Mondays pretty much bite, right?
I guess the only reason we DO have Mondays is that so the rest of the week has a starting point.
Other than that, Mondays are pretty much useless.
Now, there comes that time, such as today, that not only exemplifies WHAT Mondays are all about, but also winds up screaming in your ears that this HAS to be a Monday. No other day of any week found in any month could have such things that get you going "WTF?" SO quickly.
And, as usual, I have found the proof that bears this out.
Strap yourselves in, 'cause this might be a bumpy ride.

Here's the link to the story and video:
Now, we ALL know what an "expo" is, right?
The word EXPO is a shortened version of the word EXPOSITION, or "trade fair".
A trade fair is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest
products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities.
Now the Black Expo (which has it's own license plate in Indiana...go figure)

This ten-day event, held in the Indiana Convention Center as well as various places around Indianapolis, draws African-Americans to Indianapolis from both around the state and around the country. Organized in 1970, the Black Expo has provided networking, educational, career, and cultural opportunities for its guests.
Participation at the 2006 Summer Celebration reached record highs, with over 350,000 in attendance.
Just so we're clear on the PURPOSE of the event...for reference sake.

Can't people JUST go to a trade fair and have a good time WITHOUT being a target for the ballistically-challenged??
Speaking of which, you NEVER see this kind of thing occur at a FIREARMS trade fair...do you?
(wonder why?)
It's getting to the point where people of color can't even enjoy their OWN events...so my question should be this:
WHEN are we going to see something get done in THEIR community to make ALL people safer?
Currently IMPD have NO suspects and NO motive.
*** This is another story, somewhat similar in scope:

here's the link to the story:
Here we have people attending a party when several men roll up and shoot anyone in their sights (with .223 rounds) in Piedra Negras, Mexico.
Of course there HAS been increased drug cartel activity in northern Mexico of late, but why THIS particular party?
And why turn it into such a horrendous massacre?
NO suspects and NO motive to this scenario from the police there.
There is ONE major difference between these two shooting incidents, aside from the racial backgrounds.

Over 28,000 people have been killed in Mexico since Calderone declared his war on the drug cartels there.
And the body count continues to rise.
Here's more proof that it's a Monday...
*** A Chicago off-duty officer was killed while cleaning his car.
Here's the link to this story:

Officer Michael Bailey, 62, was THREE WEEKS from retirement.
But several thugs wanted to deny him that right.
Police have no suspects, but believe the motive was theft of Bailey's new Buick, that he had bought himself as a retirement gift.
Now, you have to understand that these predatory beasts are only on this earth to serve THEMSELVES, and have no problem with taking from their OWN people (as was attempted in Chicago with officer Bailey). Even identifying himself AS an officer, was not enough to deter these savages.

Am I promoting a vigilante mentality with law-enforcement?
No, but I am saying to take the kid gloves off and start treating these animals the way they are asking TO BE TREATED.
If I didn't know better, I'd swear that between the flawed judicial system, budget cutbacks, and a mindset that wants criminals rehabilitated and tossed back onto our streets to do the exact same things they did before getting arrested, it looks like someone really WANTS the police out of the way.

Get the police to second guess anything and everything.
Get them to hesitate that one moment.
Like I say...sure seems like someone is doing all they can to keep the police from doing all they're supposed to do.
Traffic stops alone won't ensure a safe city. Allowing gangs to grow like the disease they are, won't make streets safer.
Hell, if the gang and drug problem across this nation was a lot better under control, we would NOT have officers like Mike Bailey (and Officer Wortham from a while back) getting killed in front of their OWN house now, would we?

Well...maybe not.
The USCG is now saying there is "seepage" on the sea bed, and that the cap may have to be removed.
Here's a link to the AP story:
I thought they (BP) were drilling a "relief well" nearby to keep this from happening.
Guess we're not quite finished here, are we?
I guess we COULD have been a lot farther along, had the President NOT sat on his hands for the first 50 or so days, right?
*** Finally today, there is a minuscule ray of hope in the weird crap going on...sort of.

Now this is the SOURCE article.
What I find amusing about this is that this is exactly the same stuff I preach about here regularly.
We, as a (global) society are in fear of rapidly losing our ability to personally interact.
I am usually raving on about how technology is causing us to lose our "manners".
This is a very good read, and why OUR local paper took about TWO WEEKS to print it, amazes me.
It is this very "disconnect" that is causing SO many of our problems today.
I stand by what I believe, because you can't go anywhere without seeing it.
We need to get off these oxytosin and dopamine dependencies and get back to being HUMAN again.

But hey, that's just common sense, right?
It's a much better way to begin one's week, wouldn't you agree?
Sure you would...that's why you stop by and read this little old blog.
So be well, make a difference today, and above all...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
Good morning!
New eagle pic! I think. I love it!
I am most upset about Chicago's fourth officer down this year. The article says 3 since May. It is also 4 since February.
Sgt Haymaker was responding to assist in a p-car with little tread on an unsalted major city street, when his car went out of control. This is a decline in city services.
Thomas Wortham IV, Thor Soderbergh, and Michael Bailey were each shot by robbers. I connect all this lawlessness with the lack of support extended to the officers that serve the city.
One corrupt official after another, on state, county, and city level. A starved-for-manpower PD. Contracts for car maintenance given to the Outfit, each decision or deal lessening CPD capability.
The individuals who killed these officers are responsible. But there is a special place in hell for government officials that introduce anarchy in the name of greed. And along with the judiciary and press you mention, I don't know how these good people are making it.
Whoa, thanks for the soapbox. I needed it today.
As to the offshore drilling of wells? Maybe BP started with some drilling they'd already begun, or a different plan than usual--but in general it takes 7-10 years to drill an offshore platform. I am sure they are hurrying . . .
Great post! I am so glad I stopped by. As always, much food for thought!
Yep...new eagle pic.
Yes, too many officers down for no reason (imho).
It DOES feel like some sort of conspiracy against law-enforcement to some degree...and I really don't like to assign the word "conspiracy" to it, but there IS something afoot here (as Sherlock Holmes would say).
Maybe it's part of Obama's plan to create this National Police Force thing...'ya think?
He DID mention wanting to have one a while back.
It's got me shaking my head, I can tell you.
Feel free to use the soapbox any time youn wish.
It's there for the using.
Have a great week and thanks for stopping on by.
It's always sad to hear about anybody being murdered, but I really hate to hear of police officers losing their lives. I hope the creeps who did this rot in hell.
I'm sure as I breathe, that Hell has a very "nice" spot already RESERVED for such "people"...
I do believe that there are some folks that, no matter how hard you try, cannot (or will not) be able to be redeemed and become productive members of society.
We, as a nation can do MUCH better...and we must before our future goes further down the crapper.
Thanks so much for stopping on by.
Stay cool!
i have nothing good to say about black expo. every year we go threw this shit in indy. every year the young people try to shoot up everyone and if your white your treated like poop at expo. expo should be outlawed. they talk about the state fair being the "white expo" but i dont see anyone getting shot up in there. downtown indy is a joke. i dont even try to go down there for anything anymore. muggings, people running red lights, shootings. a freaking joke.
I was in Indianapolis a couple of times...and at the downtown shopping Centre...and even walked around donwtown at night...didn't really give me a great feeling.
Being at the RACETRACK made me feel the safest.
And I've also been to my share lof "expos" and conventions...and never, I repeat NEVER was I subjected to ANYTHING like I hear about every year at the IBE.
Now, while I admire the whole "black for black sake" gig, I don't think it's as relevenet as they make it out to be.
I have NEVER seen a WHITE expo anywhere, and we all know why, right?
(that would be racist, like everything else these people see, hear, smell, and talk about)
What I do find amusing is that many of those in attendance there are usually doing nothing the rest of the year as it is...so why have a week of "things to do" (read quasi-partying)?
Whenever I see a group of blacks gather in our ghettohood at one of the local drug/gambling/ prostitute/child-care cribs, I'm always saying "Look...another NAACP meeting", or "Look, another black expo".
Yeah, they appear that much alike.
The way the black community treats ITSELF...is a joke, I can tell you that much.
Then they expect some EXPO to magically change everything...and nothing ever DOES change with them.
Hey, thanks a lot for stopping on by today.
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