21 September 2007

More (black) Power To 'Ya...
You can't turn on the TV or pick up the paper without hearing SOMETHING about the uproar in Jena, Louisiana over six black boys that beat one white boy into unconsciousness. Problem is, this brouhaha is over how the six black boys were being treated...forget the victim...AGAIN.
We apparently don't recognize REVERSE racism when it kicks us in the ass these days.

Sharpton, Jackson, and their merry band of devolved civil rights "advocates" basically stormed into this small Louisiana town (shades of the Gestapo) of 3500 like a plague of locusts, and with a fervor unparalleled in recent years have taken it upon THEMSELVES to mete out what THEY feel is "justice" in the form of a street-filled protest. Now anyone who read my LAST post this week concerning justice will get an idea how I feel about this and where I plan to go with THIS post. But for those of you who didn't bother to avail yourselves of this enlightening rant, allow me to reiterate here.

Between 15,000 to 20,000 "marchers" (some said 50,000) converged on Jena, LA with signs saying "FREE THE JENA SIX", and "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH". They have come from all over the nation, showing a wonderfully misplaced demonstration of solidarity for something being blown WAY out of proportion, and for the wrong reasons.
But that's what we've come to expect from the likes of the "Jesse & Al Show". The protesters are accusing the local prosecutors of RACIAL BIAS (the old, dog-eared race card in play again, folks) setting their aggressiveness in the beating case against their decision not to seek charges against white students accused of hanging nooses in a tree months ago (the tree was cut down...poor tree didn't do anything).
One might say this all stemmed from an intrusion that could be labelled a turf war of sorts. The white kids always sat under this tree. The black students wanted to do the same (what's yours is mine, and what's mine is my own in play here), and therein lies the basis for this societal problem. Reminds me of that kid that would swipe YOUR soda bottle because HE wanted some and was too damn lazy to BUY his own. The D. A. contends his office acted appropriately, and that he could NOT find ANY state law that would allow him to file charges in the noose hanging, which he called "villainous".

"It's not just about Jena, but about inequalities and injustices across the country", said Stephanie Brown, national youth director for the NAACP.
So the fact that a portion of YOUR own people CHOOSE to do drugs, sell drugs, rape, intimidate, litter, annoy, steal, burglarize, strong-arm, and otherwise create the problems within you OWN communities across America (as well as within the general populace) in the first place is representative of the INJUSTICE and INEQUALITY you speak of, yet NEVER enters into YOUR equation...that sound about right, dear? When YOUR people are wronged...you bitch (and many times, rightfully so), but...when YOUR people ARE wrong...you STILL bitch. Man, talk about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing!

This was a case of SIX blacks beating ONE white. And the SIX blacks are the VICTIMS here? What the f$ck is WRONG with this picture? If it were the OTHER way around, I could see the AL & JESSE bandwagon coming to town...that would be considered some sort of HATE CRIME. But because the ONE WHITE BOY was beaten and the SIX BLACK BOYS were arrested, that's perfectly OK, and the perpetrators are the ones being "wronged" and it's NOT considered a "hate crime".
Sorry, I wouldn't buy THAT line of crap for all the tea in China!
I have said that *IF* there is to be another Civil War, it will be instigated by these radical blacks that seek ONLY to have what they WANT, at anyone Else's expense, don't want to strive or otherwise WORK for it, and they want it all...immediately. Think of this as a MACROCOSM of what transpires in neighborhoods daily. This "civil war", has already started in some aspects. When you see bad behavior "rewarded", people GIVEN things they SHOULD be working for, and a "free-pass" through their life so they can procreate a new generation of people with THEIR hands out...well, you know what I mean there, right?

When the police are called to a house that has had numerous domestics and disturbances, and the woman living there berates the police officer and his superiors because "De PO-lice is always comin tomahouse...dis is harassment", what other conclusion can you draw? If the police do NOTHING (to allay the anger of the black woman)...they're NOT doing enough for crime. If the police ENFORCE the law by showing the hell UP...they're being "overly aggressive" with their tactics.
These people don't WANT the law...they raise their kids from little on up NOT to respect or trust the law (in any form), so why should the Jena case be such a hotbed of so-called "civil-rights"? Considering that too damn many of them don't work for a living, choosing instead to ride the government gravy-train, that at least explains the reason SO MANY showed the hell up!

It's a damn shame that Jackson & Sharpton don't devote AS MUCH energy and time to IMPROVING their race, instead of trying to set them back 150 years! Imagine the PROGRESS that COULD be made in that arena.

All the charges against the black boys have been reduced (some even dropped), but one 16 year old has had prior criminal conduct. Even HIS sentence was reduced in appeals court. So why "free" any of them. They all got off light and ARE free. But the white boy hasn't received as much as an APOLOGY from anyone connected to the beating.

But it IS nice to know that tables were set up...food and beverages were served and that people were DANCING as a man played the drum. How "tribal" of them all. It's not even about CIVIL RIGHTS anymore...it's all about having another PARTY.

And isn't that what it's REALLY all about anyway with these people?
EVERY day is a day off for them.

Dr. King is rolling in his grave over this...I can "feel" it.

Have a safe weekend, and remember:
The civil rights you party for...just might belong to someone else.


Unknown said...

Arrgghh, this story has pissed me off in SO many ways.

Apparently, two wrongs make a right with these people.

What would've happened if that boy had DIED? Would they still be shouting "racism" then?

Another thing I thought about yesterday was how did all these people get off of work (if they have jobs that is) for this "protest"? I read one article where a college student from Florida drove all the way to Jena. Um, haven't fall classes started? What is she doing, using up all her allowed absent days in one week?

This is sickening and a lot of people are embarassing themselves. The DA made the correct decision based upon the LAW, the LAW that these people are claiming to uphold by protesting.

To be honest, all six of those boys deserve a sound whipping. Hell, the boys who hung up the nooses deserve one as well!


Bob G. said...

Interestingly, the white boy beaten by he 6 blacks wasn't EVEN involved with placing the nooses in the tree (from what I've read anyway).

A "random" act of violence for some sort of retribution upon an innocent person...AGAIN.

Sounds about right to me (for these kind of people).

It's called EDUCATION, as in LEARN the difference between RIGHT and WRONG. THEN maybe they'd figure out the CIVILITY in "civil rights".

...but they wouldn't know that, because they're NEVER in class. TO learn.



Tim Zank said...

DataJana...You noticed something most people overlook....90% of protesters, be they anti-war, pro-immigration, pro-jena-6, or any other hairbrained social protest, are unemployed. No big surprise there eh?