18 March 2008

Bread And Circuses...
If today's rain serves to dull one's hope regarding Springtime, perhaps this "interactive" post will serve to brighten this Tuesday.
I say interactive, because you will need a small piece of paper and a #2 pencil (or a half-decent memory) in order to more properly fulfill your task, which is to determine the CORRECT answer to each of the following pictures.
--Take time to study each picture.
--Feel free to click on them to enlarge them for better clarity.
--You can select the proper answer from the ones provided.
--Creativity WILL be taken into account when determining up the final score, should you come up with a more apropos answer..
Good luck... You may now begin.
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#1 - Here we have some of Fort Wayne's Finest on a nearby street, talking to some individuals on the SOUTH side. Are the officers:
(A) - Showing these fine young people where the nearest RICH store is?
(B) - Explaining how tall they have to be to ride a roller coaster?
(C) - Getting ready to Mirandize them?
(D) - Pointing to a house across the street that was recently burglarized?
(E) - Saying: "I saw you run that light back there"?

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#2 - Here, we need you to explain what is WRONG in this picture:

(A) - Both cars are parked NEXT to a fire hydrant.
(B) - Both cars are parked the WRONG way on that side of the street.
(C) - Both cars belong to black people.
(D) - Both cars use the "Ghetto Doorbell" (carhorn).
(E) - All of the above.

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#3 - In the next picture, we need you to describe why all these people and cars are at this southside rental house:
(A) - It's an NAACP meeting.
(B) - It's all you can eat ribs and watermelon.
(C) - A week-long funeral affair in in full swing
(D) - There's cheap drugs and booze there.
(E) - The new 50 Cent CD just came out.
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#4 - Two more officers of the FWPD can be seen at this intersection with shotguns drawn. Why are they there?
(A) - They're taking a shortcut to the donut shop?
(B) - It's Wabbit Season!
(C) - It's qualification time for the long guns?
(D) - They're looking for an armed robber?
(E) - They're practicing Community-Oriented Policng finally?

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#5 - Last, we have a young black male hanging out of his car while it drives ITSELF down the street. Why is he doing this?:
(A) - It's the southside - anything goes down here.
(B) - He's pretending he's BEN-HUR.
(C) - He's showing his homeys how well the wheel alignment is.
(D) - He's just a frigging idiot.
(E) - All of the above.

OK, you can now put down your #2 pencils.
Let's see how well you all did, shall we?
#1 - If you said *E* you'd be correct, although it was touch and go for a time. I thought the FWPD was going to arrest them, but they didn't. Another case of turning 'em loose to be stupid for yet another day.
#2 - If you answered *E* (again), you'd be correct. And never does parking control do anything, nor does the FWPD stop and cite them when they drive by (which rarely occurs). So feel free to come down here, block a street or two, park the wrong way, drive the wrong way, speed, or do whatever...like I said before...ANYthing goes.
#3 - If you answered *C* you'd be correct. And I will accept *B* and *D* as well. This was the "fallout" from that girl that was killed in the car crash along Maple grove & Avondale last year. Over ONE HUNDRED people were at this small house for A WHOLE WEEK, coming and going. I rigged a rope across my DRIVEWAY to keep people from PARKING there...yeah, it was THAT bad.
Not to mention all the NOISE, because honoring the deceased means acting like a loud-ass moron to these people (apparently).
#4 - If you answered *D* you'd be correct. In all the years I've lived here, this was quite unusual to see this, and I just had to get a quick picture. Funny thing was, this NEVER appeared on the TV or in the papers. I never really found out if they ever DID catch the perp, but I would think that something positive came of it. Given that there are just TOO MANY places to hide in (and too many dubious people willing to aid such perps) one can only guess.
#5 - If you answered *D* you'd be correct, although *E* does comes REAL close to describing this f$ckhead. And this is a person that frequents a house around here that has over 200 people "stopping by" PER MONTH. Imagine that. And in the 2+ years they've lived there, I have never been able to get the FWPD to check them for drugs (there is an Indy connection there), and trying to contact the landlord did absolutely nothing either, so she must be in on the racket.

So there you are....hope you scored well, and if YOU have answers that are even more appropriate, feel free to post them. We can always use a laugh down here.
Thanks for playing...and be sure to watch your local store shelves for the "home(y)" version of this game.
Have a great day and stay safe out there!


Phil Marx said...

#1) I figured the guy just needed directions, so he flagged down a passing officer.

#2) Nothing beats Indy's east side. When you turn onto a side street, and the first three vehicles on both sides are facing you, naturally you assume you've turned the wrong way.

When I lived in Iowa, I went inside a grocery store while parked on the wrong side of the street. When I came out a minute later, there was a ticket o my windshield.

#4) That looks like the day that four officers were walking down the middle of the street here and randomly searching people for I.D. This included me, on my own back porch, and an old man who was walking his dog.

#5) Yeah, I gotta go with "D" on that one.

Turner Publishing said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bob G. said...

Thanks - I removed your comment as I didn't want YOUR email to get spammed, but I have responded to your request via email.

You were asked for ID while sitting on YOUR OWN back porch?
(who's that white guy anyway?)

Amazing...simply amazing.


Phil Marx said...

I gave you the short version. Here's the "little bit longer" version. Eventually, I'll post the full version on my blog.

I was actually standing on the sidewalk and watching the cops check a guy down the street (while he was setting on the front porch steps. I was talking to my neighbor who told me that they had hollored at him a few minutes ago while he was walking his dog in his own back yard.

I had just come out to see what the commotion was, and I hadn't even grabbed my wallet first. So, I jokingly said to my neighbor "I guess I better go get my I.D., or they might arrest me for loitering."

As I was climbing onto the back porch, one of the officers (who were a half block away from me) shouted "Hey!" You can bet your ass I continued to the porch before turning around. There were four officers walking down the middle of the street towards my house. The lead officer was motioning for me to come to them, but I stayed put on my porch until they got there.

I will add that once I explained myself, and pointed to my open door, they settled down a bit and didn't even require me to go in and get my wallet then.