10 March 2010

Humpday Happenings...
I'm sitting here thinking of how I want to put my thoughts down, looking out the window at the young boy down the street, playing basketball in the driveway, and wondering to myself, "Why (exactly) isn't this boy IN SCHOOL getting a damn education???"
It's NOT a holiday, not a shortened day due to weather, power outages or any other acts of God, so (pardon my French) WTF is going on?
Oh, wait...(smacks head)...it's the GHETTOHOOD...(We don need no steekin' education. We can just leech of the "gub'ment" fo-evah, cuz we bin O-pressed fo so long.)
Lord, that's GOT to be it!
What the hell was I thinking?
Still, all this "race to the top" aka "dash fo da cash" crap regarding education doesn't amount to very much IF these kids aren't sitting their ASSES behind those DESKS now, does it?
But anyway...moving along...
I thought this story real interesting in lieu of recent climactic events:
It's about how the earth MAY have shifted on it's axis, due to that big Chilean earthquake the other week.
THAT would explain a LOT, especially about "global warming".
The fact is, all this "land" we're standing, sitting, sleeping, or driving on is not permanently attached to anything.
We're ALL on something called TECTONIC PLATES, and they are always in movement across the face of this planet.
Scientists have proven that we used to pretty much have one freaking huge land mass, before the plates split apart, forming the continents.
Now, if we're still moving (which we are), who's to say that the movement ALONE is not largely responsible for "climactic change". Areas that were forests COULD become deserts, or arctic regions could become rain forests.
Gonna be kinda hard to PREVENT that from happening, isn't it?
I don't think ANY amount of CO2 reduction, alternative energy, or reducing other pollutants in our air is gonna matter a whole helluva lot if South Dakota becomes a tropical area, or California becomes like the Sahara, right?
They're already talking about a "shorter day"...but barely perceivable by us...or the bosses (damn).
I feel rather than try to CHANGE the way the planet works, we ought to be concentrating on learning to ADAPT to whatever befalls us.
Now, that sort of sounds like something we should have done regarding our ECONOMY as well, don'cha think?
Doesn't matter how "green" we try to make the planet, if this old Earth decides to tilt a few degrees in a direction that will effectively UNDO all the "green" we're tossing at it, it's not going to matter much at all.
Remember, we're all just "going along for the ride", right?
All this is enough to screw up your breakfast, and I don't blame you for feeling that way. I feel likewise.
It's all the GLOBAL stuff being tossed at us...then all the POLITICAL stuff...and all the HEALTH stuff...and the MIDDLE EAST stuff, and ECONOMIC stuff..and the WELFARE stuff...and the growing TAX stuff...
And that's only in the global and national arenas.
We've also got all the STATE stuff to fret about...more taxes, more welfare stuff, stupid laws, unenforceable laws, state bankruptcies, foreclosures, immigration woes, and that list seems to grow weekly.
But then there's always the LOCAL levels of "stuff" we have to deal with such as school or college tuition costs, school closings, racial balancing acts, even MORE welfare stuff, and still MORE tax stuff, city or county ordinances, utility bills, mortgage payments, car payments, doctor or dental visits, eyeglasses, hearing aids, retirement woes, personal savings stuff, the cost of food, beverages, clothing, and damn everything else...that keeps going nowhere but UP.
I'll tell 'ya...it's enough to have blood shoot from your eyes, as you run screaming into the streets.
Every one of us is dealing with our own "unique" situation(s), and we'd like to think we're doing the very best we can, given the circumstances surrounding us all.
But can ANY of us manage to DO IT ALL?
Hell, no!
And we should stop trying.
To even think that we could do it all, would be fantasy.
And yet, ALL of this crap at all these levels comes flying at us every damn day, and for those of us who happen to give a damn about what IS going on, we can pretty much be assured that our plates are more than full for the time being.
When we have ALL of this in our faces every damn day, we always have to be on guard to make sure it's not "getting" to us, and I know that's a tall order to give.
We need to make the word PRIORITY stick in our lives....
We can't deal with everything immediately...that's why God invented TIME (so all the sh*t wouldn't happen all at once), but in spite of that, we WANT to do what is right and what is immediate.
Some things simply cannot wait.
Other things can be "back-burnered" for a time.
There are those people that could give a rat's ass regarding ANY of this...they can't be bothered.
It's not "entertaining" enough to suit their "lifestyle".
Well, aside from these people needing a good, swift kick in the ass, we personally can't do much to motivate them.
What we CAN do is shield ourselves from them, because in tough times, THEY will be the ones looking for the easy way out...the fast buck...the free sh*t. And more than likely, they'll be looking at YOU, simply because YOU'RE the responsible one.
That's the way predatory people behave. That's why we often call them LOOTERS.
In tough times, we need to BECOME tough, or tougher than we ever thought we could.
None of us can be assured of the type of retirement we "thought" we were going to have.
None of us can be assured of a quality of life, other than mere existence.
These are things WE must pursue for ourselves and our families.
Now, I really didn't plan to take this direction today, but like some pimple on life's ass, this whole thing is coming to a head real soon.
Personally, I don't want to live in a world like we saw in BLADE RUNNER...or WILD IN THE STREETS, and definitely not THE OMEGA MAN (although some days it seems like I'm the last man on Earth fighting to survive among the living dead)...!
I mean, we can't all sit around and wait for "the end", however that may expose itself to us, can we?
Actually, as it stands...there is no "end"...it just keeps going on and on.
But, like many of you...I just wish that we could slow or even halt all this stuff from coming at us so damn much.
We need a breather.
We've been fighting for a while, and we're getting tired.
Like the poem says: "Rest if you must, but never give up".
Be nice to get a chunk of that "rest" being talked about.
We can only do so much...for so long, before we max ourselves out.
Maybe that's part of the "plan"...to have us "die off" due to sheer exhaustion. Maybe that's why "they" toss all this crap at all these levels at us daily.
They want us out of the way, or at least pretty damn confused.
And by the looks of many, they're succeeding.
Too many confused folks in the world today.
Of course, if the government is doing everything FOR you, you're not confused at all...you're pretty much content, and maybe want even more. Problem is, any person feeling that way is nothing more than a government mutt.
They OWN you, but you just can't seem to see it.
But hey, not ALL is lost at this point...
Yeah, with all this Earth axis shifting thing going on, we might wind up with a climate that morons DON'T like. Perhaps they'll all move to Greenland, because it will become like Detroit...or Mexico.
And maybe we can help our economy and open up some lemonade stands along the way, because God KNOWS we've got a bumper crop of LEMONS from our various governments this year, haven't we?
Just something to ponder, that's all.
Take care, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.

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