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(or maybe some cinnamon crescents?) |
But, it's nowhere close to the storm that wiol be pounding the upper Midwest with at least 18 inches of SNOW.
(always something to be happy for...right?)
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us increasing cloudiness, with a chance of rain by this afternoon.
Highs today will only reach into the mid 50s (if that), so better take the umbrella along and be mindful of road conditions later on today.
Now, what say we get a cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa to chase the morning chill away, as we see what else has been taking place, hmm?
*** First off of the comfy chair is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams."
While our dreams can often exceed our reach (or grasp), this quote does offer hope in making oneself a better individual, and that alone is not a bad thing, is it?
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Liberty City section of Miami, Florida...
*** Next, time for the "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
APRIL 10 -
---It's National Bookmobile Day
(God, I can still remember when that came to our schools)
---It's National Cinnamon Crescent Day
(buddy those up with some coffee, and you got breakfast)
---It's National Encourage a Young Writer Day
(that's encourage...NOT indoctrinate)
---It's National Farm Animals Day
(nice bunch of cute critters)
---It's National Siblings Day
(As an "only" child, I don't get any)
*** Next up...well, we POSITIVELY have HOMICIDE #6 now:
This took place about 1820 hrs at a barbershop located at Lake Av. and N. Anthony Blvd. (barely NE).. A man was found on the sidewalk outside and was pronounced dead on scene.
A damn shame...that was (also) a nice area once.
As I said, crime IS moving (from our area) both NORTH and EAST .
*** Next, we have another good Walter Williams column
Again, we se more of a "moral" cause for much of the problems in the black community, and growing into other aspects of our society in general.
I suppose one might say that it was a generation of "kids having kids" that started this particular ball rolling. And as you sow, you shall also reap in kind.
*** Next up, looks like Forbes takes a very high road concerning a certain upcoming movie:
Imagine that...ADVANCE ticket sales are breaking records.
Always nice to be a "witness to history", even if it is cinematic history, isn't it? This IS a big deal, folks.
*** Next, time to stop on by out "Kitten Corner"...
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He was REALLY asleep, too. |
It doesn't bother me that 16 hours of any day are spent snoozing...wish I could get away with that...lol.
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I think she likes to fake her sleeping. |
If you have a pet, then you all know there is always something to learn from them, and in that. we become better humans.
*** Next up, let's do our check in with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
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He spent most all day napping on that carpet. |
Both of them made all three meals and after dinner treats...can't complain about that one bit.
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A good end to a good day. |
Amazing how familiarity can be so comforting, isn't it?
*** Last back to the couch...responsibility should not be that hard a concept to grasp...for anyone.
And yet, it most certainly IS (for many)
As we are growing up, our parents teach us what it means to BE responsible, and take responsibility in whatever we do, especially for those times when we were "less than angelic".
The entire "cause and effect" aspect of humanity comes into play here, because everything we do in life has consequences, good OR bad.
If we grow up KNOWING the difference between right and wrong, then we are better able to distinguish one from the other.
And that makes our personal journey a lot less problematic...for everyone.
But, when such basic facets of mankind are never taught...or learned, that opens the door to a chaotic existence.
The sad part is that many of those who practice such chaos are often not even aware of it. Others live to create it.
Without a working knowledge of being responsible for everything we say or do, there can be little to no real progress in a person's life.
Knowledge is the key here, and the proper application OF that knowledge is what wisdom is all about.
If you learn what those two are, then you're well on the road to accepting responsibility and being accountable to God, yourself, and then, to others. Anything less, and you deny any fulfillment of your potential.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
Quote: So that's the part that messed me up for so long...
Bookmobile: Not surprisingly, I scrolled down to see your comment EXACTLY matched my first thought. Followed by, "I miss that. A lot."
Shooting: But his hair really looked nice...
Williams: Pretty much same exact article by Tony Evans, I found last night: https://www.christianpost.com/news/dr-tony-evans-warns-satan-attacking-biblical-manhood-society-on-precipice-of-disaster.html
Avengers: Hopefully, the movie won't be a dud, and completely collapse the "super-hero-movie-bubble"...
Pets and nighttime: Scrappy and I (usually): I get up about 1 AM and pee. Around three or three thirty, one of the two of us wakes up and we both go. 5 AM, alarm sounds, everybody pees.
Today: Me, 0250. Both: 0430, and stay up. Grrrr....
Today's close: Proverbs in prose. Nice job.
---You're not alone there.
---Those were one of THE high points of every school year for us.
---I'm guessing a robbery gone wrong. The victim was apparently the owner.
---I will check that article out...sounds like more people are speaking the truth these days. Gotta love that.
---With some of the actors having fulfilled their contracts, the MCU will probably have to take a turn (and not a detour).
And at 3 hours 2 minutes in length, ENDGAME will really have to TRY to be a dud. I predict records broken ALL over.
---Nothing like those nocturnal "sojourns" to check the plumbing...heh.
---I never thought of the close in that manner...but I do now.
Much appreciated there.
And thanks for taking time to stop by and comment.
Stay safe (and dodge the rain) up there, brother.
3 hours 2 min. long?! Will there be intermissions, I hope? Will have to check out the Depends.
Cause and Effect--do people even realize the connection any more.
Yes. Donuts all around with good coffee.
---I would like to think they'll have an intermissions (like Lawrence of Arabia).
If not, better get a SMALL beverage...lol.
---It would seem that a LOT of people do NOT know the effect of their actions upon themselves OR others. Therefore they're not aware of what they cause.
---Coffee and donuts - THE "breakfast of Champions"...!
Thanks much for stopping on by and commenting.
Be well out there.
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