24 April 2009

Weekend Roundup...
If you never thought SPRING would arrive, check your (Midwest) clocks around 1300 hours TODAY, and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Looks like it will be a good weekend to dust off that lawnmower, fire it up, and take it for a spin around "Homestead Heights".
Also, it's an excellent time to check the local stores and nurseries for PLANTS, FLOWERS, and SHRUBS.
And don't forget the topsoil, manure, Weed N Feed and Miracle Gro!
Whip that garden back into shape, people. Plant those tomatoes, mulch that flower bed, and get those paws dirty...LOL!
I know for a fact, that I've got my "honeydew" list all ready to go. And to think I USED to be a (Philly born & raised) "city boy"...pshaw!
Yepper, those big box improvement stores are a'callin' me...time to "help the economy", folks!
-- Looks like that crime I said WOULD be coming "to a neighborhood near you" has begun to happen.
An Aboite couple was robbed at gunpoint as they pulled into THEIR OWN GARAGE!
Here's a link to the entire story(from WANE's site).
http://www.wane.com/dpp/news/local_wane_ftwayne_couple_robbed_in_garage_200904231557 Now what surprises me about this, aside from some decent coverage on WANE news, is that the newspapers didn't give this more attention.
I mean this kind of thing is SOP on the SOUTH side of town, but in the environs of the upper middle class, you'd expect this sort of thing to garner a LOT of outcry. It's not like this happens several times EVERY damn day there, right?
Grow some backbone out there, people....start patrolling your streets, stop hiding behind security systems and locked doors, get outside, and not be afraid to call in ANYTHING that seems the least bit hinky, unless you want YOUR part of the city to gradually become like MINE (and it will, trust me).
Remember...your first, BEST defense (before the police arrive) is YOU.
-- With ALL these bailouts, handouts, and copouts, it makes us wonder WHO (or what) will be next to get some free money. Well, think on this...
Recently, Glenbrook Mall has filed for Chapter 11, since it could NOT find a new buyer. I talked about this a short time ago, and it was said that mall operations would NOT be affected.
Seems that might NOT be all that true now, according to some analysts that track RETAIL or COMMERCIAL properties.
The next "big thing" to come down this financial "pike" will be closings of COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. Now, don't get your undies in a bunch, because I DO NOT see Glenbrook CLOSING one bit.
But what I will concede, is that SOME stores in that mall will close, and that COULD lead to some interesting developments for the mall.
First stores to close will be all these fancy boutiques, as they serve a particular clientele.
After all, people ARE re-learning to become more frugal, and are weighing how BEST to spend what money they can save during this financial debacle.
Malls across the nation are seeing up to 30% closing of commercial space. That kinda makes the residential mortgage aspect pale in comparison, but blame it on those owners who have money DUE that can't secure any type of refinancing to cover the costs. Best thing to do when you're dealt a bad hand (if you can't bluff all that well), is FOLD.
Sadly, things like this will happen.
Just wanted to let you people know...forewarned IS forearmed.
-- We dropped COMCAST cable for VERIZON 3-in-1 package (w/ FiOS) a while back, and it's been pretty damn good...until recently.
We're experiencing audio dropouts on certain channels (not all of them, thankfully), The TV set does have a converter box, but not the larger box (with all the bells and whistles like FREE movies, channel guides, etc). I know it's not the TV, because I swapped the set out with a smaller one, checking the audio...still dropping out.
Now, I've worked with A/V systems years ago, and the physics doesn't change over time, so it must be the specific technology that's at fault here (I'm thinking that small cable box, or possibly the cable itself to the set). I plan to contact Verizon and get them to come see what's going on, as the other set in the living room works fine with NO audio drops.
I'd like to hear about anyone else that is having similar problems and how you resolved it.
-- Lastly, the other night, I happened to see a man on a Harley drive through the area. Now that's hardly remarkable by any stretch of the imagination, but THIS guy stood out like a damn sore thumb...and with good reason.
He had the music playing LOUDER THAN THE BIKE ITSELF, and anyone that owns (or has owned) a Harley will tell you...they can be DAMN loud with those straight pipes.
But wait...it DOES get even BETTER than that.
This idiot ALSO had a shitload of RED LEDs all over the bottom of the bike, with some FLASHING.
Now, I can tell you straight away...that's ILLEGAL. The damn thing was lit up like a frigging Christmas tree, AND thumping to beat the band.
For any and all FWPD "friends" out there, this guy will be someone to BOLO!
And at night, he sure as hell won't be HARD to miss.
I suppose since we have BOOMCARS, and BOOM SUVs, and now BOOMHARLEYS, makes you wonder about the "next step"?
We may see the advent of BOOM-BICYCLES, BOOMSKATEBOARDS, BOOMROLLERBLADES, or maybe even....(shudder)...the return of the dreaded BOOM-BOX!
And for the toddlers, we can always have the BOOM-BIGWHEELS and BOOMTRIKES!
Where the hell DOES this stupidity END, anyway?
And why are people becoming SO damn annoying and obnoxious, especially when ORDINANCES are in place to PREVENT such shenanigans?
If they WANT respect, they better start showing a little FIRST, because that is how YOU receive it.
"Give it to get it", as I always say.
Then again...it IS the SOUTH side of town, right?
And my "neighbors" ARE the poster children for MORONS R US.
In any event, enjoy the marvelous weather this weekend, and always be sure to...
Stay safe out there, America.


indy said...

omg.....i'll finish reading this later....(yes, i do this alot)but you read my mind. i'm having a lawnmower party tomorrow for my daughter and i........yea......then i will be...o my bob you cant take much more of this.......yes, i will go into work and load semi's......what a day....about 70 percent will be with the forklift thank God.

Bob G. said...

Guess that correspondence course in Crystal Ball Gazing that I took years ago, really IS starting to pay off...LOL.

Imagine THAT!

Take care.


indy said...

so running lights on the bottom of your vehicle is against the law? back in the 80's in okla, and in nj we had green running lights on the bottom of our toyota mr2. (we as in the ex and i) they outlawed running lights? i know i dont see them like i used to. it was the "in" thing.

Bob G. said...

ESPECIALLY the "flashing" red ones...
I suppose under chassis light are allowable, as long as they are specified colors that wouldn;t confuse people regarding "priority" vehicles.

Hard to follow all these laws...I'm still reeling from losing Obama's tax cut for the middle class...that he JUST PROMISED in FEBRUARY...(Indian giver)!


Daniel Short said...

Bob, down here in the south, we plant our tomatoes on Derby weekend. I guess it is tradition.

Bob G. said...

Oops...too late for me then...already got my tomatoes AND jalapenos...not in the ground yet.

Now, betcha we get a COLD SNAP...LOL!
(crosses fingers)
