03 May 2010

Monday Musings...
Welcome to a new month AND a new week.
One of the curious things about life is that, as we "mellow with age", or become "more seasoned", we find out stuff we never knew...or readily dismissed, until we had a few of those "personal assessment" moments.
Sooner or later, we turn around, or look in the mirror and we find we truly ARE (for the most part) the sum OF our parents.
For some, that's a good thing, AND one helluva testament or legacy for our parents.
For others, it may become the one thing they've dreaded.
For me personally, I think I got the "good stuff".
By that, I mean the best of what my parents represented to me are still alive and well, residing in yours truly.
And if our parents have any vices...well, we ALL have some somewhere, and that's just because that's the way the model was put together since day one. If we didn't have ANY vices at all, we'd pretty much be as PERFECT as God himself, and we're not even close.
But striving for betterment isn't such a bad thing.
Now, I'm like my Dad in one regard...I like the whole "live and let live" gig.
You don't bother me, and I won't bother you.
It's much like the Golden Rule...I treat you as I would like to be treated, and YOU do to me likewise, and we all get along with as few problems as possible.
Sounds like a plan, right?
Well, you'd THINK as much.
Things don't always go "as planned", though.
(Aye, there's the rub)
While YOU (or I, for that matter) might be perfectly content with this Golden Rule, OTHER PEOPLE have differing beliefs and principles that THEY live by, and you don't figure into "their" equation when it comes to "getting along".
Of course, you've all seen these people so many times before.
They are the ones cutting in lines, or being the most obnoxious person at a gathering, or the sloppiest individual you're even seen, and they could be the LOUDEST one in the bunch.
You all know how I feel about the whole LOUD issue...it doesn't have to exist, at least NOT in it's current form...and certainly NOT in the name of ANY form of "tolerance"...or even "cultural diversity".
We do, however NEED certain noise to get things built, or moved, or repaired, or even to warn us of impending alarm (fire engines, ambulances, and police cars to name a few). It's a necessary evil of our society.
Other noise we simply DO NOT "need"...nor want.
But have it we do, and in ever increasing abundance.
Now, I suppose, in some perverted way, these acoustically-challenged idiots "think" (and does THAT word EVER miss the mark) they have every "right" to SHARE whatever noise they have at their disposal with everyone else, regardless of the exact SAME rights the OTHER people have.
And every month, for the past 4 years, I have been sending along to our FWPD Deputy Chief (and quadrant captain) a "report" that details the specifics that happen in our neighborhood, since we don't actually have a VIABLE Neighborhood Association (in name and officers only).
We have to first have a viable COMMUNITY in order to have a real N/A, and since we only have a conglomeration of transients and other assorted human refuse infesting the area, the voices of the last few remnants of humanity like OURS go relatively unnoticed (or worse...ignored).
Here's another case where I am my father's son...when I'm trying to advise you of something important, don't EVER IGNORE ME...!
Better for anyone to placate me by nodding with false concern (which I will ALSO find out about), than outright ignorance of who I am, and what I am trying to convey.
That will get you on my negative "A" list REAL fast. You don't really WANT to be on THAT list, trust me.
And although I will have compassion and will forgive someone THEIR faults and missteps, I NEVER FORGET.
To me, it's "Forgive...but remember".
When we remember...we learn (to not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of, mostly).
And sometimes, we even have to "refresh" the memory of those who went against us in the first place. They believe because we "forgave" them, they can go back and do the same old crap again....not so.
But, I digress...
I have stated to our D/C for YEARS that what has come to our neighborhood WAS in fact...COMING.
And you would have thought that the police Command Staff, having been privy to this (for years), would have, or should have, or could have done something to, if not halt this growing bane against our part of town, then perhaps slow down the rising tide of criminal intent from those supplanting the once decent people by moving into MY neighborhood.
Nope...sorry, wrong. Bad assumption on MY part.
I suppose it's OK to be wrong once in a while. It helps to offset ALL THE TIMES I happen to be RIGHT.
After all, one must have parity in one's life.
But, parity be damned...in this case.
I've always said that I don't give a rat's ass WHAT these other people do in the confines of their OWN houses, but when whatever they choose to do affects how I am trying to live MY life, and spills out into the community with repetitive nauseum...well, that's where I draw the line.
When they believe that the whole neighborhood is THEIRS (and theirs alone), and that no other person has any right to live a normal life, that's just wrong.
When they think they can be as LOUD as they want, and that everyone is deaf (or should be)...that's wrong.
When they feel that dancing in the damn street with music blaring after midnight is perfectly "normal", that's wrong.
When they force THEIR lifestyles into YOUR life, because you don't matter to THEM...that's too damn wrong.
You want to do drugs...fine, just don't come down to MY place and smoke it...OR sell it.
You want to play your music...got no problem with that, AS LONG AS I don't have to hear it at all. You never hear MINE.
You want to run around intersections like a screaming bunch of primates in heat at the zoo... go ahead, AS LONG AS you're NOT using MY property (or the damn intersection) as part of YOUR frigging"playground", kapeesh?
Now, you'd probably say we all "could" get along, but it's certainly not because I'm NOT doing "my part"...I am.
I leave THEM alone...UNTIL they inflict themselves upon or into MY life.
Then I call the police to shut them up for about the 37th time (this year)...that's a LOT of "second chances" and warnings, don'cha think? I don't go out of my way to "bother" them (as they do with us)...I consider my life is too important for that crap.
Apparently, theirs IS NOT. But since YOU (the taxpayer) are footing their bill, it's fine to them.
The funny thing, is that they might become uppity with the police (God knows they have such little respect or fear of them as it is), like their sh*t doesn't stink or something, when all they have to figure out is that if THEY make an earnest attempt to act in a CIVIL manner...the police will NEVER be called on them...by ANYONE...for ANY reason.
How f$cking simple is THAT to comprehend, hmm?
(you'd be surprised HOW difficult it actually IS...for THEM)
Then again, the police (command) have to give a damn as well, and by that, I mean they have to not issue so many frigging "warnings" or second chances. Everyone is entitled to ONE...after that, you're making fools out of the police, and everyone else that believes in JUSTICE...for EVERYONE.
So yes...I AM my father's and mother's son...and I'm damn proud of that distinction.
I know MY rights, and the rights of others, and I have my parents, teachers, assorted mentors and friends to thank for that.
I know what is FAIR...and what is NOT.
I know my limits, AND my boundaries, unlike so many of those that either live in or pass through my neighborhood...and DO NOT.
And I didn't have any magic formula, or hidden powers, or even a secret handshake to figure that one out.
I had people who gave a damn about ME...and others like me.
Sadly, many today simply do not.
That's a far cry from the manner in which our ancestors grew up.
And that's a far cry from what it means to be citizen of this fine nation.
Time to figure out the best and fastest way to get that train back on the right track, before we destroy one another.
Only then, can we, as a people, dispel the clouds of such ignorance.
Although ignorance might be bliss, we all don't need to be THAT "blissful", do we?
Therein lies the lesson.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.


Slamdunk said...

Keep at 'em Bob.

One of the biggest mistakes that police agencies make is offering someone as a neighborhood liaison who is powerless or does not really care.

Bob G. said...


Thanks for the encouragment. I really DO appreciate it (and many days...need it).

I can't speak to IF they (command)really "care", as they SAY they do, but rather I think (and this is MY opinion) that they (street LEOs) are being "misdirected" (by command) in their approach to what is being considered GOOD policing.

Now SUN TZU believed that MISDIRECTION was the KEY to winning any war.

Wonder exactly WHAT WAR the city police command is trying to wage, because MY 12 years of observations (here) are writing a different story.

People ask why I seem to keep on "banging my head against the wall", and my answer is simple:
It feels SO damn good when I STOP...LOL!

Hey, thanks for swinging on by.

Ann T. said...

Dear Bob,
I am with Slamdunk, except I want to say--in a way, you're parenting on a limited basis.

"I had people who gave a damn about me . . .Sadly, many today simply do not."

In a sad way, your expectations may be the only giving a damn about behavior these people have known. But that's a lonely place for you, for sure.

Just unbelievable.

Ann T.

Bob G. said...

Hey, 'ya know...I hadn't even thought about THAT particular context, but after RE-reading that sentence, I DO see the meaning YOU mention.

I was initially referring NOT to people giving a damn about "me" today, but rather PEOPLE not giving a damn about OTHER people...
Wow, you turned on that bulb over my head on this one.
I hadn't seen THAT side of this, in spite of what I typed down...nice call!

Also, I wouldn't want to parent ANY of these people around us...even MY patience is not THAT strong...LOL.

I appreciate your ability to enlighten ME and "splain" stuff that needs 'splainin".

Thanks so much for stopping by today.

Have a great week.

AmericanVet said...

Blog identified. Testing...monitoring...intelligent life source identified!

"Thank you, computer. We will add them/him to our little blogroll."

Bob G. said...

ROFL...helluva software package 'ya got workin' there!

Thanks for the add-in, and for stopping on by.

Ann T. said...

AmVet, that's way funny!
Bob, I'm seein' more kudos comin' your way . . . only a matter of time.
Ann T.

Bob G. said...

And to think it ONLY took a bit more than THREE YEARS...LOL!
(guess some good things ARE worth waiting for).

I'm certainly NOT one of those high-falootin' "connected" people with a radio or TV show (yet...but it's "on my list")...just an average guy with way too much on my mind that needs to be said.

Hopefully, I'm sayin' what a lot of folks have been thinking.
And what THEY think helps fuel this mini-juggernaut.

Thanks for the heads-up.
Much appreciated.

*And one of these days, I PROMISE to relate the "saga" of Miss Kabuki...
(Beowulf, it ain't...ROFL)

The Observer said...

Just wanted to stop by and encourage you to keep STANDING against the hordes.

I come over from Ann T's place.

I live in a first ring suburban part of Kansas City, MO--our houses are 50 years old--and we have parts of our area that are fighting this very fight.

It's not a RACE thing either, although I'm sure you have been accused of racism on a regular basis. It's a CLASS thing, in all senses of the word. I have Black neighbors on one side of me, and they couldn't be better neighbors, especially as folks who rent rather than own. They go out of their way to keep their joint looking good, sometimes better then mine!

I'll be dropping by regularly to see how you're doing.

The Observer

Bob G. said...

The Observer:
Welcome aboard...glad to have you.

I know the types of houses you're speaking of in KCMO.
Ours are right in that mix...many are post WW2 structures, and damn nice ones too.

I grew up having black people fawn on me in my playpen (as Mom used to tell me), and I had enough black friends in high school to have me labelled some nasty things by people of my OWN race.
Worked with my share of black people...and they were NOT of the "entitlement" mentality one bit.
They busted their butts right alongside me.

And I've been inside MANY black households, most all of which were people I would GLADLY invite to my house and call them "FRIEND".
They did America proud!

It IS clearly, a CLASS issue, but too often today, those without the truth WILL substitute (rather impose) RACE in lieu of the obvious, and I agree with you 100%.

I suppose we "could" try RE-regentrification...who knows?

At this point, it's not totally hopeless, but the light IS at the end of a VERY long tunnel.

Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

Take care.

indy said...

i agree with ann you are in a strange sense parenting them to some type of degree. it happened to me too. when i was living in my house if i started cleaning out my trash next thing i knew the whole street did too. or mowing the yard. or cleaning my car. it was like yea, good time to do that. there is a 2 percent of me that wishes she stayed. but the rest of me is happy she left. much better attitude now. and i am working more towards my goals. even if they seem small by todays standards in 5 years they will have blossomed to a better life. lol i am enrolling my kid in drivers ed. watch out world!!!!

Bob G. said...

I suppose both of you are right when you describe what I'm doing as a form of "parenting"...but if THEY were MY kids, they'd be across MY KNEE more often than not...LOL.

I do find it amusing that when I (for example) mow MY lawn...everyone else seems to follow suit. Like they can't do anything BEFORE I do it...LOL

(let's see what that weird old white guy on the corner does...he knows what's going on)
If they ONLY knew all that I know...they'd be scared.

Your daughter is going to drive?
You've just entered a whole NEW world of worry...and that's the UP side...LOL.
Seriously, this is where the "rubber meets the road", and not just literally.
This is the time when parenting becomes more like being a boot D.I.
You're going to have to DRILL the facts about driving into your child, whether she wants to hear it or not.
It's for HER safety (and YOUR peace of mind), but you already know that...
Carry on.

Thanks for stopping on by.

indy said...

well after taking the old car for a joy ride or two when i was at work. and crashing the old garage door a little. she understands where the brake pedal is now. that 99 toyota was a good product. hit a few things never showed and saved a few lives. got 170,000 miles on it. lol never the less. that is why i am sending her to drivers ed. she scared the shit out of a couple of the "tough" guys in our neighborhood trying to teach her to drive so they could get a free ride somewhere. i even saw her in the passager seat a few days ago with bumper to bumper rush hour traffic and she said to me (as soon as everything stopped) we are going to die...........lol i told her now i would have jumped off 70 and went 65 north. had plenty of room. so i think she will be ok once she scares the shit out of the drivers ed instructor. she might have to go back this winter too.

Bob G. said...

All I can add is be GLAD she never learned to drive down in SOUTH PHILLY (like I did).

MY buddy Walt (who allowed me to drive his 2year-old car as his way of teaching me) said:
"If you can drive down HERE...you can drive ANYWHERE"

And he was right.

Passed my FIRST time.

But then, they went and built the LOOP around D.C.
THAT place will give you a coronary!

Glad to hear everyone's safe and sound behind YOUR wheel.

Thanks for stopping by.

The Observer said...

OMG, you learned to drive in Philly? I went to college in the Philly metro and did a part time EMT gig for money. Plus, I had a car for two years. Driving there is a TRIP. It made me pretty much unflappable about bad, aggressive driving.

Now, STOOPID is what I find out here in Missouri/Kansas, and sometimes I have to take a breath for the degree of STOOPID I see around here!

The Observer

Bob G. said...

Yes indeed...I learned down in SOUTH PHILLY (where the cheesestaeks are ALWAYS hot...AND available)
You drive along DELAWARE Ave. at night, and all those (barely passable) ONE-WAY streets...and you CAN drive damn near anywhere else...that's a fact!

ANd you KNOW you're doing OK when the number of HORN HONKS (behind you) subsides MARKEDLY...LOL.

Hey, thanks for stopping by.