20 December 2018

Thoughts For Thursday...
Yes, that's RAIN you see (and feel) outside today...NOT snow.
(a cheap way to get the car washed)
But don't rule out the possibility of a wee bit of snow for Christmas day...it could still happen (even if it's a dusting).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies (well, duh!) scattered light showers and a high once again climbing to the upper forties. That's doable, considering the alternatives and the impending WINTER solstice looming ever closer.
Now, let's get a refreshing drink to start the day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First off of the front steps is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"As we give presents at Christmas, we need to recognize that sharing our time and ourselves is such an important part of giving." 
This is attributed to one Gordon B. Hinckley (June 23, 1910 – January 27, 2008) was an American religious leader and author who served as the 15th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from March 12, 1995, until his death.
And HERE is his WIKI:
It is a rather long read, but does go into his service with the LDS church.
I'm not a follower of their particular brand of faith, but once in a while, they speak some truth to God, and that works for me.
I would not consider Mormonism the only true form of Christian religion (as they do), so there you are.
You can read up on Mormonism for yourself and make the call.
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today,Bob?" feature:
---It's Mudd Day
(not Harry, but Doctor Samuel Mudd , Lincoln assassination conspirator)
---It's National Sangria Day
(lift your glasses, folks)
---Almost forgot - it's also National Re-Gifting Day
(talk about getting ahead of oneself, hmm?)
*** Next up, Tis the season to do some drug sweeps. Here's the story:
This sweep took place in Huntington County. I must say they all look resplendent in STRIPES. Brings out their eyes...LOL (bloodshot as many of them are).
But wait...there's (always) MORE...
This sweep took place in TWO counties - Wells and Adams.
I must say, this batch of losers look REAL good in ORANGE.
And WTF is with that ONE perp with all the FACIAL TATTS?
Brandon Mincoff
Something tells me he's never worked a real job...no one would hire him looking like THAT, but I'd wager he's gotten public assistance (now he gets 3 hots and a cot...behind bars...HA!)
*** Next, Tis the season to open fire INSIDE a Kroger grocery store. Here's the story:
This took place at the Kroger up on north Clinton S at Coliseum around 1840 hrs. last evening.
In this next report, one woman was visibly shaken (and deservedly so):
I have NO idea what possesses some people, especially around the holidays.
While the description of the people involved were not released, I would bet good (folding) money it was another case of black-on-black crime.
It just feels (and sounds) like the type of crap these thugs pull in public...without regard for anyone else who might be around them.
*** Next up, Tis the season to reward your dog. Here's the story:
Now THIS pooch has one helluva nose...sniffing out 160 POUNDS of pot.
He's a Gooood boy!
This took place in Marshall County, which means it "could" have been headed to FTW...not any longer...LOL!
*** Next, Another very good column by Kevin Leininger regarding cameras on our streets. Here's the link:
You have to admit that is some cases, the cameras work, but as Kevin writes, this isn't always the case.
So what can Fort Wayne do?
Well, you COULD put some in the hot spots down in the SE, as well as along major shopping corridors around the city (which does NOT include the SE - we have SO little retail anymore).
I DO know that when a recycle location had cameras installed, the number of scrappers targeting the place dropped off the radar, so there IS cause to at least try this in locations where heavy traffic and crime are currently taking place.
*** Next up, let's stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
"Just making sure the lid's back on tight."
The kids did fine yesterday, as I decorated the tree.
Didn't have any interruptions as the ornaments went on, and that was good.
I'm happy to report that there were no leg-collisions either...lol.
"And I'm making sure HE made sure."
The birds emptying the feeder kept the cats somewhat occupied.
And no, neither cat was trying to use the computer to order cat toys.
*** Next, let's check back in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Take a breath, will 'ya?
Our furry twosome were there yesterday for Wet Food Wednesday.
But after they ate, both of them went a'roaming.
They came back for lunch and then took off again, returning close to dinnertime.
Not gonna miss a meal here.
At least I didn't catch either of them sitting in the damn street!
And they got hand-held treats on the patio AND on the back steps, as has become the (new) custom.
Yes, they do have US trained quite well.
*** Last back to the garage...remember the days when people settled disputes with their FISTS?
I do, and such times often meant that public venues (like the grocery) were not the best place to conduct oneself in such a manner, mainly because of the witnesses.
These days, damn near everyone has a smart phone and when an outbreak of stupidity occurs, there they are, posting it to some social media site, believing they will become the next digital DeMille.
Sorry people, taking a video of an assault (or worse) is not a competition sport. You should be either seeking to get the hell out of the way of the fracas, or going to get some HELP...THOSE should be the ONLY TWO things on your primate minds.
Then again, it always comes back to those morons who just HAVE to act out their drama in aisle 5 of a local grocery...or a bar parking lot...or wherever they feel the "need" to express themselves in some reprehensible manner.
Our society (and the world in general) is fast losing the ability to act in a CIVIL and ETHICAL way, and that's not good for the rest of us who might get caught in the cross-hairs, is it?
Used to be a time when those idiots were a very small minority of any population, but nowadays, they are growing in numbers to the point where their bestial behavior permeates damn near ANY venue and at any time.
As I said yesterday, there really NEEDS to be a paradigm shift in the way we conduct ourselves in public. What you do in private is YOUR business, but what takes place in front of "non-combatants" and children needs to be stopped...and the sooner, the better...for everyone.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Well, here I am again... one day of working (inventory) and back off again... tomorrow is supposedly a full day, though...

It would be more fitting to have a Harry Mudd Day. I'll not celebrate an assassin...

Re-gifting... WTH?

Mincoff... just what I thought when I first saw the bust story this AM. Second thought: How sold out to satan one must be to do that to yourself and think of it as anything but stupid and life-ruining...

Kroger: race or not, I'm betting it's a cheating wife thing...

Geez, not to take away from the dog, but I would have a reasonable shot at sniffing THAT much MJ...

My KL take: If we're gonna have cameras, attach laser cannons to them... just a thought.

My civility take: Comment on the cameras basically applies here too!

(BTW, yesterday's comment on pausing to go to FB was because I knew I would be distracted during the song- no point in reading what I WANTED to pay attention to, so I went somewhere I didn't care what I read...)

Bob G. said...

---Never underestimate the (spiritual) value of a day off (with or without pay)...
---Yeah, who gives a rip about Dr. Mudd anyway?
---I know...kinda early for that. I liken it to taking something back...only instead of a store, it's someone else...heh.
---Agreed. I miss the days when the ONLY ones with tattoos were former military (and those were a lot more tasteful and very few in number).
I think the O/T talks to this. Can't recall where.
---You're most likely correct there...well over 50% of ALL incidents like this (gun or no gun) are due to SOME sort of love-triangle (more like LUST triangle).
---LOL...depends on which way the wind blows, but that vehicle was probably NOT a compact car...more like an SUV (and carmakers want us ALL to buy them in the future). Crazy stuff.
---NOW you're talking my kinda tactics (you sure I'm not a bad influence on you?)
Wouldn't need a cannon...just a nice beam going through the skull would work.
---Yes, with THOSE idiots, I'd advise a laser cannon...you can get rid of more of them faster...HA!
(what? Too judgmental? NAH. Just common sense.)
---Okaaaaay then. I think I figured that out with the music distraction.
If not, I'll keep reading it until I do...

Thanks for stopping by to comment today.

Stay safe (and un-distracted) up there, brother)