25 January 2019

Friday Follies - Frostbite Edition...
(We'll need 'em to stay warm)
If you're not wearing the long underwear today, you WILL be next week.
Some of the COLDEST temperatures in YEARS will be coming to our area in Indiana.
(and to think last year was considered to be the 4th WARMEST year on record...yeah, right)
I suppose people will look back on this year and think a bit differently.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will bring us...COLD (and plenty of it). We're starting the day off in MINUS numbers (w/ the wind chill), but temps will rise to around TWELVE degrees, with mostly cloudy skies, and light winds making it feel colder.
Wow, sounds like a balmy day at Thule AFB.
Now, what say we get this day off and running with a nice large cup, glass or mug of Friday Fortitude (heat mine up first), as we see what else has been going on...shall we?
*** First off of the ice pack is our "What the hell is happening today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Big Wig Day
(well, if it keeps your head warm...go for it)
---It's National Florida Day
(okay, don't rub it in)
---It's National Irish Coffee Day
(yes, and in a large, honking cup)
---It's National Opposite Day
(sounds like what the "locals" do around here all the time...lol)
*** Next, and since we have finally arrived at week's end, let's see what we can observe (while trying NOT to freeze) over the following 48 hours:
---Saturday is National Green Juice Day
---It's National Peanut Brittle Day
(that's more like it)
---It's National Seed Swap Day
(I'm not going out for that)
---It's National Spouses Day
(this I can stay inside for...lol)
---Sunday is National Chocolate Cake Day
(sounds like a winner, but will brownies suffice?)
And there you go...enough things to do over the weekend to keep you out of the cold an safe inside.
Just remember to ALWAYS observe responsibly.
*** Next up, it's our Friday Bill O'Reilly column:
If anyone can be a judge of this topic, it would have to be Bill.
And, it makes the case for the problems that are inherent with such HUGE monopolies.
(nothing like the board game, I assure you).
And if that's not enough, check this blog post from 2010:
Ahh, there is a psychology at work here.
I think it was Vladimir Lenin who once said that if you can control the press, you can control hte people.
Maybe that's where Josef Goebbels learned that as well.
Either way, it would seem most of OUR media today is following suit, and that cannot bode well for our society or our country.
*** Next, let's stop by our "Kitten Corner"...
I can truthfully say that the cold is not bothering our kids.
"Lookitthebird, lookitthebird, lookitthebird."
Having some birds come by and check out the empty feeder (note to self: fill it today) keeps at least Gallifrey occupied.
As for our little Violet?
"I iz no fool when it comes to comfort."
Well, she's perfectly content to stay in direct line with the heat register, and that means parking on one of the dining room chairs under the table.
Can't say I blame her on bit.
*** Next up, let's do our last check this week with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
"I iz NOT wandering far from all this food."
Our furry twosome spent yesterday somewhat close by the house. Whiskers was in the shelter, and that was evident when she came out, covered in straw.
As foi Midnight.?
"Hey, I DID show up for breakfast."
Well, he missed lunch AND dinner (again), but did was huddled against the garage door when Wifey got home, so he (and his "sister" got some back step treats.
Here's hoping they BOTH stay closer with this weather.
*** Last back to the iceberg...life can consist of vicious cycles...if we allow it.
In NYC< they raised the minimum wage (again) to around $15/hr. Now, while I had to work YEARS to attain that pay grade, today. ot' just handed out.
Naturally, the USUAL results follow, such as what takes place in the food service industry.
When wages rise, so does the cost of food to the customers (to offset the pay raises), and then comes the hours CUT to restaurant employees, if not out right laying off of some to (once again) defray the costs of paying higher wages.
Seems this generation is adamant about NOT starting at the bottom rung of the workplace ladder.They'd rather start in the MIDDLE.
Of course, you never get something for "nothing", right?
To me, a "living wage" is not something an employer just arbitrarily hands out as soon as you walk in the damn door; it's something you EARN, and in increments, as you obtain expertise and time in with whoever you work for.
It also has to do with reliability - can they count on you, and are you not just there "marking time".
Work ethics is losing it's place in society today (as is civility in general), and with the advent of A.I. and the proliferation of robotics, how soon will it be before "we" become obsolete?
Now there's something to really think about, hmm?
Do have yourselves a good (and warm) weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


Susan Kane said...

Oh, how I love David Tennant. Why can't he come back? Matt Smith? Peter Gibaldi?

National Chocolate cake day. Yup, I can go with that one.

Bob G. said...

---Hard to beat a proper start to the weekend w/ David Tennant.
---The BBC is playing the diversity game with Doctor Who.
Lord only know what they'll be playing at with next.
(how ablaut a return to something more familiar?)
We can hope.
---And you can NEVER go wrong with chocolate cake!!!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

Have yourself a good weekend and do stay safe and warm out there.

CWMartin said...

And, he's here!

Boy, other than Irish Coffee and choc cake...

Big message from O'Reilly: "...but actively aiding them is unique..."
And that is where we fail when we think the press is no worse than yellow journalism ever was.

The other article has gone around in various forms for just about that long on FB. It never has been a secret whose playbook FDR's descendents look to.
I think the only reason it took this long, perhaps, is it took this long for the 21st century American voter to be as stupid as the 1917 Russian peasant was.

NY prolly has to have the higher minwage so that those they wish to eradicate can pay for their 9th-month abortions.

Work ethics top ten: Well, I blow small holes in attendance and appearance, the company sends broadsides into communication and organizational skills...

Bob G. said...

---Always better late than never I say...
Hey, that's a great idea - Irish coffee AND chocolate cake!
(breakfast of champions!)
---Social media - the MOST active when it comes to "aiding" them?
---Great analogy between NOW and "then"...lost of similarities there.
---And he hits another one out of the park...good call w/ NY there...and makes a LOT of sense (sad to say, especially for the inconveniently conceived).
Murder comes in many forms.
---Attendance I can excuse when valid health concerns or harsh travel conditions arise...as for appearance...let's face it, I (also) NEVER wore a suit and tie in ANY factory venue...no harm there.

Thanks much for taking time to stop by and comment.
(we now return you to your Marvel superhero or Star Wars movies of the weekend).

Stay safe (and stay warm) up there, brother.