Now we're not talking sideshow freaks, although I will admit that a LOT of this stuff is freakier than all get out.
And if you're not careful, you might discover some truth along the way.
So, without any further ado...let's plunge in.
*** I found this story interesting (and just a bit scary) on more than a few levels.
Private Bradley Manning, U.S. Army...patriot or traitor?

Pvt. Bradley (currently under arrest) is alleged (because everyone IS innocent until proven guilty) to have "obtained" about 92,000 sensitive military documents and handed them over to WIKILEAKS and an "unfaithful" journalist.
Here's a website devoted to an article entitled "Collateral Murder":
WikiLeaks also releases the classified "rules of engagement" from 2006 - 2008.
Now, this is a very involved issue.
On one hand we have someone who was privy to documents that chronicled Ops that were considered classified (or could be called cover ups), while on the other hand, we have a plethora of military Ops being more or less compromised, because of the divulging of these documents.

You fight to WIN the damn war...or you surrender...it's as simple as that.
Something like this, however places ALL our military personnel at risk.
You can bet our enemies are licking this up like spilled milk in a cat shelter!
In times past, such actions against our military by ANY of it's members would be cause for execution.
They would be called traitors to the cause.
Then again, you have to determine IS that cause really "just" in the first place?
If we're fighting for no reason, or for no good outcome, then why even bother?
Can a war in Afghanistan be conducted WITHOUT civilians (on both sides) somehow getting caught up in this maelstrom?
Hey, sh*t does happen.

But THAT was done to bring a faster END to the war, right?
And yes, many THOUSANDS of civilians WERE killed.
World War 2 DID end a lot sooner, as a result, both in the ETO and the PTO (theaters of operations).
Did the END truly justify the MEANS?
I suppose we defer to history to be our guide there.
Can we look back NOW, and determine a similar course of action is required to "win" the war in the Middle East?
I tend to be one of those people that believe we CAN win any war we set our mind (and resources) to.
If, however, we allow politics to overwhelm the military aspects OF this war, or ANY war, we have taken the wrong steps towards victory, as it's colloquially defined.
If this war IS winnable...then by God, let's WIN it. If it is not, then we should leave.
Our FIRST duty is to protect OUR nation, and if we can't even defend our borders or our own people at home, then why do we think we can better protect our nation several thousand miles away?
Surely, there is MUCH to consider...and much more to think long and hard about.
*** Elsewhere in the world...
(( Nigerian authorities seize 450 kg of cocaine - The Associated Press
ABUJA, Nigeria – Nigeria's drug enforcement agency says it has seized nearly half a ton of cocaine and has arrested two Chinese nationals and a Nigerian in connection with the seizure.

It originated from Chile and passed through Peru, Bolivia and Antwerp in Belgium before being shipped to Nigeria, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency says in a statement.
The agency says it was able to make the seizures based on the work of undercover agents. It also says this is the second-largest seizure since one in 2006 that netted 14.2 tons of cocaine. ))
Wow...the cocaine came from CHILE...who'da thunk THAT, hmm?
And I wonder what the hell it's doing in NIGERIA?
Must be used to "aid the troops" that fight what seems to be a chronic tribal war in that poor as hell nation.
*** And a little "closer to home"...
(( Mexico investigates possible new gang
Mexican authorities are investigating the possible emergence of a new drug gang that appeared to take credit for six killings through a message left with the bodies Monday, officials said.
The six men were found inside a car in the southwestern city of Chilpancingo, Guerrero state police said in a statement. Next to them lay a message reading: "This will happen to all rapists, extortionists and kidnappers. Attentively, the New Cartel of the Sierra."
Authorities are investigating the authenticity of the gang. ))

If these folks are going to kill RAPISTS, EXTORTIONISTS, and KIDNAPPERS, it makes you wonder.
Aren't those rapists, et al the ones who actually ARE the Mexican drug cartel members?
And wouldn't killing THEM be a "good" thing? I don't believe there is a new GANG in town...unless you wish to label them a gang of VIGILANTES.
So, if they croak off a few of the cartel members...that's better from everyone concerned, right?
*** But wait...there's more...

If you answered "SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD"...give yourself a gold star!
Here's the story, if you don't believe me: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20100727/BLOGS01/100729606
Tell, you...it's getting to be a little TOO weird out there these days.
*** Lastly today...more on Fort Wayne's efforts to ban K2:
Here's the article from the OP-ED page:

Mitch is always the voice of reason (imho), and usually his cooler head and unflappable logic very often prevails.
There are three points to note with trying to create and enact such an ordinance:
•Will city police actively enforce the ban? Unless police target stores that sell it, the ban will have little real effect.
•Is that a good use of police resources?
•Will the city attorney’s office be able to prosecute the cases with existing staff, or will it have to hire consulting attorneys for the first cases? Because the ban is a relatively new area of the law – and a city ordinance banning specific drugs even more unusual – will the city need specialized expertise?

- I hope so..I mean I see that NOISE ORDINANCE being "enforced" so damn often (NOT - I still hear violators driving about for YEARS...where IS that enforcement, anyway?).
- If you devote a set number of officers TO enforcing it, it WILL work. (unlike our gang unit, that has TWO officers in a city that has over 250,000 citizens - not good coverage if you ask me, considering the gang PROBLEM we have here)
- They better, because we've got too many cases that the prosecutor already tosses, thanks to too may loopholes in the judicial system.
(actually, they're not loopholes...think LINCOLN TUNNEL sized)
Of course there will more synthetic compounds mimicking marijuana, so the ordinance needs to be worded with the flexibility that will allow it to adapt to these newer substances.

Now...it's time to sit back, and watch the lemming parade for the day.
That never gets old...does it?
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
Oh, my, what a lot to digest.
I feel for the officer who had to witness the attempted suicide. How much stress-seeing the gun and not knowing its object--and then seeing that. My prayers to him.
Second, yes please, let's get some laws on the books about the weed analogues. And as you say, let's get them worded flexibly enough that lawmakers don't have to delay making the wheel every freaking time.
West Africa including Nigeria is a great shipping point to Europe or the U.S. It is also a rapidly failing state. (I allege that) the leaders have tucked away foreign aid and oil dollars far, far, from Nigeria's people. Drug $$ would just be more of the same.
So, one corruption begets another, which is why it's so damn important to track (even though super-hard to do so).
Have a great day, Bob! That was quite a round-up! I feel prepared for any number of conversations now!
Ann T.
I just traverse the virtual world...so you don't have to...LOL.
(besides, the "airfare" prices were right, as in non-existent)
Gotta love that, eh?
Thanks for stopping on by...always appreciated.
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