11 January 2007

We DO Have "More Important" Things.......

As if the city didn't already have enough time to waste, along comes this latest "feel-good" idea. The Summit City is now "officially BRANDED" (that's a scary thought...brings back visions of Auschwitz and Dachau, where they tattooed or "branded" all the people in the camps).

Fort Wayne has a new slogan....inspired to promote businesses and people into moving here...and it does (sort of) roll off the tongue nicely.

Now tell me that doesn't provoke a sense of calm....of serenity...of hope.
Damn shame it's not the TRUTH!

And in lieu of "truthiness" (as is always stated on the Colbert Report), I've come up with some slogans that I feel are a tad more appropriate to the city, it's populace, and it's overall demeanor.
Strap yourselves in...'cause this will be a bumpy ride!

Fort Wayne - Room For Rent

Fort Wayne - Where Crime DOES Pay

Fort Wayne - Irresponsible Leadership...And Proud Of It

Fort Wayne - Back Homey Again

Fort Wayne - The "New" Detroit

Fort Wayne - Tired of Living? Move Here

Fort Wayne - Fat, Drunk And Stupid Works For Us

Fort Wayne - Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Live Here

Fort Wayne - Amber Waves AND Amber Alerts

Fort Wayne - We Just OOZE Apathy

Fort Wayne - Deal With It!

Fort Wayne - Bite Me, I'm Smoking Anyway!

Fort Wayne - This Is A Stick-Up!

Fort Wayne - Where ADHD Is Still A Way Of Life

Fort Wayne - Room For IIlegals

Fort Wayne - Miles Of Denials

Fort Wayne - The Pinnacle Of Putzdom

Fort Wayne - We Tax Your Property AND Your Patience

Fort Wayne - You Want A What? A Job?

Fort Wayne - The Right Choice For The Wrong People

Fort Wayne - More Noise Per Block

Fort Wayne - Neighbors Today...Cellmates Tomorrow

Fort Wayne - Room For More Annexation

Fort Wayne - Empty Your Wallet

Fort Wayne - Where the "Sheeple" Graze Daily

Fort Wayne - Room For Better Government

Fort Wayne - You Want Disrespect? You Got It
Fort Wayne - Where Everyone Moves (away from)

Fort Wayne - Room For Nightmares

Fort Wayne - We Wanna Be Like Indy

Fort Wayne - Who Needs a Mayor When You Have a King?

And finally (my personal favorite thanks to the missus)...

Fort Wayne - Room For Improvement!!!

Just some ideas that were never considered (however applicable).

But there IS that NEW STATE MOTTO they're considering ....hmmm....


Andrew Kaduk said...

Truly classic.

Jeff Pruitt said...


My favorite - Abandon hope, all ye who live here.

Another submission:

Fort Wayne - And so neglect becomes our ally

Anonymous said...

May I add, all of the above.

It's time to come together.

WE believe
in the future of change for this city,
county in the name of...Change.

Bob G. said...


Nice one...right on target!

And I would add that ANY change for the better might entail making some decisions which might cheese off a few folks....

Getting back to societal BASICS would be (imho) a damn good start!
