16 March 2010

Rights...and Wrongs...
Yesterday I barely scratched the surface regarding what some people believe is their "right" to drive...and own a vehicle and insure it, and then go ahead and break whatever traffic law is on the books. That was what Parking Wars (the show) was all about. Today, we're going a little deeper under that scratched surface to find some more truths to what is a RIGHT...and what is a PRIVILEGE.
The dictionary defines both words thus:
RIGHT - n - A moral, ethical, or legal principle, considered as an underlying cause of truth, justice, morality, or ethics.
PRIVILEGE - n - A grant to an individual, corporation, etc., of a special right or immunity, under certain conditions.
Now that we got that out of the way, let's move on...
In today's world (unlike times past) people are looking at a "privilege" as a "right", and just by viewing the definitions, you can see the error in that, right? The ONLY deviation from either privilege or right is that which is enacted by a LAW.
You do NOT have the right to an education...but you DO have the privilege of becoming educated (which is mandated by law that every individual have access to an educational system).
You do NOT have the right to a JOB...BUT, you DO have the privilege of SEEKING EMPLOYMENT in whatever field you feel qualified in, assuming you have the proper education .
You have the RIGHT to pursue happiness through gainful employment to purchase things you need (or want) to get that happiness going, kapeesh?
Conversely, any employer does NOT have a right to hire you. It is their privilege to take you on as an employee, with the hope you will perform as expected.
This is the ONLY case in which you have the right to be paid based on your performance, and can legally take someone else's money.
In any other instance, you DO NOT have a right to other people's money...that's what charitable organizations are for!
(that kinda shoots down the old welfare system, doesn't it?)
You do NOT have a "right" to infringe on other people's rights OR privileges.
Conversely, THEY also do not have that right to infringe on YOURS.
And, it's here that things begin to get a bit sticky...
You see, we've become a people (fortunately, not ALL of us) who have come to DEPEND on MORE "rights", when in actuality, we're already abusing the privileges we've been allowed to enjoy.
This has been called many things such as social justice, affirmative action, quotas, and so on.
We have ALL been equal from the start, it's just that some people feel the need to become MORE equal than others.
Then it ceases to be true equality, and slips into superiority.
And then , we start the whole "game" over again....to balance the scales of justice (for all).
The initial RIGHTS of every person are clearly laid out in our founding documents...the whole LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS (property) thing, remember?
Aside from those, everything else becomes a privilege...or, in the worst case, an entitlement.
(we'll touch on that later)
Now, this "pursuit of happiness" gig is your RIGHT to pursue ANY way you want, AS LONG AS it does not infringe on the rights of OTHERS, got it?
You are free to choose ANY occupation, live in ANY house in ANY city or state (or nation if that torques your twinkie, but then you're under a different set of laws there). You are free to speak your mind, worship as you wish, and select any hobby or vocational aspects you want to. Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?
Now, when one stops to think about all the privileges that come along with being a free people, the list is damn near infinite.
Such things as home ownership, owning a car, boat or airplane are marvelous privileges.
Gun ownership IS a right, however, but the privilege comes from RESPONSIBLE ownership.
More privileges include things that tend to unite us, such as Internet access and use, the availability to view television, or listen to the radio.
One thing we believe is our right, but leans more towards being a privilege is having children.
You don't have the right to have children, but allow me to define what I mean, before everyone gets honked off and goes all Texas-Chainsaw Massacre on me...fair enough?
Having children, and instructing them as they mature (while loving them) is a HUGE PERSONAL responsibility AS WELL AS a huge FINANCIAL responsibility.
Hell, ask ANY parent.
Being an "adult" does not automatically qualify you to become a parent...and for so many reasons.
Just because you "got the plumbing hooked up right", doesn't mean the house won't flood.
It's possibly the greatest responsibility you will ever take upon yourself.
And with such responsibilities (plural), comes a level of dedication, persistence, and even angst.
Now, does everyone feel that this is their "right"? Do you have the RIGHT to put yourself through such turmoil (especially if you're not mature enough, or financially stable enough)?
Of course not, so look upon having children as more of a privilege... a GIFT from God, if you will.
I would think it's more of a conscious CHOICE (after much thought)...no one is putting a gun to your head and DEMANDING you procreate. Yet man will be more than happy to relieve you of such a burden if you don't "want" it.
And, as in so many cases, we TEND to view a PRIVILEGE as something to be CHERISHED more...because it CAN be TAKEN AWAY from us.
You mess up with handling a privilege...you lose it.
Remember when Mom or Dad took away your TV...or grounded you for a week?
Loss of a privilege, wasn't it?
You have no "right" to a TV...or to hang out...that was something your parents ALLOWED because they believed you could handle the responsibility that went along with it.
But, it's not always a bed of roses...
One need only look around and see all the parents who have children, and through no fault of their own, have become financially burdened to the point of disaster. You can't sell the kids like that 2nd car when you need cash...doesn't work that way.
You're in it for the long haul, people. YOU find a way to make it all work and you tough it out, for no other reason than for the child's.
Now, until that child has grown to a point where they can fend for themselves, they are beholding to YOU for damn near everything.
They have a RIGHT (to life) to expect that from you.
And then you have a responsibility to acknowledge that right.
It sounds complex, and some times, it often is, but if you know the facts, it becomes a lot clearer.
RIGHTS are granted by our creator (first)...and then by our founding documents.
PRIVILEGES are granted by people...regular men and women.
Over time, as we have evolved, we've allowed (contrived) laws to blur the lines between these two.
Today, many people see a privilege AS a right...and that is called an ENTITLEMENT.
People falsely have been led to believe that damn near everything is their "right", and that they are entitled to it (and that even includes YOUR money).
Whenever you hear about some problem, you will inevitably hear the word "rights" come into play.
Lawyers love that...
Say the word "rights" to a lawyer, and the Pavlovian response kicks right in.
Granted, there are those times when the true RIGHTS of a person or persons have been violated, but with all this "gray area" between rights and privileges, the boundaries have been extended almost to infinity.
We have, in fact, become a nation not so much concerned with privileges, or even laws...but manufactured "rights".
Everyone has damn near a right to anything, all the time, for no particular reason.
That about sums it up...and that is wrong.
When we get back to basics...understand the ESSENCE of what these things really ARE, we understand a helluva lot more than we did the moment before.
When WE begin to acknowledge that certain things are GIVEN to us (rights), and that others have to be EARNED (privileges), we all become better individuals...and a much better nation.
And, we have a RIGHT to know the difference.
THAT is part of pursuing our own happiness...and liberty...and life.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.

((Tomorrow - St. Patrick's Day...dust off yer Guinness!))


Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
We do have specific enumerated rights and many, many privileges.

I agree with you very much. I do think that some 'entitlements' were felt to be a recompense for past "lack of rights" that set people back. As a woman, I am cognizant of some of these.

In some cases, I even think affirmative action had a good effect, although not always the one people intended. I have seen people work happily together who never would have consorted socially. It tends to change everyone's outlook on race or gender when they see good work done by an "other", or develop contacts they would never have sought out on their own.

However----many entitlements serve to Weaken rather than Strengthen, or work as a temporary Strength but long-term Weakness. You could argue that Aff. Act. is one of those.

We definitely need to look at the philosophy of entitlements and adjust back downward in scale, or at least in scope. Personally I would take a clear board and start over, deciding what would give us the nation we want--full of economically productive, law-abiding citizens.

I would be willing to extend a Strengthening Entitlement in terms of education or some other issues. That is not what we have right now.

What a Sticky Wicket. It drives me distracted.

Ann T.

Oh, my code word is logisti, as in logistics. Unbelievable.

Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,

P.S. Sorry, super long comment today.

I meant to add that what we have now is unsustainable, not just for recession, but for prosperity as well. We cannot do as we have done. We will fail as a nation, and those we helped in Weakening ways will fall first.

The help we do extend should not cause harm . . .

Bob G. said...

That's why I posted the picture of the BILL OF RIGHTS...
There are other rights eluded to in our Constitution, but perhaps I should have said our NATURAL RIGHTS (much like natural justice).

I think without affirmative action, we would have (out of necessity) eventually been bound together (all races) working side-by-side.
I just base that on my personal expereinces working with such people...everyone else's experience will definitely vary...and that's good for all of us.

I think you hit on something when we speak of the PHILOSOPHY of entitlements.
We have to stop drifting like a rudderless ship and properly DEFINE what we mean, as the basis FOR such meaning.
I do think we should temper any philosophical discussion with what our founders provided for us already. I think to ignore that does a disservice to all generations.

In the final analysis, it's not all about LAWS...or MORALITY...or RIGHTS, or even PRIVILEGES.
It all comes down to US....the PEOPLE.
If we understand what we are given and what we are allowed, within boundaries that hurt no others, I think we can turn this old boat around and steer a much better course.

The path we are currently on might well lead to perdition as well as financial ruin.

We can but hope.

Thanks so much for your sightful comments, and for taking time to stop on by.

Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
You are an angel to read this big old long comment series! Man! Looks like I need to do my ranting on my own spot!

But it's a good conversation to have, so thanks for getting it started,
Ann T.

Bob G. said...

Not a problem...
It might make 'ya smile.
It might make 'ya angry.
But it will, if nothing else...make 'ya THINK.

(and thinking never did a soul ANY harm, did it?)


Thanks for commenting.