And many times, these are good things, while others...not so much.
Take those bell-bottomed jeans that used to be worn way back in the 1970s. Yeah, they've made a comeback.
Funny thing, the NAVY always found them fashionable...go figure.
All those "retro" items we see and hear about in the news.
Retro is big business these days...who would have guessed?
The History Channel show AMERICAN PICKERS highlights two guys that pick through other peoples' "junk" in order to find things to salvage and sell.
If it was once in vogue or popular...never fear...it WILL be again...to someone.
We also see such evidence of a return to "tradition" as far as architecture goes, with may downtown areas trying either to preserve buildings, or at last redoing the facades to hearken back to those "good old days" (when things WERE actually a lot better in so many ways).

(Neither of which really does much for me, as opposed to the ORIGINAL ones, but I WOULD take on as a GIFT...LOL)
Antique car shows are more popular than ever, and the once-boring "arts and crafts" shows at county fairs have taken on a life of their own.
But, as with anything that has so much potential for good, there are those who just love to bring back some nasty things from times past.

Now, there can be many reasons for such increased activity, such as gang involvement (territorial disputes and claims), and the tried and true "Kids just acting out". We can also have some kind of bigot or racist making a statement (as was chronicled here a while back with a woman finding epithets on her house).

While I personally feel that graffiti of ANY kind is disgusting, and in NO way an "art form" (like many also claim rap "music" is), I find it especially appalling whenever a church or synagogue is targeted.
If there is ANY place one could honestly call a "sanctuary", it's a place of God.
Believe me, I know.
Here's the story in today's paper:
(( Published: July 15, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Graffiti vandals target 2 churches / The Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne police investigated graffiti Monday at two northeast-side churches.
Just before 8 a.m. Monday vandalism was reported at Concordia Lutheran Church, 4245 Lake Ave.
A fence, windows and sign were painted with graffiti that included "666," an upside-down cross and messages promoting sexual activity and homosexuality, a police report said.
Vandalism was also reported just after noon Monday at Community Christian Reformed Church, 3434 Lahmeyer Road. The messages also included "666" as well as negative remarks about having faith, the report said.
It was unclear from the reports whether police believe the cases are related. ))

People feel violated...churches and all other true religious meeting places SHOULD be "off-limits", but sadly as not.
They become, if nothing else, idiot magnets to the heathen of our country.
Sure, pick on those "Bible-Thumpers"...they'll just turn the other cheek...they HAVE to. Their religion tells 'em to.
That's a helluva way to prey on someone...because they're just trying to live a good life and believe in God.
But such predators care only about their dose of "instant gratification", and detest anyone that isn't as "miserable" as they've become.
*** Another such practice that went away for a while, and has come back, is the use of "bottle bombs".

(( Published: July 9, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Bottle bombs hit city house / Journal Gazette
The Fort Wayne Police Hazardous Devices Unit was called to a reported bomb threat Wednesday after two soda bottles filled with acid exploded on a north-side home’s doorstep, police said.
Police were called just before 1 p.m. Wednesday to a home on Troon Way, near Coldwater and Dupont roads, where a resident told police a pair of two-liter bottles had been thrown against his door early that morning.
Police investigated the remains of the explosion, reported at 1 a.m. Wednesday, and a second blast at 1:20 a.m.
The bottles had acid residue on them, the report said.
The bottles were placed in an explosive bunker to dry so police could then check the bottles for fingerprints, according to the report.
No injuries were reported.
The report did not say whether the explosions caused any damage. ))
(( Published: July 15, 2010 3:00 a.m.
Bottle-bomb blasts rattle resident / The Journal Gazette
The Fort Wayne Police Department’s Hazardous Devices Unit was called to a northwest-side home Monday after bottles exploded in the resident’s yard the night before, a police report said.
The crime was reported just before 9:30 a.m. Monday in the 2000 block of Olladale Drive, between West State Boulevard and Bass Road. Residents told police three plastic bottle-type bombs were found in the yard.
Explosions were heard just after 11:30 p.m. Sunday, the report said.
One of the explosions was loud enough to sound the home’s doorbell.
The explosions burned grass in the yard.
The case is under investigation, police said. ))
Now, over EIGHT years ago, We had a bottle bomb tossed on our lawn around midnight.
I called it in an a loud "explosion"...'cause it sounded like someone's hot water heater gave up the ghost in a most dramatic way.
The next morning I saw the remnants of a 2 ltr bottle and some tin foil, so I gloved up, and picked up ALL the bits from the device and bagged them in plastic.

I'm STILL waiting.
The pieces are still bagged up and secured on the off-chance that SOMEDAY, someone in the department will want to MAYBE take the device in and test it against the other bottle bombs to see if there are any similarities.
Well, that's what SHOULD have been done a long time ago.

Anyone can.
Hell, given what I know, I could even make more "interesting" items, should I wish to do so.
I do not.
But someone out there DOES...and HAS.
Let's see how good the investigative and forensics division of the FWPD really is, shall we?

Now, I'm certainly not going hog-wild with this, and the kits I got were on eBay and cheap enough. Wifey complimented the experience by getting me replacement paints for all those that have dried up over the years (told you it's been a while since I built anything).
So now, I'm constructing two WW2 airplanes in 1/72nd scale.

The eyes AIN'T what they used to be, that's a fact.
I used to have 20/10 vision at one time...pretty damn nice to have, I can tell you. (but, Oh how I wish I had it these days)

It's hard to "focus in", and I tried to use a magnifier...and found out that screwed with my depth perception (not good if you're trying to paint something really small - the pilot will wind up having his FACE the same color as his UNIFORM...LOL).
Can't get by without my "octafocals"...dammit!
At least the old HANDS are still fairly steady.

But, it's IS relaxing, and keeps me OFF the streets (always a good thing for the "locals")
It takes me back to a time where I'd save my lunch money for a model, and my friends and I built some real doozeys!
Didn't need an iPod, or 4G phone or Nintendo to "busy" ourselves, no sir.
We had model ships, planes, tanks and cars to build.
And they had to look AS REAL as we could make them.
Maybe it's things like that which keep kids from becoming juvenile delinquents.
Maybe it's Dad helping them, or taking them a hobby shop.
Maybe it's Dad just giving a damn...
Some things really ARE worth revisiting...I've come to know that this past week.
I'll keep you posted on the progress of the "warbirds".
(the growing anticipation is always fun for me)
In the meantime...
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Dear Bob,
Incredible juxtaposition of posts from yesterday to last. I believe you are taking on extremism from all quarters.
Something to add to my thought box--thank you!
I love the model-building! Were you inspired by Bunkermeister to take it up again? He has a blog on that, too!
Cool that your wife supports this, too. That's the kind of marriage I had--we liked and were interested in what each other was doing, even if we didn't want to do it alongside.
Have a great day. Thanks for more good material for the brain-box.
Ann T.
Yeah, Bunkermeister got me thinking (always a dangerous proposition, and usually costly to the Hip-National-Bank...LOL)
And I did swing a bit far from recent postings, but like I always say...it's NOT ALL BAD NEWS out there...you just have to scrape away the crap to find it, that's all.
I'm what you might say a "complex" person, in that I've always been encouraged from little on up to ask questions, look for answers, try new things, and always to try my best.
Some would call much of my life "boring"...I call it CHALLENGING.
I like turning over EVERY rock I come across.
And I admire those not afraid to do likewise.
A Renaissance man?
Nah...not even close, but I'd sure love to get closer to being one with every passing day.
And THAT is what a BIG part of life is really all about.
We are only limited by OUR MINDS.
Lemme get off the old soapbox now...done enough preachin' for today...LOL.
Hey, thanks for coming on over to the fence.
Always a pleasure.
yea, i think it just dad being there. i got a bootlegged copy of grownups and my daughter and i watched it today. (really right now) and its nice just hanging out and laughing. i know it sounds lazy/crazy but after i moved i went threw a big depression. i'm coming out of my hole and doing alot more around the house. getting things squared away.
Having to move out of one's "comfort zone" can be VERY traumatic...(like pulling a LRRP and bugging out of that nice safe OP along the perimeter...LOL).
It can also be something that needs to be done.
I lived at ONE house in Philly for 25 years, and having to leave that up beat me up a lot.
While I've lived at THIS house for almost 14 years, it still feels "foreign" (to me) in some ways, and yet I can find my way around it in the dark with no problem.
Keeping BUSY in a positive way is the key - making what was once a HOUSE into a real HOME takes time, persistence, motivation, and a sense of CARING.
This is one of those times where being a bit "selfish" is actually a GOOD thing, believe you me.
Hang in there, trooper!
I'm pulling for 'ya!
lol bob. i forgot i commented on this blog yesterday. never the less the old is new again i was thinking my glasses. i wear pretty much the same glasses i did in the military. you know the "uncool" ones. or the birth control glasses. well i was always told that the bc glasses always looked nice on me. and guess what AFTER i get out i'm back wearing them again. lol. and my shoes for work. i wear a dress like oxford shoe. its a nice work shoe with insoles in them. i remember being issued some like these in basic. i really didnt care for them. just kept them for room inspections. then when i got pregnate i started wearing them. well i kinda had too. they were the only pair of shoes i had besides my fitness shoes that were big enough for my ever expanding feet. so i got those shoes in 86. started wearing them in 92 and had tons of people wanting to know where i got them. civ. cooks in the mess hall and even civ. coworkers in the office. it was hilarious. everyone was shocked that they were the too big uncool shoes i got in basic. life is a circle like that.
LOL...love those "uncool" glasses.
Hey, if it works for 'ya...got for it!
Screw what others think...
Ditto for the shoes. They're not being worn by OTHER PEOPLE, are they? (let's hope not anyway...lol)
A litle bit of trivia...back in the 1970s, one of the BEST military dress (black leather)oxford shoe (used especially by the NAVY) was made in POLAND!!
No kidding...I about fell over when I saw that.
Don't know if they still make 'em, but I heard they wore like IRON and were comfortable as all get out.
ANd they buffed up to a damn-near mirror shine.
I was never one that followed what passes for "style", especially THESE days (what the hell is he or she wearing and why do they still look like a slob?)
I dress to suit me, and if those dress shirtss are 15 years old (and still look brand new) then so be it.
As long as it's CLEAN (and isn't "holier" than the POPE)...who cares, right?
Hey, thanks for stopping by.
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