24 November 2009

And For His Next Trick...
On a morning reminiscent of John Carpenter's THE FOG, it got me thinking about all the crap going down in America these days.
And I think the "fog" analogy seems to fit the bill pretty damn well.
I feel that many Americans DO know the course they've charted in and for their lives.
Others...not so much.
Problem with this is that the government "thinks" they know how to plan YOUR LIFE better than you do.
Like I said, for many, this becomes a sticking point.
I've always spent a helluva lot more time with ME than most anyone else, so maybe I might have an "inside track" as to what I need, and how I might best be able to achieve it in MY life.
And, I will admit that there are people who just LOVE to be led around by the nose in life, like some piece of cattle in a formerly fallow field. "Do for me, because I can't be bothered doing for myself" is their cry.
And the government is only TOO HAPPY to oblige.
Forget the fact that every single program created BY the government to "help" the unwashed masses turned out to be more failed than placing screen doors in submarines. And these programs have been funded by YOUR money, regardless of whether you wanted to fund it or not. Might as well place a gun to our heads and rob us all proper, hmm?
But such parlor tricks are part of this grand scheme to keep your eyes from "the prize", namely the American Dream.
The government WANTS you to be side-tracked. They need for you to have your attention diverted, as it were, from what is really going on. let's face it...a mass of inattentive and confused people are a LOT more malleable, and can be controlled...um, I mean "urged" onto the path they "should" be taking.
America is in a fog...it's citizens are being psychologically drawn and quartered, in order to facilitate changes that will all but erase what America USED to be, and it's being done at a wholesale level, and break-neck pace.
Is it part of a larger plan?
Some would feel we NEED a one-world government...and currency...and goal (whatever goal that would be), and that everyone should just line up, nod in agreement, and follow the rest of the lemmings off of the nearest cliff.
I'm not really into all that. I have this problem with thinking for myself, and speaking my mind.
And in other cultures, such people are deemed dangerous.
Well...danger IS, as danger DOES then...right?
When I think of the direction this nation has set within the last year, I equate it to sailing a fully-loaded ship near some dangerous shoals. The LAST thing you want to do is not only steer AT those shoals, but also INCREASE YOUR SPEED.
Well, folks...we're pretty much doing BOTH right now.
I don't know about you, but I'm looking for the nearest lifeboat davit, because none of us can seem to reach the bridge and turn this ship (of state) the hell around.
The inevitable outcome is clear...all too clear.
If it's not some megabuck, insane health care plan that too many of us do NOT want, it's vacillating about sending more resources to Afghanistan.
Yes, war can be a "taxing" thing for many.
Get ready, because it could get a whole lot MORE taxing...as in a "war surcharge" tax for every tax-paying American.
I can't imagine this happening during WW2.
Like I said...you've GOT to keep watching BOTH hands of these "magicians".
We're busy going "ooh" and "ahh" over that one hand, while the OTHER one is reaching yet AGAIN into our pockets and savings.
Funny, don't recall G.W. doing anything like this when he sent the "surge" into Iraq, do you?
America is rapidly becoming a damn amusement park, and we are the unwilling "guests" being fleeced of our money and placed on rides intended to make us deathly ill and not knowing which way is up, all for the purpose of having us made more compliant to the whims and wishes of big government.
Now this is one *E*-ticket scenario I really didn't sign up for.
Hell, at this point, I'm not even wanting any souvenir t-shirts, either!
One possible solution to this clusterf*ck would be "if" the military decided to side with the growing majority of people who are fed the hell up with the manner in which the government is trashing the nation.
Would it even become conceivable that a coup d' etat could be initiated and successfully pulled off? With the help of the military, it probably could. The only glitch would be WHO do you place "in charge" in the interim until you hold NEW elections to replace the ousted members of the government?
Personally, I feel that at the federal level, we would have very little breakdown of actual governance...the STATES would still be intact and viable. Our Constitution held the states a lot more responsible anyway...that was the plan for a smaller (national) government.
Can we even entertain the notion that OUR country is capable of making it happen?
It's just a fictional scenario anyway...right?
Still, we need something more because in spite of all these demonstrations, tea parties, phone calls, emails and letters to our legislators, they are pretty much still looking down their arrogant noses at US...the people who HIRED them all.
Well, if it's not dithering over our Afghan policy, it's bringing terrorists to OUR court system, flawed as THAT is (allowing DOMESTIC killers and rapists to get off with wrist-slaps), so it can always be worse.
This President had the opportunity to become a lot more than an "empty suit", but it looks like America hitched it's collective cart to a legless beast of burden in this case. And that just ain't gonna get the goods to market, is it?
As Americans, we DO have a stake in HOW this nation proceeds...and succeeds.
Americans are not used to failure, and we really don't like to lose.
We like to believe we are winners, not only as a people, but as a nation.
Even in personal defeats, we can garner victory (through learning from the experience).
That reminds me of the line from The Matrix where Morpheus is talking with Neo in the martial arts program:
"You're better (faster) than this. Don't THINK you are...KNOW you are".
I feel the time has come for us to stop thinking about what we can do...and start KNOWING what we can do.
And when we KNOW what we have to do...we can accomplish things we never dreamed of.
We've done it in the past...we can certainly do it again...
Just something to think about.
Stay safe out there, America.


lemon soda said...

amen to that. amen.

Bob G. said...

We're just trying to keep it all REAL right here...!

Thanks for stopping by.

Bob G. said...


TO: WHom It May COncern at BLOGGER/GOOGLE:

I have reviewed the post and can find NOTHING objectionable anywhere in the entirety of this particular posting.

I find it curious as to WHY after SEVEN MONTHS, this "suddenly" came up...perhaps this is one of those "false alarms" by someone out to cause trouble.

I can assure you that every post is screened and proofread for any copyright infringements.

I only glean what is available on the net, and if there is a copyright involved, I will simply not use it.
I cannot control others who post pictures and then make them available to everyone else.

Thank you for YOUR understanding.

Bob G. - Editor