The month of March is living up to it's reputation of being WINDY, isn't it?
Then again, this IS Indiana, and the weather seems to change at the whim of mother nature.
Be careful driving or walking early on, there will be stuff blowing about and watch for falling branches (or in some cases trees).
Our Hoosierland weather will bring us mostly cloudy skies, a chance of rain , dropping temps and a high in the 40s, which will soon drop into the lower 30s by late afternoon. The winds will diminish into breezes, too.
Now, let's take a moment to get ourselves a nice cup, glass or mug of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the wind tunnel is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
MARCH 15 -
---It's National Everything You Think Is Wrong Day
(thought I was wrong once, but I was just mistaken)
---It's National Kansas Day
(with this wind, it kinds feels like we're in Kansas)
---It's National Pears Helene Day
(sorry, not a fan of pears in any form)
---It's National Shoe the World Day
(like to shoo most of the locals around here. Oh, it's the OTHER "shoe" it)
*** Next, and since we have arrived at week's end, let's take a look at what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
MARCH 16 -
---Saturday is Everything You Do Is Right Day
(I'll bet there are a few things that would be "wrong"...heh)
---It's National Freedom of Information Day
(and some are trying to redefine what THAT freedom is, trust me)
---It's National Panda Day
(which has nothing to do with Panda Express)
---It's National Quilting Day
(that's a pretty big deal in Indiana)
MARCH 17 -
---Sunday is National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day
(gee, I wonder WHY that is?)
---It's St. Patrick's Day
(and here we are again...break out the Guinness!)
There you go...plenty of stuff to keep you occupied and out of the local jail. Just Remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, I thought our water was fine in Fort Wayne:
Guess we were wrong.
We're told that any smell is due to run-off.
If you think the city water has a smell, maybe you should check out some of the offices at city hall.
*** Next, I suppose this could only occur in Vermont:
A GOAT (?) was elected honorary mayor in Fair Haven, Vt.
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His "honor" - the Mayor? |
((On the way out of the offices, the honorary mayor defecated on the floor — leaving clean-up to the police chief and other attendees.))
ROFL...WTG, "Lincoln". You tell 'em!
*** Next up, and speaking of GOATS, or should I say JACKASSES, we have this little gem:
So, Pelosi wants (read needs) to LOWER the voting age to SIXTEEN...(uh oh).
Now, lemme see...where dio I remember this from?
That's right. The 1968 movie WILD IN THE STREETS.
Thing is, this could well have a domino effect, so be VERY careful what you wish for along these lines, you old crone.
*** Next, Wifey is taking another trip down to Vincennes to visit her dad.
And, as usual, Iit's time to worry my ass off.
Sorry, but I tend to notice what goes on along our highways, and that's bothersome, especially when it typically involves semis.
.It also means I get to play "bachelor" once again - cook for MYSELF, east what I want and basically try NOT to off the entire neighborhood when they piss me off.
It's a bit of a challenge, but what in life (that's worth anything) isn't, right?
*** Next up, time to top by "Kitten Corner"...
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Thank you for your cooperation, Violet. |
That means it was time to TRY and get some decent pics of the children...not that it's easy.
Gallifrey is usually sleeping, or has his eyes wide SHUT.
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Acting "derpy" once again. |
Either way, they both stay "on the move" enough to make photography a chore.
*** Next up, let's do our check-in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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Someone has to guard the gate. |
Whiskers just hunkers down in a shelter when it gets blustery, and comes out to get her food.
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A little pre-meal stretching. |
Gotta be a mutual thing with this pair.
*** Last back to the kite I sad above (and many times before that), life has it's share of challenges.
And perhaps the greatest challenge WE, as Americans face, is the continuance of our country as it was created and nurtured by our founders and our ancestors.
It seems every week, there's something new added to the mix when it comes to being challenged.
On a global scale, a lot of this is pretty much out of reach of the average American, but on the state and local levels, we can do a lot more, if we CHOOSE to.
We can't all be city (or state) officials, but as everyday people, we can lead the way merely by letting others see our lvies as an example of what a good American can be.
Better still, we can demonstrate, by how we live, what it is to be a GOOD PERSON.
My parents weren't perfect, but they were good people. I know this NOT (just) from having them as parents, but how others treated them . They were good role models not just for me, but to society in general.
The "greatest generation" had much to say in that regard, and many of them did it without having to utter a single word.
Actions will ALWAYS speak louder than words...that's a given. Others don't take the time to talk (in today;s society, that's all too true), so they will watch others.
What we're challenged with is making sure what THEY see is good and not anything bad.
Therein lies the lesson for the week.
Do have a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Everything you think is wrong day: Wow, AOC's birthday? How old is she?
I don't even know Helene... not gonna celebrate her pears...
Shoe day: Oh, there's a solution... I'm gonna fly like an eagle...
Saturday Right day: Looks like I stay in bed...
Water: Everytime we get melt off, we get smelly water. As a recent bathroom trip shows, it has nothing on me.
Mayor Goat: What a progressive idea! Not only is he a politician who will pick your pocket like the rest, but he'll eat it while you're still wearing the pants!
Gee Nancy, why not just put a reverse-comprehension voter test on the books? The dumber you are, the more votes you get! Do you not get the idea of "not mature enough?" I wasn't mature enough at 18...
Vincennes: Well, D told me I should try to get you out of the house this week. I responded with a GIF of a bundle of dynamite with legs walking your way...
"I'm not sure if they look forward to seeing me as much as I look forward to seeing the two of them." Not unless they give YOU treats. Candy, Bob?
---AOC was "born" (?) on 13 October, and by the way she SPEAKS...she's DEFINITELY TWELVE!
(like, you know?)
---Agreed, although I did know a friend's mom whose name was Helene...nice Austrian lady. and Steve Miller, buddy.
---Yeah, people panic at the slightest stuff anymore...They need to grow a pair (or is that "pear"?)
---Another "great minds" moment there w/ "hizzoner".
---EXACTLY! I said to "D" they should RAISE everything to the age of 21...driving, booze, military...ALL of it goes.
---LMAO. Sometimes, I wonder if that college degree of hers doesn't IMPEDE her understanding of the male psychology.
No reason to leave the house in the care of two CATS...not in this neighborhood.
---If the cats can manage THAT, there WILL be a YouTube video coming,...HA!
(make it root beer barrels)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting today.
Have yourselves a very good weekend & stay safe up there, brother.
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