05 April 2010

Easter Monday Musings...
I am taking it that you all had a very nice Easter, and that you knew the real reason for the season, as it were.
I've always looked at Easter as the REAL (unofficial) "official" beginning of Spring.
Around our neighborhoods, though, it was just another day (full of noise and obnoxious people posing as neighbors).
Amazing how many heathens you can find JUST by listening.
And that brings me to the center of this shrubbery maze...
There were a few articles that caught my attention over the weekend, and, curiously enough, they ALL are tied together (although the lame-stream media doesn't go that far...and they should).
Article #1:
Pertains to the death rates on newborns in Indiana, which is on the rise in only THREE counties - Lake, Marion, and Allen (our county). All three counties have large black populations, AND have seen the highest increase of infant mortality.
Here's the link:
Article #2:
Pertains to the wounding of a toddler INSIDE a car during a drive-by shooting in the SE quadrant.
here's the link:
Article #3:
Pertains to a man walking his dog, then taken at gunpoint back to his house, where a robbery is attempted. The result is ONE robber dead, the homeowner shaken, and two suspects at large.
Here's the link:
Now, before I proceed, you may wish to view those stories, as much of what I'll be talking about refers directly to them....
(I'll wait....)
I've stated numerous times, that we (now) live in what we USED to refer to back in Philly as..."The Badlands".
And I've also gone on record (here, as well as on other blogs) to referring to our "locals" as Aborigines (which is unfair to those living in the outback of Australia), but I feel the analogy fits pretty well, nonetheless.
What I'm going to do, is piece together this puzzle which seems to elude most media sources in our city.
Since Allen county has one of the higher black populations (and close to 80 other ethnicities), it's only fair that we go to the source when we speak about behavior, which many of us would deem unfit for a normal societal environment.
Face it, we have people who have NO knowledge of good and evil...that's a given, otherwise we wouldn't see things like toddlers being shot inside a car, or the other man that was ALSO shot inside HIS car last week, would we?
We have a minority within a minority that has NO feelings whatsoever when it comes to PUBLIC safety. I mentioned last week, that on most ANY night you can see the FWPD blotter showing a signal *113* (shots fired), and usually, it occurs on the SE side of town (and with alarming frequency).
It really surprises me that no one (at the top of the FWPD food chain) can seem to get a handle on this. I mean we already KNOW they can't seem to get a handle on NOISE violators (down here), so they MUST be concentrating their efforts with "bigger things"?
(We'll address all that in another post, trust me.)
Still, with such a large number of ethnics down here, who are more than ready (and willing) to SUE anyone for some MORE "free money", it's small wonder little gets done at this point in time. Perhaps when we begin looking more like DETROIT, something will be accomplished?
Hey, that's an idea...we could re-brand Fort Wayne by saying:
"Visit Fort Wayne - See Detroit's past before it's too late...AGAIN!"
Oh, that's sure to bring 'em in.
Anyway, when it comes to the increase in infant mortality, we can look no further than these black "men" who think it perfectly normal to toss a crying baby around like some dog chew-toy or rag doll.
Much like THIS "upstanding citizen":
It IS interesting to note that the Infant mortality article begins as follows:
"Indiana has some of the highest infant morality rates in the nation, and for black babies in Allen county, the rate has been comparable to that of DEVELOPING NATIONS." (my emphasis).
A "developing nation" to ME means something like ETHIOPIA...or SIERRA LEONE. Sorry, but when people don't bother to learn and adhere to "the rules", and go about shooting off guns after midnight, taking people prisoner at 4AM, and otherwise demonstrating to the REST of us that by the mere act of walking down the middle of the street at midday (instead of that sidewalk a few feet away) they are, in fact, exhibiting the exact same BEHAVIORAL TRAITS of those currently residing IN a 3rd world nation, so what else are we to expect?
These people are NOT being held responsible for their own actions...it's that simple. It would almost appear that any "law" certainly doesn't apply to THEM, would it not?
What makes THESE people so damn "special" that THEY are not required to be held to the SAME STANDARDS as the rest of us, hmm? Because, if they WERE held to the same standards, we sure wouldn't be seeing all the crap we have "...right here in River City", would we?
We've given them a free pass, when it comes to accountability....because they're POOR (oh, please)...they've been oppressed for SO long (gimme a break), and aren't given the"same chance" that others are (because they don't know what the hell it means to be self-reliant OR self-motivated). Everything has been done FOR them, and they are expected only to sit back and suck it all up (apparently).
So much for any real "black leaders" in their communities, right?
Curiously enough, when we speak about the levels of "poverty" these people would APPEAR to be in, we hear from the mouth of our own 6th District City Councilman (Glynn Hines) that HIS district (most of the southeast - where THIS white person happens to live...imagine that) has the HIGHEST level of...DISPOSABLE INCOME of ALL the city...!!!
Yeah, I'll let that sink for a moment...
The HIGHEST level of DISPOSABLE INCOME...and then we also hear the SE has the HIGHEST LEVEL OF POVERTY.
Gee, I didn't KNOW you could have BOTH at the SAME TIME.
SO many poor people...with so much MONEY to spend...who the hell would thought THAT, eh?
Personally, I'm suspecting a circle-jerk somewhere in THAT logic.
Someone's talking out their ass AND both sides of their mouth...(must be a LIBERAL...lol!)
We hear all this "jaw-jackin", and many believe the lies, but nothing EVER seems to come close to any TRUTH being told, does it?
The same old crap goes on and on...day after day...year after year.
Let's not hold these people responsible in ANY way...they don't need to be productive. Let's give them everything for free.
And heaven help anyone from any OTHER race that even "hints" at asking them to ante up and get in the game with the rest of us...!
Such people can't be bothered pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps, and instead always fall back upon the teat of our governmental agencies, suckling until they fall fast asleep in a stuporous bout of socio-economic gluttony.
Yet, one would think we'd have a solution at hand...
Well, we DO, but such people can't be bothered with a solution...it's not entertaining enough for them.
They have no concept of what it means to challenge themselves.
And that is why you have "mothers" who fall asleep on the couch at midday (either with or without a controlled substance amendment to their demeanor) with their latest addition to the census (welfare role) nestled close to the body.
Then, baby-mama rolls over, smothering the child, or breaking it's tiny bones, and well, another infant mortality for the books.
That is how a LOT of these "sudden deaths" are committed.
Other ways include baby-mama's "BFOTM" (boyfriend of the month) who can't stand the crying that ALL babies are prone to (it's dissing his "high" ), and so he smacks the child around a bit, burns it, or tosses it against the nearest hard, solid object...yeah, that tends to quiet 'em down REAL fast, and makes "Mr. boyfriend" a murderer in the process, with baby-mama an accomplice for allowing this creature near her infant in the first place.
Takes one helluva "man" to batter an infant, doesn't it, Jermetrious?
Another committee or "task force" will be created to investigate the mortality of black babies in our county.
Like we already don't KNOW the causes?
(used to be called chronic stupidity)
It's the lack of normal societal FUNCTIONALITY, people.
We've got a bunch of people with "broken mindsets", that need to be fixed.
Education isn't working (as expected)...they don't LIKE being "educated"....to much of a "white thing" (as they say).
They believe they can do everything themselves (well, they can certainly KILL one another damn well, that's for sure).
They're too poor to know better (yeah, and that nice CADDY and that BIG SCREEN TV just screams "POVERTY" to ME as well).
Stop with all the double-standard BS for a start.
You want equality, then do what everyone else does...WORK TOWARDS IT.
You may all be equal in God's eyes, and biologically, that pretty much follows, but we're living in the realm of MAN...not GOD.
Men look at your character...WHO you are, and if you display nothing but a worthless piece of humanity to everyone, don't go crying "we wanna be equal, even though we're lazier than hell".
You get OFF your ass (and that sofa), and get busy being HUMAN...don't go through the motions and expect acceptance from everyone because you breathe the same air.
You don't get something for nothing...everything has "strings attached".
God doesn't hold a gun to anyone's head (unlike those robbers), and forces you to do anything. These people need to get off the "ME" train.
YOU choose...It all begins with YOU.
YOU learn...YOU understand...YOU love...YOU move forward.
Funny thing, when you learn about YOU, you wind up knowing a LOT more about others.
And that seems as good a way as any to proceed in this life.
Therein lies the lesson for today.
In the meantime...Be well, make a difference to someone, and, as always...
Stay safe out there, America.
(( Tomorrow, we delve into modern police technology, and how it has become both a help as well as a hindrance on our streets))


Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
Yes, the comparison to infant mortality in developing countries is a sobering statistic.

These countries do not have clean water or regular food supply. They do not have access to prenatal care or to infant pediatrics. Those children die of infant diseases mostly, and we can't say that here.

We do have access to health, so something else is going on, other than poverty, to make this true. I think it is the drug culture. Everyone on earth has a chance to be human, flawed but humane. Drugs are the new poverty.

Bob G. said...

Time and space didn't permit me to post ALL the stats I found (globally)...they were simply SHOCKING!!!

We (USA) used to be well in the TOP TEN back in the 1960s...

We're now BELOW CUBA when it comes to infant mortality!!!

The USA has fallen damn near off the radar...we're into the THIRTIES, and had had the GREATEST CHANGE in those rates over the last 40 years.

If I didn't SEE it, I wouldn't have believed it.

Low infant birth weight among blacks is the PRIMARY cause, but there so many more, and not even the Hispanics (fastest growing ethnicity) suffer these numbers.

SO...it HAS to be "something" that has been allowed to happen between 1960 and NOW.

I'd say much is the devolving of societal morality with an ever-increasing entitlement mentality, but hey, I could "only be guessing" (wink, wink)

Thanks for stopping by.

Galaxy Echo said...

Hey, long time no see! I wish I had more time to read your blog as I always feel like I get a healthy dose of intellect. It's not very easy to find someone who will speak his mind, AND has a very accurate perception of reality!!!!

Re: the mortality rate of infants (and associating "black factor")...too true, the same happens in Green Bay but the rate isn't as high. What pisses me off is the senselessness of it. In GB, most of the newborn/infant deaths are related to neglect from malnutrition. The rate isn't very high, but any senseless death rate is too high, know what I mean?

Oh, and your comment about the FWPD... lol, about concentrating their efforts on bigger things... DUDE (sorry, it's just a thing I say) that's how the GBPD is!!!! I don't know if their job description includes anything other than raiding donut shops or running radar. Most of the time they don't even pull people over...Serious, I bet the only time they'll pull over speeders is if they're going 25+ over! It's so incredible...

This semester I'm taking a class called Race, Ethnic, and Diversity. We have covered a lot of the topics you're discussing in your last section of the blog. How true too. We just finished up the Asian American section, and this thing called the "Model Minority." Don't know if you know what it is, but you should look it up one day if you have time. It just goes to prove the fact that anybody (particularly, any minority) can succeed IF they want to, and are willing to put forth the effort. You hit the nail on the head...those who don't succeed usually are just plain lazy. Anyway, I'm all typed out now, so please take care and have a great week! God Bless!

Bob G. said...


Good to see 'ya...know you've been busier than all get out, but happy to see you take some time to visit here.

IT amazes me about the malnutrition aspect to infant mortality...I mean there is WIC and all those wonderful food stamps (that the taxpayers have top pay for), and YET...the infants STARVE!

SOmething's not right there...must be all those HOT FRIES and ORANGE DRINKS bought by "baby-mama".

As to the "model minority"...surprising they actually have a CLASS in that...LOL.
I knew Philly's CHINATOWN section real well...CLEANEST PLACE in the whole damn city!
ANd all those people were redcent immigrants....unlike those others that have BEEN HERE for centuries.

You're right...they have to WANT to help themselves...I've said it here often anough...guess the higher educational facilities have finally "got it", too.
(they must be reading my blog...or have been following me around in life...LOL).

Hey, thanks for stopping on by, and keep plugging away with your learning...it WILL pay off in ways you can never imagine.

Just don't do it MY way and attend the "college of hard knocks"...(no diploma, but plenty of subject matter and NO gov't funding)

Have a great week!


indy said...

i read it in the indy newspaper on like page 100...(being a wee bit sarcatstic). i have always said that america is turning into a third world country and this isnt doing anything to sway my opionion. and they are blaming it on low birth weight. i find that hard to beleive. i think its low caring attitude. not all mothers give up their lives (partying, etc) for raising their kids. you see alot more white mothers do that for their kids. its hard to drink and raise a kid period. i slept with my daughter when she was young. so i find it hard to think someone would roll onto their kid by accident. i dont know.

Bob G. said...

The low birth weight might be due to NO (or little) neonatal care, especially in the LAST trimester...
I found some stats that back that much up.

ANd it MUST be hard to have an infant while hooked on some drugs or booze. And you're right, so many "moms" dump the infant onto GRANDMA or an AUNT, so they can PAR-TAY!

I'm sure my mom cuddled with me too, but when these baby-mamas curl up on the couch and roll over on the child, that's not exactly being responsible. It DOES happen.

They call it "other causes" instead of trauma or suffocation.
(go figure).

Hey, thanks for stopping by.

indy said...

ok bob. i'm missing something here. the neonatel care thing. in the last timester what does the doc really do anyways? hate to break it down like this. my baby was 9lbs 10oz. i even had mentigitis. and that was in my 7/8th month. she was overdue by 2 weeks. as long as you eat right, sleep, and just try to be healthy what does the doc really do except listen to the babys heart rate. its been almost 18 years so i do forget a thing or two. i refused to take drugs till the end. ate, and slept like a bear. i dont know. just me perhaps. and i had no help at all. if it wasnt for the women at my job i would have never went in about the mentigitis i would had stayed at work in misery. that was pure toture.

Bob G. said...

According to what I read, the 3rd Trimester is the one that SO FEW blacks pay attention to...dunno why.
Many of these women DO NOT get the proper sleep, nutrition, and are too busy doing whatever they want, while still having a child.

Sometimes you have to give up some things if you're taking on such a responsibility, right?

The healthcare is THERE for them all, but they can't be bothered.
And yet, we're "changing" healthcare so everyone gets it...
Sorry, but this would seem to be a case of leading a horse to water, and trying to force it to drink.
Doesn't work that way most times.

Glad YOU got yourself taken care of...shows YOU CARE!

Thanks for stopping by.