08 January 2007

How Much Is Not Enough?

If that query has you going..."WTF"?, you're not alone. There's a purpose for the manner of the question. Read on.

This week FWCS will start the "calculation" process for the "bottom line" of HOW MUCH all the repairs to 53 buildings that belong to the school system will cost US (the taxpayers). There is no good news attached to this, only "less worse" news...like the study to figure out the cost (of repairs) is costing about $400,000. That's before one nail is driven...one screw turned.

Add to this the "Let's keep the citizens of the city OUT of the loop while the Cabal ramrods this downtown sports complex up their butts ASAP" scenario playing out in the darker recesses of the City/County Building (read "Temple"). Cripes, all we need are blood sacrifices and a few druid circles to complete the picture.

And we also have the "sheeple" of this fair city that don't seem to want to get involved, but will most likely be pissed as all get out when they learn how their property taxes will INCREASE. That will be after the facts though, and nothing will be able to be done about any of it. We'll wind up as bad as Fairfax County, VA where the property taxes have grown SO much over the last decade, that a (nice) house once worth slightly UNDER $100,000 is not up to about $450,000...and couples with two well-paying (government) jobs can't even afford to move INTO a damn house. Yeah, THAT kind of "revitalization".

Yessir....a recipe for diaster if ever I saw one. I would love to be proven WRONG in all this....to be told that my taxes will go DOWN, and that even my neighborhood will start flourishing and become a vital part of the city again, but I'm obviously NOT able to grab that "good smoke" the city planners and administrators are fortunate enough to enjoy, and hallucinate to THAT degree. Must be that "connection" with the Prosecutor's Office (and the evidence lockers) that makes THAT possible (for them), eh?

And some new mayor will take office and "inherit" this mess....man, I pity that person. Of course the ONLY solution will be to raise SOME sort of tax(again)....you can bet the farm on that....depending upon whether or not THAT type of gambling would even be LEGAL!

Seems this city has dug a few DEEP holes for itself....nice round, well defined ones to boot...and no matter how much money is dumped into these chasms...it's NEVER enough. Maybe the city and county are hoping that the "blood from turnips (or stones)" saying will somehow REVEAL itself when certain planets realign with the cosmos...who the hell knows at this point.

Still...if *I* am to be one of the masses of recipients of all this wonderful, marvelous, and utterly stupendous "progress"...where the hell is MY JAR of VASELINE, dammit? I mean this is going to HURT...no doubt about that, and the LEAST the city (or county) could do is make the pain a little LESS severe....but NOOOOooooo. Cripes, I (along with every other taxpayer) is footing the bill for damn nearing any and every "whim" the city desires (or so it would appear)....I'm even paying for that jar of Vaseline...so where IS it anyway? And at THESE prices, they better have a trained professional to APPLY it as well!

Seems our city HAS found that "magic bullet" they've been hoping for....and it might be in suppository form (for us).

Ah yes...who would have thought....Vaseline...it's not JUST for hairballs and diaper rash ANYMORE...ask ANY taxpayer of Fort Wayne...they can tell you.

Just wish my CAR could get AS GOOD a "lube job"!


Tim Zank said...

BG...$400,000 divided by 53 buildings is just about $7500 per building for a freakin' estimate....Damn that's good work if you can get it!

As you may have surmised, I don't miss living in the Summit City!

You're gonna need a lot of vaseline!!!

Bob G. said...

Jon Olinger says in another blog that the "real" numbers (read cost of repairs) will be nowhere near the "fluff" figures the people are being told....

This could open a lot of cans o' worms, buddy!

There are figures out there (documented reports) regarding various school districts across the state, and in a future post, I'll be relating these "Tales From the darkside"...
(there is a LOT of data to digest)


Jeff Pruitt said...

I looked at the list of repairs and upgrades for one of the schools I am familiar with. At that school they list adding an elevator. Of course the elevator WAS ALREADY ADDED OVER A YEAR AGO.

You think this is happening on every school's list? What the hell did we pay these guys for?

Bob G. said...

Jon Olinger has said (in other blogs) that the REAL cost is a lot lower than the "numbers" the citizens will see....that makes the hairs on the back of MY neck stand at attention.

THe educational system NEEDS to focus on TEACHING....and leave the buildings to people who DO know how to perform proper PREVENTIVE maintenance....THAT will end this "black hole" of financial irresponsibility currently enjoyed by the school systems not just here, but across the nation.

But that's just "my' opinion....