19 May 2010

Humpday Happenings...
The rain in the Midwest is subsiding, the clouds are parting and we've had some interesting goings-on around the area.
Souder quits due to an affair...let's leave that be, shall we?
Spector defeated in PA...and about damn time, too.
Rand Paul wins in KY...score one for the GOOD guys.
Maybe...just maybe there still is hope for this nation...
I do know one thing; I am getting pretty damn sick and tired of hearing about this "immigration" law that was passed in AZ.
Now, that doesn't mean I'm against it...quite the contrary.
If the FEDS won't step up and ENFORCE that which NEEDS enforcing, then by God, let the STATES do it.
Our Constitution clearly stated that the majority of "power" rests WITH the states, anyway.
I mean, it's not like we're having ALL these illegals coming across, AND all these DRUGS also coming across our borders, right?
Oh, wait...they ARE coming across our borders...
(Aye, there's the rub)
And, by all means, let's STOP calling this an "IMMIGRATION" law...it's an ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION law (if anything).
We already HAVE (in place) laws that fully ALLOW those seeking citizenship, the right to do so...in a LEGAL manner.
Some days, I wish George Carlin were still with us, so he could enlighten us on the proper "verbage" for all this new crap flying at us.
(yeah, right)
(got it)
Somehow, our own Attorney General (Eric Holder) can't seem to bring himself to CALL these people what they are...amazing.
If we don't name things as they truly are, who (exactly) are we trying to defraud anyway?
Doesn't that old adage about "If it WALKS like a duck, and LOOKS like a duck, and QUACKS like a duck, it MUST be a DUCK" still apply today? I would have thought so...how about YOU?
When I hear about some murderer, for example, who has committed a number of heinous crimes against his fellow man, labelled a "poor, misunderstood and oppressed member of our society", I want to put my foot through the TV.
And I especially detest when some (long-term) thug is gunned down during a botched robbery, drug deal gone bad...whatever, being touted as "such a good boy with a great sense of humor and always the life of the party". Maybe if he spent LESS time at those parties, and more time with his nose in a textbook, he'd still be alive...AND would still be a good boy (or at least a much better one than the person he became).
We simply can't bring ourselves to speak the truth in many cases...why is that?
If someone got in with the wrong crowd...say so, for God's sake.
If someone IS a radical ISLAMIST, then blurt it the hell out.
But the really WEIRD part to all this improper labelling, is that we not only FAIL to name things (or people) for what they actually ARE, but we often label them something they are totally NOT...and we're OK with THAT, too.
You speak out against the POLICIES of this administration...you're an EXTREMIST, or a "MOBSTER", or even a RACIST.
You shoo away some loiterers from your property (that happen to be black)...you're a RACIST.
(funny, I have a lot LESS patience WITH WHITES who do the same damn thing...am I a reverse racist for that?)
Seems whenever you try to do the RIGHT thing, you're getting beat back by someone, and for all the wrong reasons.
Much of today's truth is met with scorn, while deceits are often embraced, and that doesn't feel quite right..
Somehow, I don't think that's the way it SHOULD be.
If we are presented some information or data, it should be our duty to question it for it's veracity, first.
From whatever source we gather this information from, they "could" be wrong...that happens to everyone sooner or later.
Some of the information could simply be MISinformation, designed to point us in a different direction, or to sway our opinion.
Sun Tzu was a strong proponent of MISDIRECTION, and felt it to be the keystone to winning ANY battle.
And with our 24/7 information availability, we have a LOT of stuff to sift through to FIND that truth.
Now, there are those who will contend that any "truth" is open to interpretation.
I will counter by saying that any truth is open to DEBATE (again to test it's veracity).
And that's where the court of OPINION reigns.
You can't say that 2+2=4 and then open the answer for debate saying the sum is something else.
There are what I prefer to call "Universal Truths".
Some things do not change, no matter how others would try to convince you otherwise. And when proven to be true, will always remain true.
One could look no farther than to the Ten Commandments to figure that one out.
Many of our current LAWS are based UPON some of those "words from God".
And yet, we have in place a separation of church and state to avoid a government-run religion.
Funny, but I remember Pelosi saying to churches that THEY have to speak "from the pulpits" about government reform of some sort.
Wow, doesn't that fly in the face of the whole "separation" thing?
The FEDS want to infiltrate our churches now?
Say it ain't so.
What kind of "truth" is that, and what is the PROPER NAME for it?
You have to be on guard these days. Information is flying at every one of us at break-neck speed, and we simply don't have enough time in the day to cover it all. We have to practice discernment.
We have to be able to "separate the wheat from the chaff" (as the Good Book says) when it comes to finding the truth in whatever we seek.
Few things in life we can honestly take at face value.
All the rest we have to step back and question.
We're not being confrontational in that regard...just wary.
Remember the saying: "Fool me ONCE, shame on YOU - fool me TWICE, shame on ME"?
Yeah, it still applies.
And it works.
When we question...we seek answers.
When we find the answers...we LEARN.
And when we learn...we can TEACH.
Pretty neat process, don'cha think?
And THAT works, too.
So take some time today to question something that needs questioning. Seek out the answer and learn.
Then, pass it forward in some manner.
You'll be better for having done so...as will those you enlighten and inform.
Be well, make a difference, and...
Stay safe out there, America.


Keith said...

Hey there. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it. I'm very excited to be back blogging. Take care. I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.

Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
Sometimes we can change terminology to get action or agreement. Other times it's just confusing. Both are a misdirection and you're right--they both work.

Like you, I think it's time to start thinking, or possibly, re-thinking the labels we use.

I do think the Islamic modifier (or some adjective proper in polite society, what else would it be?) should be used if it refers to a terrorism such as 9-11, because there are other terrorist types out there.

I'm not in favor of lightening the word terrorism by extending it to other, lesser things. Or hiding real terrorism under a euphemism. That goes for all things pretty much, except at the dinner table. :-)

We can't reason without the right words. If we know the right words we have to use them to reach solutions.

Good on you for pointing this out.


Bob G. said...

Thank YOU for making coolness...timeless.

Thanks for swinging by.

Bob G. said...

What some people (readers of THIS blog excluded, naturally) don't always believe, is that ALL words DO have POWER.
They carry WEIGHT.
They MEAN something.
(or they SHOULD)

Whenever we dilute the true intent of a word, phrase or meaning, we open the Pandora's Box of "interpretive opinion".
And that begets words being "modified" (or even excluded)to fit the venue.

Many things in life (words included) are there for a REASON,
whether it be to define or describe, or express something.

We find OURSELVES in life to be defined by WHO we all become along our journey.

However, we are a bit more "fluid" than words, in that we are always open to change and personal betterment.
(or devolution, in some cases)

Words were (and are) created to mean what they say, and that's about it.
I believe it's made that way for a purpose - that being understanding.

One thing I've always believed....when you walk the path of not acknowledging words, ommitting them, or even begin to BAN them, you tread a path that could very well lead to something too scary to contemplate.
Piles of burning books comes to mind.

Words DO carry power (in that once uttered, they can never be called back...kinda like bullets), but in many cases, the grade-school ditty still rings somewhat true:
"...but words will never hurt me".

If CHILDREN can comprehend that, perhaps WE can learn from THEM.
It's just a thought.

Hey, thanks a lot for stopping on in and sharing your thoughts.
Much appreciated.


Slamdunk said...

I think Spector's loss is the best thing for the Democrats--they at least have a chance at the general election old Arlon would have lost by 20% or more as unpopular as he is.

Also, I think the media needs to understand the difference between immigration and migration--we have been experiencing the latter from folks moving across the Southern border for years now.

Bob G. said...

Being a proud product of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I just wish Spector would have lost about TWENTY YEARS AGO...LOL.

Coulda saved a MESS of problems.

Never thought about it as "migration"...interesting .
Over the centuries, those in South America were known to be nomadic in nature, in that entire civilizations just up and left their areas of dominion.

Still, I'm sure those that even migrate here are more inclined to pursue the LEGAL means to do so.
As should anyone wishing to become a U.S. citizen.

Hey, thanks for dropping by.