Friday Follies...
And the days keep getting a bit warmer. I sure liked the early part of the week. That was
MY kind of summer.
Soon, we'll be back into the hazy, hot and humid stuff. I can wait (until November).
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us mostly sunny skies (again), temps climbing into the low
80s (again), and no rain on the immediate horizon (again).
All sounds a bit predictable, doesn't it?
Anyway, let's get a cup, glass or mug of Friday Fortitude poured as we see what else has been gping on...
*** First up is our
"What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JULY 26 -
National Aunt and Uncle’s Day
(running low on those these days)
National Bagelfest Day
National Coffee Milkshake Day
(did someone say coffee?)
National All or Nothing Day
(that's a bit polarizing)
National Talk in an Elevator Day
National System Administrator Appreciation Day
(if you say so)
National Get Gnarly Day
(no thanks)
*** And, it's the weekend, so let's see what we can observe over the following
48 hours:
JULY 27 -
National Love is Kind Day
(it can be)
National Scotch Day
(now we're talking)
National Crème Brûlée Day
National New Jersey Day
National Day of the Cowboy
(yippee ki-yaaa)
JULY 28 -
National Milk Chocolate Day
(guess I can do chocolate milk)
Buffalo Soldiers Day
(read your history)
National Waterpark Day
National Parent’s Day
(sorry, we're fresh outta those)
There you have it. Plenty to observe.
Always remember to observe responsibly.
*** Once in a while our
"injustice" system gets something
Marcus Dansby, poster boy for bad choices in life got
295 years in jail for the killing of
4 people back in September of
Glad this
POS couldn't wiggle off the hook.
Sorry, but there comes a time when those he killed have to have their voice heard.
*** And we have another dumbass study that obviously does
NOT apply to
THIS older driver:
Imagine that...these people think
OLDER drivers are more distracted by the
"infotainment" systems in vehicles than
YOUNGER drivers...
Sounds like a royal crock to me.
Dad always told me that:
"driving is your second job"...that meant
PAY the hell attention.
I usually have the radio on when I drive...
BUT the volume is low and it does not distract me (that's the job of the idiots on the road all around me...heh).
And no cell phone usage, either...or eating...or drinking (anything).
I will say there are too many buttons on the
BACK side of the steering wheel for
MY liking.
*** Of course, we're not letting the week go without a bang.
And that means it's another
"Our Daily Shooting".
This snippet almost got past me. As could be expected it took place around
0630 hrs last
SATURDAY (took them long enough to post it) on the
SOUTH side (no other location given.
I'm guessing the injuries were not life-threatening.
ALSO had this go down yesterday:
This took place around
1815 hrs in the
4600 block of Weisser Park Av.
Apparently. someone drove by and unloaded at a group of people on a porch. One m,ale was hit in the leg and is listed in serious condition,.
*** Let's shift gears now and stop on by our
"Kitten Corner"...
"I like this other quilt, too." |
Our kids did us proud with another good day of not getting into stuff.
Both of them do like that quilt on the sofa in the family room, so it's pretty much theirs at this point.
"Yep, this is a comfy quilt." |
I mean, it's not like we don;t have
ENOUGH quilts around the house.
Still, when they're that calm, you wonder if everything's okay. I check on them throughout the day, just to make sure of that.
*** Time for the check-in with
"Midnight and Whiskers"...
"I was sleeping REAL soundly...sorry." |
The furry duo were once again close by all day, and made all the meals and even back step treats, although
Whiskers was a bit slow. She must have really been sleeping hard.
"Well, I'm mostly awake." |
Midnight was right there and wide awake...our stalwart biddy.
"Did I miss the evening treats?" |
Caruso missed back step treats, however. Don't know where he went, but he was
M.I.A. Luckily he's back this morning, so no problems there.
*** Last back to the would be nice to wake up in a better neighborhood.
All the things we USED to have down here. |
I used to do just that...about
20 some years ago here.
These days, I sleep with a loaded pistol next to me, just in case.
There are times when things change
SO much(and maybe not for the good) , the only choice you have is to adapt.
To go about as if nothing has changed sets you up for the predators out there (of which there are too many).
Our society has changed a lot over the last
50 years, and some of it has been beneficial to many.
On the other hand, the way evil hangs around with such intent, begs for us to do what we need to in order to sustain a life as close to normal as we used to have.
This is not a gun's an
EVIL issue. Just look at the
Dansby case...pure unadulterated evil there. No remorse at all.
The real crime to all of this is that when good people fail to act and do something to thwart evil, it gains strength, and in today's world, that's the last thing we need...or should want.
There's something to think about.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
SAFE out there, America.
We'll see 'ya next week