The stories that get you thinking, the stories that get your undies in a bunch, and stories meant to enlighten.
They might not be AS entertaining as watching a train wreck (or American Idol), but they DO come pretty damn close.
And if nothing else, you will come away from this a more informed person.

Now who'da thunk this one up?
Well, we can blame the people at BURGER KING for this one.
Seems they have a new sandwich called the TEXICAN WHOPPER, and on their ad campaign, they had a person with a MEXICAN FLAG adorning their body. The Mexican government started crying "racism", as well as other assorted tripe, and got the ads pulled from the stores. It would appear that MEXICO loves their nation's flag more than a lot of people HERE...in AMERICA.
I mean we're allowed to BURN our nation's symbol of FREEDOM and LIBERTY, or have some Black Panthers use the flag as a DOORMAT...can't do that in Mexico...can't even have a person proclaiming the latest artery-clogging meal for that matter.
Americans need to step up the pace and start holding our nation's flag in a lot HIGHER esteem, methinks.
The city of "Brotherly Love" is proposing a "novel" idea to reduce prison recidivism and the subsequent overcrowding it causes, as well as help businesses in need of personnel.
Let's have those businesses HIRE EX-CONS!
Well, that's not exactly a NEW idea, but there IS a bit of a twist.
The city will PAY those businesses that DO hire ex-cons $10K a pop (person).
And this is from a city that STILL owes it's POLICE DEPARTMENT over SIX MILLION BUCKS!
(sure, we can't pay the cops to protect the citizens, BUT we CAN pay businesses to hire felons...yeah, that makes good sense)
Hey, here's a BETTER idea...hire the EX-CONS as POLICE OFFICERS!
Wow, the PPD gets the $10K per person hired (to assist in pensions and back pay owed), the citizens get MORE police, and the ex-cons get LEGAL GUNS...a "win-win" all around, right?
I will now remove my tongue from my cheek.

That's right. The drug cartels are expanding their "realm of influence" into SOUTH AMERICA (big surprise there). The seven major players in this are wanting to increase their turf (and I'd wager to cozy up to all the ARMS MANUFACTURERS that can be found in S.A. as well). As I mentioned last week in a post, there are a LOT of gun makers in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and so on, and what better way to increase sales than to the drug cartels. This will be one helluva story to follow...as I intend to. Face facts.
The USA DOES sell arms to Mexico (to aid in their fight against the drug lords), BUT, sometimes, those shipments get "lost", or otherwise find their way into the hands of the people we're trying to get rid of. It's more profitable to resell those U.S. arms to the cartels at over 200% profit after they've been bought here in America.
So what can we do?
Well, we CAN monitor sales to Mexico a LOT better for a start.
And we could lend support in other ways, but again, we don't want our resources to become weapons turned against our people or country now, do we? Still, we need Mexican oil, and we wouldn't want that country to climb in bed with Hugo Chavez, right?

The first game hasn't been played at COSTAPLENTY FIELD yet, and I'm ALREADY sick and tired of all the hype. Sure, it's a nice stadium complex (for a minor league team), and it beats the old place hands down, BUT...the entire package is only 33% complete, right?
Where is the hotel?
The condos?
The retail?
Yeah, I know..."If you build it...they will come"
Well that might work well in a Kevin Costner movie, but here in the Summit City...not so much.
We've already built a Wal-Mart AND a Menards down south here...and I'm STILL waiting for the "growth and expansion" promised (or at least alluded to) when these places went up. Ain't seein' much yet, people!
Gee, must be ALL that CRIME we STILL have here.
And speaking of crime...
-- Increasing numbers of whites are going to the slammer.
Well, spank me rosy...I couldn't have seen THIS one coming...or could I?
It was coming like a jail on wheels, folks!
With the ease of producing METH (and the newly-discovered portability of said drug) it was only logical that whites would get on this bandwagon, as Blacks prefer CRACK COCAINE, POT, and HEROIN.
Then again, we have to be "fair" regarding our penal system, so what better way than to start busting whites. Nah, that's not totally true, but what IS true is the fact that we DO have white morons that WANT to mimic low-class black moronic behavior.
These whites want the money, the bling, the "lifestyle" that many inner-urban blacks have sought (and gotten albeit all too briefly) through drug sales (and use).
Add to that, the FACT that many police departments across the nation are fearful that the black community will sue the department at the drop of a hat, which they OFTEN do (or is that a rag-doo?), and it's not the officers' fault...it's the "admins" that are worried out the ass over this stuff, and keep the officers from pursuing good, honest police work. It's sad when officers go before Internal Affairs SIMPLY for enforcing a law/ordinance ALREADY on the books for years, or are summarily redressed for showing "bias profiling" when the entire area of patrol coverage IS 90%+ minority, isn't it?
Now, you've got at least ONE generation that thinks this is the easy way, the fast track to riches untold (if they only knew the truth)...and it will take several generations to UNDO it all. Idiots.

This was history, the likes of which I've never seen. A nation coming together to put our government ON NOTICE, that the PEOPLE are sick and tired of the same old BS from D.C., year after frigging year with big spending, big government, and big agenda.
Ted Nugent had a novel way of putting it at (of all places) the Alamo.
He said: "The government is ALLERGIC TO LOGIC".
Gotta love that one.
Now, if this movement can sustain the impetus it's created, we, the people WILL in fact, create some REAL change in this nation, and not some notion of (chump) CHANGE in our pockets.

And you know what the BEST part of all these tea parties was?
The ORDER that was maintained throughout the proceedings. These were people cheesed the hell off about the way government has mismanaged things over the years, and YET...there were NO violent outbursts and mass arrests...NO wholesale burnings and lootings, and NO crowd control "riot-police" tossing tear gas or tasering people anywhere. This demonstration was Gandhi-esque in it's execution and was done with a sense of dignity...class, an an overwhelming sense of TRUE PATRIOTISM.

Perhaps this is one case where the "full-circle" aspect of history is warranted.
We have returned to our roots, as a nation. We have given notice that the PEOPLE can handle themselves quite well, while the government's job is to run the nation...and NOT our lives.
That's pretty strong medicine, and my mom always said that: "It takes bitter to drive bitter".
And from what I saw yesterday, there are quite a few willing to "drive", because they just so happen to know WHAT ROUTE TO TAKE.

" This could be the start of something big".
We can but hope.
Friday is right around the corner, so...
Stay safe out there, America.
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