26 April 2007

Us vs Them...

People have seen things differently ever since the model first came out. The same goes for the way people ACT. Look at Cain & Abel....not one of the "best" brotherly relationships on the planet. Still, we muddle on, century after century, always trying to better the species, but never quite learning from times past.

We still have wars and conflicts spawned by differing views of some situation, be they global in nature, civil in scope, or even on a much smaller scale, like the 2 sides of the FWCS "hostage situation" ($500 million), the "Costaplanty Square" (looks more like a TRAPEZOID than a SQUARE come to think of it) project, or just some kids in the playground, arguing whether or not one was tagged "it" (they DO still know what TAG is, in the TRADITONAL sense...not pertaining to grafitti OR body spray, right?), and in some ways we manage to (somehow) settle whatever differences which caused these conflicts (to some degree). Many times, quite the reverse is true.

I'm one of those that believes that by and large, MOST people have what it takes to be relatively GOOD in nature...call it the "Benefit of the Doubt Syndrome". I'm at least willing to give any person A CHANCE. And that IS in the SINGULAR. Now many would contend that it's not very fair. I would counter that *if* a person displayed regret or remorse for acting badly once, I could again invoke the "Benefit of the Doubt" and brush it aside. But like the old saying goes: "Fool me ONCE, shame on YOU...Fool me TWICE, shame on ME." In our ever-expanding population, we're bound to encounter those people that for whatever reason have actively chosen to ignore whatever constraints we, as a society have placed upon ourselves to ensure a margin of safety and civility for everyone. These people include (but are not limited solely to) the criminal element.

Now I said all that to say this. There are certain individuals everyone will likely encounter that will, for whatever reason, just not jive with normal people. In many of our neighborhoods, they will probably be that "neighbor from hell"; The one that loves to blast his music to all hours, drive speedily down a street with no regard for children (curiously, this doesn't happen all that often in CUL-DE-SACS), or the one that has several junk cars out front as "lawn ornaments".
They can be the ones that are constantly on the phone to SOME city agency, reporting that John Doe down the street has the wrong wattage light in his front porch fixture, their windows cause the sun to reflect into the house across the street, or that someone's back door is the WRONG color....just to "bust someone's stones", as we liked to call it.Trust me, there ARE people JUST like this. And we ALL still remember what happened in that childrens' story to that boy who cried "wolf"...don't we?

I live on a corner property (10 years running), and with that comes a whole separate set of problems, not the least of which is he fact that lazy-asses LOVE to take "short-cuts" across my lawn (and they have to run over a hill to do it), making it look more barren that the Dune Seas of Tatooine (on a good day)! After several attempts to reseed the area (and getting back a lot of MOSS), I strung up some fishing line (20 lb test for you fresh-water afficianados out there). At first I had a strand of barbed wire between two trees close to the house, and THAT worked really well for over TWO years. Never had ANYONE breach the perimeter. In fact, it even helped to trip up some perp that was being chased by the police at 2AM across the property. It's nice to help the police whenever possible, don'cha think?

But late last year, "someone" (see people described above) called Code Enforcement and I had to remove the wire, replacing it once again with fishing line. I still had one other strand of smooth, NON-barbed, non-taut wire between 2 trees across the front of the property, and unless you're right on top of it, it's not readily seen. It's high enough to not impede animals roaming about, and yet CAN be seen by children (unless they're not paying attention). In other words, it met the criteria of the city ordinance that I downloaded from the city website ( yes, I DO like to know the law).

The law can be found here:

Well, I've since received 2 MORE visits from Code Enforcement (the latest being yesterday) and although the ordinance is ambiguous regarding what *I* use to string between MY trees on MY property, it was suggested that I take the other wire down. The officer personally felt it wasn't a problem in the least. And thanks to the officer, I also now know WHO instigated the calls....it's the village idiot at the OTHER end of the street (who just happens to be a 3-time DUI FELON with more druggie friends than you can shake several sticks at). He tried to elude the ACSD when they tried to serve a warrant to him (but I provided info regarding about WHO he was travelling with and he finally got caught). He's been in and out of the ACSD lockup so frequently over the past 5 years, they've installed a revolving door JUST for him...lol!

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a description of one of the "BAD" guys? He sure doesn't sound like a civic award-winner to me. And doesn't me wanting to keep this area nice AND compliant with codes make me one of the "GOOD" guys? Seems there's a smattering of "back-asswards" thinking in place here.

I suppose I'm "asking for it", when I try my damndest to keep this neighborhood from devolving further into ghettoism (gee, there's that community-oriented policing thing again), but wouldn't some BETTER DECISIONS on THIS jerk's part go a long way to alleviate the problems HE is creating in the first place? What's next? Will he be sneaking onto my property to measure the height of my lawn? Do I have to "get permission" from this moron whenever I choose to do anything on MY property?
Not likely.
I don't think that dog's gonna hunt.

I would think I'm not alone with my feelings on this, because we have SO many neighborhoods with people VERY much like the one described. And I'm sure those other neighbors don't take too kindly to persons that are there only to cause trouble. I know that as far as MY property goes, I have my own little "Zero-Tolerance" policy in place. There is simply NO excuse for blatantly disrespecting someone's property...period. I don't do it...never have, and I only ask (make that demand these days) the same in kind. And that certainly includes people at the other end of my block! The best way to not be bothered by anything I may have strung between trees on MY property...is to STAY THE F$CK OFF OF MY PROPERTY...simple, huh?
It's called TRESPASSING, people!

I did give the Code Enforcement Officer the *411* about this guy at the other end of my block, My question is "Why is HE so damn interested in MY property that he's made it his mission to watch it SO damn much"? Maybe if he'd have a damn JOB, which he hasn't in the 10 years I've been here, and doesn't look the LEAST bit disabled...not the way I've seen him climb trees to prune them, or mow a lawn. I'm sure the FEDS would just love to meet this person (think SSI-disability FRAUD here at the taxpayers' expense).

My wife and I keep to ourselves, bother no one, maintain our property well, and only resort to calling the police when there is an urgent need to (like a fight, or a BRICK through our window). I only call a city agency when there is a problem that has gone on for close to a week (magnanimous by any standard). I think I'm being generous by again, giving these people the "benefit of the doubt", and allowing them more than enough time to correct whatever it is that's incorrect (trash out all week, abandoned cars...you get the idea). I'm actually giving them a pass that a city agency (should THEY see the problem) would issue a warning OR a citation on the spot.

So, does this "guy" have it out for me...probably. WIll I take down the wire? Most assuredly. I will be putting up DECORATIVE WIRE FENCING in it's stead. I will also be planting thorn-laced shrubs in the area as well (to add to the the punji sticks I have under my ground cover.....amazing what the military can teach a person).
And it is a form of "warfare"...make no mistake about that. It's all about how you choose to ESCALATE that will make all the difference. With my "Army of One" (actually three...as in me, myself and I), a factor of 10 is a good escalation figure. Good neighborhoods (and neighbors) don't have problems of this scale...lucky bastards!

If this guy likes my property SO damn much, and just can't keep from "admiring" it a block away 24/7...tell you what...he can bring down about $70,000 and we'll call it done. I'll move (far enough away) so damn fast, it'll look like Doc Brown's DeLorean with those two flame trails from the wheels!

But what about that "next" person that I encounter....?

That could be the NEXT chapter from the tome: "Neighbors From Hell".


Jana said...



Yeah, seems to me these people seem to think they're ABOVE the law and have the "right" to make people who don't agree with their "standards" get in trouble. What a douche-bag!

I like what you told the cops. Sadly, it was probably stuff they already knew about...

Bob G. said...

Thanks for my "new look"...didn't PLAN it...just had some Blogger bugs I hadda chase away...

aka "HTML EDITING for Dummies"!


Still didn't get it "right", but (as we used to say) "close enough for government work"!

As to this moron....well, the NCE officer didn't really know about him, but he said he looked kinda "hinky", and that's good enough for me.

This guy down the block should be the LAST person to talk when it comes to keeping THIS block "livable", because having him alive down there just ain't cutting it...he IS an eyesore, along with his druggie buddies.

Everyone (that USED to live here) referred to him as "Pig"...so that should tell you a ton about him.

Got some good mugshots of him too...(I use them for targets...lol).

He "might" win this BATTLE, but the WAR...is FAR from over....heh, heh, heh.

