27 February 2007

Brunhilde on "Hold"?

Yogi Berra once said: "It ain't over 'till it's over". And San Antonio sports writer Dan Cook in 1976 coined the somewhat Runyonesque phrase: "The opera ain't over 'till the fat lady sings". And we all know about never counting chickens before they hatch...

The FWCS board has passed the $500 million repair bill (read "hostage deal") last night during their weekly meeting. But this isn't an "etched in stone done deal" by a long shot. Over 60 people came and spoke out mostly in favor of getting the repairs started. Few notables did bring into question the amount, namely Tim Pape (The Invisible Councilman), C. Lockwood Marine, along with the board's own Jon Olinger and Mark GiaQuinta.

Mr. GiaQuinta tried to have a motion put forward to accept a $300 million plan instead of the one eventually passed, citing he can see this situation being revisited (perhaps twice more) in years to come, and would like to proceed with a bit more caution, and that a lower amount would meet less resistance. Mr. Olinger, although he realized full well the school buildings DO need improvements, the capital buildings fund is not enough to maintain what they have, saying it's ($15-$20 million) not working now as it is. The way the projects are paid for needs to be changed, and the district needs to push the state to make, or allow changes. Tim Pape spoke about crumbling houses around schools that will receive upgrades, and that the neighborhoods need maintenance as well. I would go so far as to say the PEOPLE need some "upgrades", but that's just me.

There were those that vehemently opposed the plan. One woman said: "Your test scores are horrible, and we (the taxpayers) should reward you by GIVING you $500 million?" One man disliked the "blank check" aspect to the plan. Another person stated that "Fort Wayne needs to stand up and say we're not going to take it anymore."

Several people said that line of reasoning is absurd. One teacher stated that "It's as ridiculous as telling your child they can't eat dinner because they came home with a failing test score". I think that's a bit overstated, but you get the idea. I know when I failed a test, I had some priivileges taken from me until I got back on track. Such could be said (or proposed) about this plan.

Now, we can almost be assured there will be a remonstrance over this, and that would effectively (if passed) cut the FWCS off from the gravy-train for a year. Then we start it all over again while projects that need work will go undone. I'm personally FOR the remonstrance, but I am ALSO FOR the building repairs (just not to this degree), and I applaude Jon & Mark by wanting to take a different approach to all this.

I just don't think the taxpayers of this city need or even want to see so much of their incomes (and savings) just "go away" year after year. We can almost state with confidence that any tax INCREASE will not be summarily "rolled back" when this is all over...This ain't Wal-mart, people! When a tax is enacted, it rarely (if EVER) goes away when the "needs" are met. If anything, additional taxes are added on...and we just roll over and play dead, because we must all be OK with that, right? Where do YOU draw the line and say enough already?

(Well, you can always lobby the city to ANNEX some more of Allen County...that will eventually MERGE the two quite well, bringing in more tax money, won't it?)

With an already damaged and depleted tax base, it becomes sheer folly to make the fewer in number pay the greater expense. What about those on FIXED incomes that, because they OWN a home, have to shell out the same increases as everyone else? What about those wanting to become FIRST-TIME home BUYERS? I can't see ANY incentive there. Landlords will HAVE to raise rents for the properties THEY own. Businesses...ditto. And let's be fair about this....we may have MORE residents according to the latest census, but we most assuredly have FEWER people paying taxes as they should.

Never forget that the FWCS (and it's $500 million tax burden on us) is but ONE of over THIRTY OTHER ENTITIES that CAN (and most likely WILL) LEVY PROPERY TAX INCREASES. I cannot stress this enough. If ONE of these entities can tap YOU for an additional $320 a year, who the hell ELSE will? Or are these other entities going to just sit back, cut costs, and let the FWCS be the ONLY one reaching deeper into our pockets.

Think the FWIA (airport authority) will stand by and NOT ask for more money over the next 10 years (when they are upgrading damn near everything)? Guess again. Same goes for the city (and county). Think THEY will stand back and keep their current budget static for the next 10 years? Not hardly! And how long will it be before the county feels the "need" to REASSESS our properties AGAIN (at artificially inflated rates, thanks to housing and mortgage schemes)? And we haven't even mentioned the "Costaplenty Square" project yet, have we?

What we have here is a case of the taxpayers painted into a very small corner with a very large brush...and the paint isn't going to "dry" anytime soon. So where can we go?

I can see another Benton Harbor where Fort Wayne "used" to be on the horizon. I only hope this is a case where lightning will NOT strike twice in the same manner.


Jana said...

"Several people said that line of reasoning is absurd. One teacher stated that "It's as ridiculous as telling your child they can't eat dinner because they came home with a failing test score". I think that's a bit overstated, but you get the idea. I know when I failed a test, I had some priivileges taken from me until I got back on track. Such could be said (or proposed) about this plan."

I have two responses to the above paragraph:

1. That teacher is trying to cover her ass for not doing her job properly. If the students are not passing, then they need to work harder and find a better way/better lesson plans to fix it.

2. This also relates to #1. The parents need to get harder/stricter on their kids for not getting better grades. I also lost privilages when I got bad grades and guess what? I worked my ass off and made them better so I could get them back and learned that making good grades is important in schools and helps you after you graduate.

Sadly, in today's society parents spoil their children too much and coddle them even more. Parents need to realize that children need to be guided properly both in the home and at school so that they will become productive citizens of society. I bet a majority of these parents don't even go to parent-teacher-student meetings, and automatically blame the problems on the teachers.

So, like I said, the reasons are inter-related. If the teachers won't do their job, the parents need to MAKE them do their job. If the parents won't do their job, the teacher needs to STRONGLY suggest that they do or their "precious" child will end up (unfortunately) being like the people who inhabit your neighborhood.

I admire teachers who care and do their job and MORE in the classroom (like D for example). I do NOT admire those who use their jobs as a power-trip towards young children (I'm sure you had your share of those kinds of "teachers" growing up just like I did).

Bob G. said...

You got it, J.

It becomes increasingly clear that we need a lot more parental and student accountability...and we're not talking about Mr & Mrs Upscale living in nice areas that DO demand more from their kids...

We are talking about Ms Welfare and her do-nothing "boyfrenz" that spend all day AT HOME, smoking dope, whoring around and the like. THESE are the people that NEED a good swift kick in their asses to get them on track with the rest of the people.

EVERY single day, I see young kids in my area going to and coming from school...and not ONE DAMN BOOK under their arms or on their backs! No one can tell me these kids NEVER have any homework...no frigging way!

And these are the kids getting all the free breakfasts and lunches...whatta rip off to the taxpayer!

The building projects are an adjunct to the main problem, as are the educators, the curriculum, and the administration.

As long as these kids and parents are not held to the same levels of personal responsibility everyone ELSE is...this problem will plague us for generations to come.


Jana said...

When I was student teaching, my cooperating teacher told me that she believes that one day, not only will schools be responsibile for getting the kids up in the mornings (i.e., giving them free breakfast in the morning), but also putting them to bed at night with a free supper.

Bob G. said...

That my dear is called SOCIALISM (or even worse)...COMMUNISM.

...and we dare not even think of treading there.


Jana said...

VERY true...