12 March 2010

Friday Follies...
The GOOD news is...no homicides in Fort Wayne today (yet). AND...it's the first aniversary of the *9-12* Project (thanks, Glenn...and America)
The bad news?
Well, you might want to make sure you're firmly planted in that chair of yours...
Have you been wondering about all the earthquake activity around the globe?
Perhaps you should, because we might be staring at some far-reaching effects across the planet.
And most all of it...we have absolutely NO control over.
Now...how's THAT for a breakfast entree?
A few days ago, I posted about the TECTONIC SHIFT of the plates around the world, and how they may be partly responsible for much of this climate change we're hearing about. Sorry Al, you fell off the turnip truck on THAT one.
Seems we've got another "player" in this production.
And it's none other than Magnetic Pole Reversal.
That's right...what used to be the NORTH pole might wind up as the SOUTH pole, which would be the NEW north pole...got it?
(Santa Claus is gonna be SO pissed...he just paid off the house up north, too)
Seriously though, here's but one article about the phenomenon:
Now, you could say this is all bunk, or some conspiracy, but more scientists are finding evidence that bears this out.
When a magnetic pole shifts (the last time it happened here was about 700,000 years ago, and NO, I wasn't around THAT far back), it is preceded by a lessening of the Earth's magnetic fields. So we're kinda "overdue" for another shift.
What THAT means is more cosmic radiation reaching the earth itself, because the protection of our magnetosphere is depleted.
And when more radiation hits the Earth, it not only gets a bit warmer, but things being to change radically.
Species will die off (both animal AND plant), and that may cause crops to fail extensively round the world.
Other mammals will find their "sense of direction" is off, and that might explain all the whale beachings we've seen, as well as other whales getting lost in our inner harbors.
The "Northern Lights" become more prominent in more areas of the world.
And we all need to start using a much HIGHER-rated sunblock, because skin cancers will rise.
(and who said you can't learn sh*t by reading this blog?)
Personally, I think all of this makes a damn good case for this "2012" gig...
I mean SOMETHING is coming...maybe it's another ice age, maybe it's crispy critter time, maybe it's world-wide PMS...who knows, but there is too much evidence in so many realms of science (alone) not to take some of this stuff seriously, don'cha think?
The Jet Stream has changed, we have El Nino, La Nina, the ocean currents have moved, causing red tides and magnetic anomalies in the South Atlantic. I mean there is a lot of crap going on right under our very feet.
Now, I know this sounds a bit alarmist (gee, bob...'ya THINK???), but we would be wise to pay SOME attention to what is happening. After all, this is the ONLY planet we've got at the moment, and I'd really hate to see it all go away...wouldn't you?
Of course, we COULD have some big-ass meteor come along and save us a prolonged wait...or perhaps some Gamma Ray Burst from a distant galaxy could smack us head-on, and wipe out all life here.
Wouldn't have to worry about getting the trees pruned or the lawn cut then, would I?
These are ALL scenarios to which we may have no recourse, but to "ride it out" as best we can, should any of these befall us.
Damn shame so much of the world isn't really paying attention to all of this stuff. They're way too busy with their petty squabbles to see the "bigger picture" here.
Taking over that neighboring nation won't mean much if both nations become toast, thanks to a drastic increase in cosmic radiation, will it? Can't worry about feeding the starving, when they're all recently deceased, can you?
Such things as I mentioned would dramatically change the face of the world, and the course of humanity...that's a given.
But I wouldn't go and max out the credit cards in the hope that "the end" will be forthcoming.
That never really works.
It would be nice to see humanity trying to find some solutions to these problems, if there are any, instead of doing such dumb-ass things such as trying to build a nuclear bomb (you paying attention, N. Korea? Iran?), or waging century-long civil conflicts (that would be central Africa), or even ramming a health care bill down a nation's throat, when it's not even desired by the masses (yeah...that's our very own Washington, D.C.).
Now, as I mentioned the other day, we ALL have issues in our lives, and some of them seem pretty daunting at times.
We would love nothing better than to KNOW what we do is the right thing to do. We want to know how to proceed, how to act...or react. We want the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY of a particular situation.
And that's only human nature.
We have always been curious creatures, and it's our curiosity that has allowed us to achieve great things, as well as make grand mistakes. Yet through it all (and more) we've hopefully learned from those experiences, and grown in the process.
I suppose it really does all come to down finding answers...important answers.
Doesn't matter if it's a global scenario, a national situation, or even a family dispute.
Reason, wisdom, and knowledgeable insight will be the order of the day...ANY day.
I firmly believe that America can find the answers to many problems we face.
We just need to learn to ask the RIGHT questions.
Maybe today will be a day we ask the right question...and get the right answer.
We'll never know, unless we try.
Have yourselves a great weekend, watch for cosmic rays and falling meteorites, make a difference to someone, and above all...
Stay safe out there, America.

((BTW, Sunday at 0200...time to change the clocks to DST - move them ONE hour AHEAD, so you "think" you're getting an extra hour of sleep...Who dreams this crap up?
I'm not GAINING anything, except a RPIA from changing all the clocks and VCRs. What a colossal "waste of time"...wow, there's some IRONY for 'ya, eh?))


indy said...

i didnt read it all about the poles shifting. but, i firmily beleive earthquakes are playing a large role with the end of the earth thing. that is probley why the tv stations really dont report all the earthquakes that are happening everywhere. i beleive its been fortold. my mom was pretty good into seeing into the future. i still remember her being so anul about me taking spanish in high school. and she was that way about earthquake insurance. she had it on her homes up north in indiana. and when i had my earthquake down here i didnt have insurance. i had at least 2 quakes hit it. i think possibley more. my walls were more cracked. and my roof (i found this out much later) wase wavy like a quake hit it. in fact to replace my roofing i would have to go down to pretty much barebones and work out again. between the serious crime and the feeling i was on sometype of quake area i ran for the hills. hardly anyone at work had felt the quake down here like i had.

i think we are in final days and i will be refusing the mark in my right hand.

indy said...


pretty good link for you.

Bob G. said...

Thanks for the link...

As to the end of the world...well, it WOULD solve at LOT of our problems, that's for sure, eh?

I always try to NOT make all this stuff TOO "technical", because even *I* have to understand it...LOL!

Have a great weekend.


Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
I hate the clock thing too. I think we should stay on Daylight Savings Time all year round! Those guys in Greenwich can take a hike.

my grandmother had a set of those tectonic plates . . .

Just kidding. I have also noticed the large number of earthquakes this decade, and for sure it's something to think about.

Have a great weekend,
Ann T.

Bob G. said...

WHen I stated that it "looks" like we gain an hour of sleep..we really wind up LOSING ONE...it just seems that with an hour AHEAD, we "slept" an extra 60 minutes, when we ALL know we didn't.

When I moved to Indiana, that was the first time I did NOT have to do the DST 2-step, until they went and screwed THAT up...
And now we hear that the "saving" is minimal...at best.

Weird thing about this...I heard they have to readjust the "atomic clocks" (it's a "CESIUM molecular vibration" thing) for LEAP SECONDS every now and then...so maybe time IS "speeding up".

(nice funny about those plates - A litle polident goes a LONG way there...LOL)

Have yourself a great weekend.
