20 April 2009

Monday Musings...
...And it happens to be RAINING as well here, so we get a "twofer".
Hopefully today won't get you "too" down (like the song used to go).
-- I mentioned it here a short while back, and now it's final; the FWPD motorcycles are going bye-bye.
Damn shame, because they ARE better in many cases than a standard cruiser.
Chief York says than when more money is available, the idea of "refloating" the cycle patrol WILL be considered.
Good...sure glad we don't have a POLICE MOTORCYCLE DRILL TEAM, like we used to back in Philly. Those boys back there did some FINE charity work, and they were talented as all get out. It as the FIRST time I ever saw a HUMAN PYRAMID on moving motorcycles...haven't seen it since, either.
I maintain that it's still cheaper to have the cycles than cruisers in specified venues, and that every department that is large enough to HAVE motorcycles...SHOULD.
-- It sure looked like the PREZ was "gittin' a litle too cozy" with Hugo Chavez this past week. I mean I know the idea behind the phrase "sleeping with the enemy", but I didn't know we even acknowledged dictators, let alone shook their hand...(shades of Neville Chamberlain in Berlin).
Hey, I'm all for having the CIA recruit Juan Valdez from Colombia, send him AND his coffee bean-laden burro to Venezuela, and shove a can or two of C4-infused Folgers "special blend" up that dictator's ass....but that's just me.
Which brings me to the recent disclosing of CIA memos by the Prez. These memos have to do with interrogation procedures which, up until then, were pretty much kept hush-hush.
But now that this government is being SO "transparent" (as in we can probably see RIGHT THROUGH THEM), I suspect that our enemies around the globe will know, well in advance, what they can expect from "us", should we ever capture them. I'll bet they're already working on ways to steel their resolve...I know I would be.
If I could assign a phrase to this government administration so far, it would have to be: "Bit off more than they could chew", or even "Grasping at straws". Either one seems apropos at this point, and we're NOT EVEN past the "100 day" mark yet.
Can't wait to see what the REST of these NEXT four years will be like. How about you?
-- The new Costalenty Square stadium aka Parkview Field did an SRO opening day business. The following day, attendance dropped by FIFTY PERCENT...wow, who'da thunk it?
But the Tin Caps (formerly known as the Wizards) are still undefeated...when WILL the bubble burst, I wonder?
-- The Komets (hockey team) are leading their playoff series 2 games to 1, and it makes me wonder IF the city will acknowledge the Komets, should they win the Huber Trophy/Cup. They all but ignored them LAST year when they DID win it, and that cheesed me off to NO end. Here you have a damn good hockey team (for a league other than the NHL), and the city didn't do all that much...guess they were too busy with Parkview Field (of dreams).
Oh, wait, I forgot...you have to play up to the BASKETBALL crowd here...THAT is what is important, even more than an education. That's why I never see black kids playing street hockey, but ALWAYS see them playing "bassabaw".
Guess you can't have kids with STICKS in the neighborhood...they'd beat on one another, right?
These kids have just AS MUCH chance of becoming hockey players, but the "bling" isn't as much, so it must be about WHAT YOU HAVE (or can get), and NOT WHO YOU ARE as a person that matters most to them.
That explains a LOT of the problems in their community then, doesn't it?
Funny, we called that HEDONISM.
-- Lastly, There is a good article on Glenn Beck in today's J/G...and it's EASY to find. It's on the LAST page of the LIVING section!
I like this guy. He's got chutzpah...he's got balls, and he's not afraid to mix it up in the trenches, and yet, he's compassionate as well as passionate about people and issues. Don't find too many like that these days. It's refreshing to watch, to say the least.
His show (on @ 5PM our time in Indiana) is the THIRD largest viewership on the FOX channel, after Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. That's not too shabby, considering the show airs when people are still at work, or are in transit home from work.
If you believe in basic human principles...and basic human values, then give it a watch. You might be pleasantly surprised.
There are more people that still hold true to such things than you would realize.
And when did VALUES and PRINCIPLES ever really HURT anyone, hmm?
Seems that NOT having them IS hurtful...in too many ways.
So keep dry today, be attentive while driving, and...
Stay safe out there, America.


indy said...

values and principals...........i wish my job and union had them. they are selling us out and not telling us shxx. i am ticked.

Daniel Short said...

Bob, any plans to sell those bikes? I know a certain guy in the southern part of the state that is looking for a sweet deal on a high mileage Harley.

Bob G. said...

Never did like unions all that much.
Maybe all of you guys & gals in the trenches should take your problems TO the union...
Or maybe, it might be time to start shopping for a BETTER postition.


Bob G. said...

I heard the FWPD is going to AUCTION the bikes off...wehre or when that will take place I haven't a clue.

My best suggestion would be to have your friend (or you) contact the police directly, and see if they want to give the info up. I'm sure since they WANT toget rid of the bikes, that no REASONABLE offer would be refused.

It's worth a shot, at least.
I'll look about to see if I can find out anything.

Let me know what happens, OK?


Easily Lost said...

I'll trade you your rain for the white crap we are expected to get here once again.

indy said...

well bob g, its not that easy to walk away from my retirement plan and the 25.00 an hour i make.......ya see what i mean? and that is straight pay. not overtime.

Bob G. said...

I can certainly understand the situation...
My only hope is that the company doesn't screw WITH that retirement plan (as many already have).
Nothing worse than paying INTO it, and busting one's hump for years, only to find you get NOTHING at the other end of it all.

Plus, that pay rate isn't all too shabby either.


Bob G. said...

I've have puh-lenty of that "flaky white stuff" (and we ain't talking dandruff OR Washington politics either...LOL)

Just drive safely out there, 'cause everyone else around 'ya probably won't be.


Daniel Short said...

I gave up my pay...13 years on the assembly line as a UAW member. Hated every minute. They paid for my education and I hit the road. Thanks Ford.