17 August 2007

Friday Follies...
GEEZ, Joe...would you and your partner EASE UP??? Yes friends.....we made it through yet another 120 hours (that would be the last five days aka the work week), and we're at the threshold of the "autumn of summer" as I like to call it.

The days are getting shorter (as were most parents patience with the kids home for the past 2 months), geese are beginning their migratory flight south for the winter (look overhead most mornings before 9AM, but watch for "falling steamers"...LOL), and we're starting to see the faint murmurings of items that will go on sale for Halloween (some people just cannot wait).

So, to help get your day going in the RIGHT direction (and that has NO political affiliations whatsoever), here are some snippets from what is going the hell on all over the place.

No Sugar Tonight...
The FSSA has dismissed Rev. Michael Latham from his $60K position because of lack of performance in the created job (which came with a $37K assistant and a state owned vehicle). The going rate for pastors for the state is around $32K, so WTF is wrong with THIS picture? Add to this, Latham is receiving 60% disability bennys because of a virus coupled with his diabetes (hence the title of my snippet). Hell, most employees ONLY get 50% and that's after being AT the job for YEARS, not less THAN a year. Then again, this IS coming out of INDY, and we all KNOW the trouble going on in THAT town...don't we?

Gimme Back My Bullets...
And while you're at it, can I have my frigging AIR CONDITIONER BACK as well, you thief?
Seems the FWPD are still trying to figure out exactly what went on when a man called 911 saying he was pursuing a pickup that was carrying two men and a LARGE air conditioner. The man called 911 back after he reacquired the suspect pickup that was carrying HIS air conditioner near Maumee and Kitch streets, near Omni-Source.
When police arrived, they found one man in the back of the pickup with a gunshot wound to the arm. He was taken to the hospital in fair condition, and the other man in the truck as well as the "victim" were taken in for questioning. No arrests have been made yet. Police believe the shooter was the owner of the air conditioner.
This was NOT a room air unit, either, so those of you with CENTRAL units, keep an eye on those condensers outside. They are probably being watched by scrappers, which is what I think these 2 men were. No one steals a "central" unit to "hook it up" to their house...there's too much involved for a novice, trust me. It CAN be sold for some serious scrap metal though.

You Gimme Cat Scratch Fever...
But if your cat HAS a FEVER...it might be due to a flame retardant found used in foam, plastics, furniture, electronics, fabrics and carpeting. A new federal study suggests there is a link between this retardant and over activity in a cat's thyroid, producing sickness. This could also be a warning sign that children are being exposed to this as well.
The study of 23 cats found the older felines had high levels of PBDEs (for you scientists out there, this is polybrominated diphenyl ether), and had a tendency to have overactive thyroids.
Hyperthyroidism is treatable in both cats as well as humans. In cats, this disease soared during the 1970s and '80s soon after the chemicals became common, according to the researchers (took 'em damn long enough to figure this out, didn't it?). Because the cat study is preliminary, people should NOT overreact and sell all their furniture (whew..that's a relief), or rid themselves of carpets. But it would help to wash blankets more frequently and check labels for flame retardants when buying furniture.

There you go...so even if you "buy the farm", be sure to check the carpets and furniture anyway...just to be sure...LOL!

Have a great weekend!


Jen said...

Kids and/or cats just laying around, sitting on furniture and doing virtually nothing.... and the press sees that there's a link here to the thyroid aka obesity? Nope, I just can't see the connection. Leave it to the media to notice the obvious....LOL :P

I too have been noticing the geese in their nice arrow formation headed south for a couple of weeks now.... makes me wanna cry.

If someone tried to steal my air conditioner, well.... lets just say he'd never be heard from again. Thieves SUCK and it should be totally legal to shoot them while they're commiting their crime. Maybe it'll teach them a lesson, or better yet it just might serve to thin out that "gene pool" of scum.

And the good Reverend Latham doing something wrong??? NO WAY?!?! I bet that the "whitey in power" is the cause of his latest sin..... LOL!

bobett said...

Yes. It's the power of the media & radio that zaps the populus into a zombie state.

It's filled with frivolous propaganda about the world wide weather; global murder's here and there. We in America love how every station and newspaper plays back the same information. It's
simple at best.

In a nutshell, it's scary... because who censors or/& owns the tv networks & major papers dictating what we read & see?

I'm feeling the socialism taking over in the United States Of America.