01 June 2007

Tempus DOES Fugit...
OK...let's take inventory:

We've got a potential "immigration plan" that is a debacle waiting for a border to cross, violent crime rises for the SECOND year, the SMOKING BAN takes effect today (see 'ya in New Haven, folks), a mayoral candidate is being raked over the coals because someone can do it to him, Hillary Clinton wants to force SOCIALISM on us if she's elected, welfare checks should arrive today, the weather is more akin to AUGUST than June, the farmers are complaining about the lack of RAIN for their thirsty CORN crops, fuel prices hit RECORD highs, Wall street pulls a DITTO as well, the FWCS remonstrance drive takes off, Harrison Square kicks us in the wallet, and AWB's son drives an SUV (LOL)!

And it's only the FIRST of JUNE!

And for all my cynical pessimism, I think we're ready to "turn the corner". I like to believe we're making SOME progress...somewhere.

Yeah, for what it's worth...we MUST be doing OK somewhere.

The good news is that things can't get "too much" worse.
The bad news is...they probably WILL.

Take the Purdue professor that has an idea to make an engine that will run on WATER...you heard me right...plain old H2O! Problem is, with all our dependence on "big oil" and the HUGE profit margins they're making (thanks to US...the consumer), they're not exactly banging down the professor's door for this "new approach" to an alternative fuel source. Hell, they should be taking this guy to breakfast, lunch, AND dinner every day until they get this process up and working for all of us!

The "idea" the professor is working on deals with using water, aluminum, and gallium. Simple, huh? Drop aluminum into water...'ya got BUPKISS! But, if you mix the aluminum with gallium in the water...something wonderful happens...the water breaks down into OXYGEN...and HYDROGEN (I can see aluminum futures going through the roof). And if you recall, hydrogen gives a "better return on your investment" combustably-speaking. It's a better source of power than say....ETHANOL. And with NO PUMPING stations needed, this professor is onto something that could not ONLY wean us off of foreign oil dependency, but wean us off of oil COMPANIES altogether. How novel is THAT?

No wonder the government is dragging it's heels....this guy is a THREAT to big oil...(horrors)!!! Imagine not having to ever go into a filling station again...neat, huh? I wonder how long it will take the government to be cajoled by these oil moguls into BUYING this professor's patent, and then promptly SHELVING it (as they already have with other technologies in years past)? It's kind of like having the Ark of the Covenant in some warehouse...collecting dust.

Here's a chance for Indiana to be at the forefront of something BIG...I mean REALLY BIG. But I feel the Hoosier state will take the obligatory "pass" on this, because of all the corn crops (suffering from lack of water), which will drive prices even HIGHER. Another missed chance for redemption here in Indiana. Another "list" we here will most surely be near the top of again.

But I'm on board with the professor...if HE can come up with something better for everyone...let's bring it! And bring it ASAP! Maybe we're long overdue for some quantum leap in technology...and Purdue University might have within it's hallowed halls the ONE PERSON who can make this happen. Let's just give the professor a go at it.

We still have half the year to go...what the hell.

We don't have much to lose at this point...and everything to gain.


Jana said...

I hate Big Oil. They're worse than the Trusts that existed in the early 1900's (Standard Oil is a prime example).

I wish the Republicans would do something about all of this. True, some advances are being made via hybrids, but if this guy can get this water idea right, it would be tremendous for the citizens of the US!

I hope that this isn't shelved. Don't the idiots in D.C. realize that one day in the future, oil won't exist anymore????


Bob G. said...

Here's a link to the story:


And another link:


And lastly:


SO don't take *my* word for it...



Jana said...

Aaah, so it's already been patented!


I'm hoping that the process is all figured out here soon!

Should make the EPA happy, no?

Thanks for the links, B-san!


Bob G. said...

Patents can always be bought (for the right price)....

And then they WILL sit on some shelf.

Just hope the "prof" doesn't sell out (crosses fingers).
