07 October 2009

Humpday Happenings...
"Happy" Anniversary...?!?
Well, okay...maybe it's not "your" anniversary in particular, but it IS the 8th anniversary of our war in the Middle East after 9/11.
I know to many, it seems like FOREVER, but we have made progress in those 8 years.
So, maybe it's not that "happy" of an anniversary...more like the "Oh, ANOTHER year of that?"...kind of like the birthdays you have as you get older. Sure, the "thrill" might be gone, and the bloom might be off the rose, but you grudgingly acknowledge it nonetheless...how's that?
I'd like to briefly continue with the "win/lose" gig I've been speaking about for the last 2 days.
For you STAR TREK fans, there was an old KLINGON proverb that goes: "Only a fool fights in a burning house".
And for you STAR WARS fans, Obi-Wan Kenobi once said that: "Who's more foolish..the fool, or the fool that follows him?"
Now, you could use BOTH of those sayings to sum up the war in Afghanistan, right?
Well, I personally don't believe that the "house" is on fire...yet.
And as for following fools...haven't we ALL done that at least ONCE in our lives?
(be honest now)
Can we wind up winning every single engagement in Iraq, or Afghanistan and STILL lose the war?
To quote a noted Swede: "Yasureyoubetcha!"
Been done already...
Read your history books....we called it VIETNAM.
Our military decisively won every single battle or engagement. We pummeled the hell out of parts of 'Nam, turning it into a moonscape. We defoliated thousands of acres of jungle, bombed Hanoi, and beat back those insurgents during the TET OFFENSIVE.
And in many ways...we still "lost".
Well, that's the "official" ending, and we have only the politicians to thank for it.
Our current war in the Middle East will have much more far-reaching effects should we "cut and run".
American is already on the brink of a financial precipice.
We're hearing mutterings that crude oil might not be traded in DOLLARS (as it currently is), but rather by something called an SDR.
Here's the WIKI on this:
That will cause OUR currency to plummet in value (much further than inflation would).
Now, I'm no economist, but when I see writing on a wall, I can damn sure read it!
(or get someone to translate it so I can get the meaning)
After 9/11, America had an enormous amount of "street cred" in the global arena.
Today...not so much.
And other nations are noticing...and "hedging their bets", as it were.
CHINA is the ONLY nation (so far) that is doing well during the global recession...gee, wonder why THAT is?
Oh, wait...they only make EVERY SINGLE DAMN THING the rest of us have or use!
And the Chinese people manage to STILL save 28% of their "disposable income". Are YOU saving AS MUCH?
Well, I know I'm doing MY damnedest to help them...I eat Chinese food at least several times a year, and I buy stuff...doesn't matter what I need, I just look for the country of origin when it comes to manufacturing. Invariably, it will have the word CHINA on it, even if I'm not BUYING any dishware (read china)...lol!
I'd LIKE to see more of the MADE IN THE U.S.A., but I'm not...why is that?
I mean, it's not like we gave up and sent all our jobs overseas, right?
Okay...we DID...bad example.
We're losing big time...and as an American, I don't LIKE to lose.
We're slipping in the world market, were slipping on the credibility chart, and we're slipping right here in our own country when it comes to defeating the foes we're facing right here in EVERYTOWN, USA.
Still, I think we CAN turn it back around, and one of the last places we should look to for "help" would be our government.
They can't even whoa themselves up and control THEIR behavior, ESPECIALLY when it comes to wasting (our) money...and I would have to believe that THIS is the reason the rest of the world is giving us the "fish-eye".
Current government "standards" are like a frigging bull (Wall St?) in the proverbial china (the nation that OWNS our debt) shop (wow, what an analogy...really creeps a person out).
We, as a nation DO have the ability to LOSE...and lose BIG.
And it would seem that some factions are doing their best to prove that.
I want to think otherwise...for the sake of our economy...the sake of our nation...and the sake of our future.
It ALL hangs in the balance.
We, as a nation, if we want to remain viable, HAVE to start prioritizing.
We HAVE to start separating the WHEAT from the CHAFF.
We NEED to start NOW.
If we delay, we are inviting the Sword of Damocles to fall squarely upon our collective necks.
America was destined for much better.
America was destined to be a shining beacon, a jewel in the global community...a nation people looked UP to, and NOT down upon.
We, the people have within each of us, the ability to effect change.
We need to arm ourselves with knowledge...and wisdom...and facts.
Whenever people say "It's not about you", tell them to go directly to hell...do not pass GO...do not collect $200.
It's about ALL of US, and the future of this nation.
Be nice to celebrate the anniversary of the DEFEAT of the Taliban and Al-Queda, instead of noting it's another year in the Middle East, wouldn't it?
I think it can be done, and I think America also has the resilience in her to bounce back from financial ruin, but it takes the WILL of the PEOPLE to do so. And when it comes to sheer WILL...AMERICANS have always led the way.
What say we give it another go, eh?
Stay safe out here, America.


indy said...

amen to this. i am still on the fence about iraq/stand areas. i lean more to the right on us staying but i think there is a bigger picture that you or i can see or are being told. (what a runon sentence) oh well right now i am following a trail of clues and if i feel i run into something interesting i might ask to email you or send you a note not to publish this wild idea i am forming. that is all i can say right now. i will have more info later perhaps. give me a few more weeks.

Bob G. said...

As long as you're thinking...you're in a rapidly growing number of Americans who just want to know the truth.
(which can be quite liberating)

Do your homework on this...get all the facts, then make your determination.

America is beginning to wake up (yeah, I watch Glenn Beck...lol)

Thanks for stopping by.