lightning) and never had to modify my behavior...

I would love to answer that first question on the close- BUT I ask the question too much of my own butt.

Bob G. said...

---If the OTHER wiper is still working, then maybe the linkage connecting both wipers (in unison) came loose or off.
If you have one, then the motor's okay. That's a good thing.
---The quote is from someone I only featured once before, but it's a very pertinent person.
---Bathtub party...and we now have TWO in agreement.
---Saxon tart...LOL. You busting on Harold Saxon's wife again?
---Granted the Minneapolis has taken it on the chin recently (perhaps with SOME ring of truth), but that doesn't represent ALL the cops there, just as the crims don't represent the entire BLACK population there either.
---Funny thing about stereotypes...some people LIVE UP TO THEM...and love doing so. Kinda weird, but true.
---Good for Laurie, and DON'T give PETA any more ideas...geez!
---Congrats. The Lord doth provide in the most unusual ways sometimes.
---That's a good one (bacon and eggs)...gotta remember that.
---We never had a fireplace either (just a small stack to let the furnace fumes out and no WAY he was gonna get HIS girth down that, but things seemed tp work out anyway. (stop ducking...heh).
---We create our OWN situations when it comes to any form of "control"(and those can be relatively handled), but it's NEVER as all-0emcompassing as that which strips everyone of their freedoms, liberties , principles and values...remember that. This is evil (hard) at work...pure and simple.
Take comfort in knowing that GOOD will overcome that.

Hey, thanks for swinging by to comment.

Stay safe (and never a vegan) up there, brother.