02 November 2007

Eye Of The Beholder...

When you were growing up, do you recall your parents saying that they wanted a "better world" for you? Actually, most times, it almost seemed like a PROMISE...as if you KNEW that the world you would bring YOUR children up in would BE that better world, and then you could make the same promise to YOUR children.
Well...what happened?
Is the world of today better than the world of 100 years ago? Or is it better than even 50 years ago?Twenty years? Five?
Oh sure, we can ALWAYS point at technology, that convenient scapegoat, when we envision a better world for everyone. We've got technology oozing from every conceivable orifice on our bodies, but it's still not enough. People are STILL starving around the world. People are STILL waging wars if not against others, then amongst themselves. We're still robbing one another, killing one another, raping, groping, grabbing, seducing, schmoozing, and otherwise acting as if the word "evolution" was never introduced into our lexicon.

So where EXACTLY is this "Better World"?
You're sitting right on top of it, people, so get used to it.
Welcome to BIZARRO WORLD, where everything is bass-ackwards!

Yep...another case of "If it's not one damn thing, it's another".
THIS IS...our better world.

It became painfully apparent to me while watching Glenn Beck last night. On his show was mentioned something called L.O.S.T. (Law Of the Sea Treaty), and many nations have signed it. America is looking to sign this, as it's passing through our federal legislature like crap through a goose. This treaty would take away OUR sovereignty as a nation when it comes to things such as drilling for oil offshore.
Case in point: China working with Cuba to drill for oil off the coast of FLORIDA. And we also count Venezuela and Russia sleeping in the same bed. Basically this treaty remands occupational or territorial disputes to the (in)capable hands of the United Nations. And we all know how EFFICIENT they are at quelling unrest around the globe (and funneling money from the FOOD FOR OIL gig).
Add to that the seemingly overt attack ON our economy by nations such as China. Our dollar continues to become devalued while other currencies such as the CANADIAN dollar are on the rise. Gold is at a high (about $800 an ounce) which hasn't been seen since the late '70s.Sure our inflation rate is ONLY 1%, but take into account our TRADE DEFICIT, our WAR BUDGET, our GNP, and the DOW dropping about 360 points.
We can point to layoffs, closings, mergers, and bankruptcies. Rising crime in our cities, the active drug trade, and the unsecured borders all figure prominently into the mix as well. Hell, let's drop the interest rate yet AGAIN, shall we?
Let's face it...we're the "big kid" on the block, and militarily, we're numero uno, so what better way to undermine our country than to hit us where it hurts, namely in the "wallet". During wartime, the FIRST, BEST way to defeat an enemy is not through attrition. You have to break the MORALE of a foe to ensure victory. And the BEST way to break morale is to give their economy a good, healthy crack across it's skull. Break their ability to support themselves financially in a global economy and then they collapse from within. The people lose confidence in their government and by then, you can call it a victory of the first order.
That is what is happening to America. And we have to "whoa-up" on this before it's too late. We are "at war", and in this case, we don't even know it.

In the mad rush to involve ourselves economically across the globe, we've neglected what other nations are doing to "get a piece of the pie".
-We get tainted food from overseas, we get lead-infused toys for our kids from overseas, and we get minuscule electronic parts with planned obsolescence built into them all from overseas.
-We replace items that traditionally would last YEARS longer in decades past.
-We change up on technologies to get the "cutting edge", while overseas companies laugh all the way to the bank.
-We allow our universities to be bought up lock, stock and barrel by Middle-Eastern "investors", and we pat ourselves on our backs for our ingenuity in educating our kids.
-Our healthcare system is rapidly devolving into shambles thanks to illegals leeching the resources dry.
-We "give" houses, tax breaks, and government checks to people who have no intention of ever becoming productive members of our society, and applaud our efforts towards "diversity".
-We allow criminals to plea-bargain out of jail regularly, citing our willingness to "not be cruel", no matter HOW CRUEL the criminals are.
-We dumb down our education system so that 2nd world nations produce better students, and we cheer the fact that we're being tolerant, progressive, and fair to everyone.

Now be honest...is THAT the "better world" your parents spoke of?

Maybe a little isolationism might be good for America, but at this point, we're "in for a penny, in for a pound", and that means we're playing the cards we've allowed ourselves to be dealt. And I think it might be a tad late to develop that "poker face" we've been toying with.

Sadly, I feel things will have to get worse before they improve. It's just the nature of the "beast". What we do need is a good swift kick in our own complacency. The only problem is that we're hip deep in global financial muck right now, and we've got the think first about we're going to extricate ourselves from this mire.

But hey, let's not think about all this crap...there's a holiday season up and coming, right? Use that credit card. Spend that money. Worry about things later.
Screw tomorrow, eh?
Hmm....sounds a lot like what got us INTO this mess in the first place.

Have a Safe Weekend.

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