18 July 2007

Hump-Day Happenings...

Middle of the week....half way to the weekend. And with it, another smattering of all the news you'll NEVER get to read and some you might.
The Surgeon General DOES warn that reading this just might lead to a better understanding of the way the world actually IS.

Here's a story you WON'T see in our local papers here in Ft. Wayne:

A neighbor one block over had a house she was selling ransacked by "scrappers" - those wonderful people obsessed with not only making people's lives miserable, but also trying to get quick drug money by relieving houses of their copper tubing and sundry other "metals of interest".

The house was a dump, infested with some of the most notable white trash vermin I've seen in some time, and was purchased for basically a song & a dance. My neighbor recruited her two sons (both able and versed in various trades) and after some serious outlaying of money, turned a hovel into a place even *I* wouldn't mind moving into.

It's one of the nicest houses in this area, and that even includes the garage. I know because my wife and I had a "tour" the other day, and we were both very impressed. But sometime later that night, while the neighbor was home (she lives right next door), the house was broken into, and all the copper in the basement was removed. Although the side door had been forced open, the deadbolt assembly is STILL intact, so the property can be secured. A police report was filed, but without anyone doing a dust for prints, I don't see anything coming of it.

So be warned...these scrappers are out and about, and even though you might not be aware of it...they ARE watching YOUR house, looking for just the right opportunity to make their move (and your day worse). A word to the wise should be sufficient.

* * * *

And here's another "side story" that will never show up in the news:

The house where the 11 year old girl (who was killed in that car crash 2 days ago) once resided, decided to "mourn" this child's death...by tossing a WILD-ASS PARTY last night.
Yes, you heard me right.

Apparently we now GRIEVE by GETTING TOTALLY WASTED outside until MIDNIGHT. Now I will be the first one to say that when it comes to black OR white trash (people, not litter), ANY excuse to have some sort of shindig is viewed as THE thing to do. And about 30+ cars came and went from 6PM until the witching hour. We had loud music (one could go outside and hear the lyrics), copious parking (along other peoples' properties and streets), as well as a stuntman (who provided entertainment by doing 50 mph WHEELIES on his cafe bike along the street in front of the house).
In lieu of the neighbor's break-in, I half-expected to see some police checking out the area for suspicious people. I saw ONE (count it...1) police car cruise by, and he did nothing (everyone got real quiet for about 2 minutes).

The party-goers brought their children, who screamed like a group of wild chimpanzees, and they basically all hung out at the house, spilling out into the street, effectively blocking ANY traffic.
Fortunately, the party broke up at midnight, so I didn't have to call the police myself! I fully understand the mourning process, having buried both parents, and attending numerous funereal services over the decades, but WHERE (exactly) does it say that a child's death should be treated like a damn MARDI GRAS?

Where is the dignity...the respect for an apparent "loved one" that has died in such a tragic manner? Oh, wait...I think I get it now...they're BLACK.
That explains it.
It must be a cultural thing.

They have enough kids still ALIVE to go around, so what's the big deal with one DEAD kid...Time to PAR-TY. Yeah, the hedonism rears it's ugly head once again. No wonder they act the way they do. Funny, people I know usually have a quiet meal with family at the house or out at a restaurant. Nobody acts the fool, nobody gets wasted, and nobody bothers others not included in the mourners. There's this modicum of respect shown all around. But that's the CIVILIZED manner to celebrate one's life (and mourn one's passing).

Finally, a (somewhat related) story that DID make the papers, and this one's a real "hoot":

In Los Angeles, the "latest report" states that anti-gang legislation and police crackdowns are failing so badly, that gangs are actually being strengthened and are making U.S. cities more dangerous. Funny how this comes in the wake of OUR city's recent forming of a joint "gang task force", isn't it? Will this be more money wasted? One professor of criminal justice at Loyola University said: "This is just old wine in new bottles. Gang crime and violence in poor urban neighborhoods have been a problem since the 19th century".

Gee, what did I say a few days ago?
Maybe I should seek tenure at some college, because it appears like I must be a frigging PROFESSOR myself.

These people also say that gangs need to be viewed as a SYMPTOM of "other problems" such as violence, teen pregnancies, drug abuse, and unemployment.

WHOA...stop the presses!
These "academics" have now got the shoe on the WRONG foot, here.

Gangs are not a "symptom" OF another problem...they ARE the problem. With gangs such as these, you DO have drug abuse. You DO have violence. And unemployment (read the unwillingness to SEEK a job) DOES create gangs. What else is there to do with all that "free time", eh? As for teen pregnancy, well, aside from rape, it not due to gangs...it's due to someone not keeping her legs shut, and some guy with too easy access to his family's "jewels".

The report goes on (and on and on) stating that both Chicago and LA are losing the war on gangs, because they focus on law-enforcement, not on intervention. And here I thought LAW-ENFORCEMENT WAS INTERVENTION. Silly me. What the f$ck was I thinking?

This report, flawed as it appears will probably get more attention as time passes (sadly). Civil rights (uh-oh..I smell the ACLU lurking nearby somewhere) attorney Connie Rice was hired by LA to evaluate anti-gang programs. Her report called for an initiative to provide jobs and "recreational" programs in impoverished neighborhoods.

Sure, that makes sense...they don't WANT to work anyway (forget the jobs thing then), so let's give them more "entertainment" (booze, drugs and guns aren't enough?) to pass the seemingly endless time they have on their primate hands...sounds like a real PLAN, Connie.
And while we're at it, we can all form a circle, join hands with all these gang-bangers and rap some rounds out of KUMBAYA....!

Wes McBride, executive director of the California Gang Investigators Association dismissed the findings of the report, which he said was written by a bunch of "Thug-Huggers".

Way to go, Wes...seems he "Gets It", too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I met you the other day and didn't even realize it.

I just read your post about the break-in across the street from you...if I recall correctly, I think we spoke briefly in the street.