Friday Follies...
Made it to another summer weekend...
Hazy, hot, and humid was the order for the past few days, sprinkled lightly with some needed rain showers.
And yet, it never ceases to amaze me when I read the papers or watch the news on TV (FOX news...where truth still seems to reign), about how MUCH this nation has changed...and continues to change daily, and sometimes on an hourly basis.
Glenn Beck summed it up nicely yesterday, when he wondered WHAT PLANET he woke up on.
I know I've said that for YEARS...seems like....BIZARRO WORLD.
You remember that from the older Superman comics - a place where it LOOKS like the Earth we know, BUT...everything is ASS-BACKWARDS.
And the inhabitants speak a bastard form of English much like my "neighbors"...LOL!
*** Take for example the fact that while we, the people were being distracted with education "reform" (and all that other governmental smoke and mirrors),
Kevin James was finally appointed to our SUPREME COURT!
Yeah, I know they say it's ELENA KAGAN, but we all know better. I mean if you're going to portray a FARCE in the highest court in this nation, why NOT get a person who is a damn good COMEDIC ACTOR, right?

Hazy, hot, and humid was the order for the past few days, sprinkled lightly with some needed rain showers.
And yet, it never ceases to amaze me when I read the papers or watch the news on TV (FOX news...where truth still seems to reign), about how MUCH this nation has changed...and continues to change daily, and sometimes on an hourly basis.
Glenn Beck summed it up nicely yesterday, when he wondered WHAT PLANET he woke up on.
I know I've said that for YEARS...seems like....BIZARRO WORLD.

And the inhabitants speak a bastard form of English much like my "neighbors"...LOL!
*** Take for example the fact that while we, the people were being distracted with education "reform" (and all that other governmental smoke and mirrors),

Yeah, I know they say it's ELENA KAGAN, but we all know better. I mean if you're going to portray a FARCE in the highest court in this nation, why NOT get a person who is a damn good COMEDIC ACTOR, right?
I mean, what this government is doing is downright laughable...and also pathetic at the same time, don'cha think?
Or...maybe, just MAYBE, Kevin and Elena were just separated at birth...hmm?
*** The Chinese have a new missile, called the FENG
21D (how very phallic of them) they claim is capable of sinking an aircraft carrier (like the George Washington).
It has a range of 900 nautical miles and can reach speeds of MACH 12!
(that's some serious ass-haulin', folks!)
Geez, at this rate, Beijing could be the next leading super power.
Now where do you suppose that will leave US?
Or...maybe, just MAYBE, Kevin and Elena were just separated at birth...hmm?
*** The Chinese have a new missile, called the FENG

It has a range of 900 nautical miles and can reach speeds of MACH 12!
(that's some serious ass-haulin', folks!)
Geez, at this rate, Beijing could be the next leading super power.
Now where do you suppose that will leave US?
(besides standing about with our crotch in our hand)
*** Well, whatever the case may be when it comes to the MAIL, it might not be easy to send that
Christmas gift to a loved one during all this, as the USPS may be going BROKE by 2011.
The $3.5 BILLION dollar loss in the last fiscal quarter is attributable to reduced mail volume and health-care costs for retirees.
Now who said the government doesn't know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I don't suppose ANY of that leftover $421 BILLION dollars that was never used for that FIRST "stimulus" plan could be applied, could it?
Nah...better to sit on that and spend even more to bail this agency out.
*** And who'd have thought that Fannie Mae needs more money (again) AS WELL?
They're "requesting" ANOTHER $1.5 BILLION dollars for financial aid.
Okay...the line for the NEXT round of bailouts forms to the LEFT. (doesn't it always?)
*** Right, so we're not the ONLY nation having a heatwave. Russia also is having a sweltering summer.
And...get ready for THIS's going to cost US more money at the grocery stores.
Yeah, go ahead, say it....
*** Well, whatever the case may be when it comes to the MAIL, it might not be easy to send that

The $3.5 BILLION dollar loss in the last fiscal quarter is attributable to reduced mail volume and health-care costs for retirees.
Now who said the government doesn't know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
I don't suppose ANY of that leftover $421 BILLION dollars that was never used for that FIRST "stimulus" plan could be applied, could it?
Nah...better to sit on that and spend even more to bail this agency out.
*** And who'd have thought that Fannie Mae needs more money (again) AS WELL?
They're "requesting" ANOTHER $1.5 BILLION dollars for financial aid.
Okay...the line for the NEXT round of bailouts forms to the LEFT. (doesn't it always?)
*** Right, so we're not the ONLY nation having a heatwave. Russia also is having a sweltering summer.
And...get ready for THIS's going to cost US more money at the grocery stores.
Yeah, go ahead, say it....
Between the heat and wildfires there, wheat fields have taken a huge hit, and that will cause prices to rise.
Whatever happened to those "Amber Waves of Grain" we lauded in THIS country?
(Amber waves of Stalin's? Doesn't sound as inviting)
And with higher WHEAT prices will follow higher CORN and SOYBEAN prices.
Wow...what to do...
Should be EAT, or keep dumping all those commodities into "alternative fuel sources"?
SO many decisions...SO little time.
*** The Connecticut shooter that killed those people in that beer distribution place, had a chilling 911 call, stating he "took care of that racist place".
Here's the link:
Here's a guy with some chip on his shoulder that pitched a REAL fit after he was caught stealing beer and selling it to a THIRD party.
And HE'S the "victim"?
Between the heat and wildfires there, wheat fields have taken a huge hit, and that will cause prices to rise.
Whatever happened to those "Amber Waves of Grain" we lauded in THIS country?
(Amber waves of Stalin's? Doesn't sound as inviting)
And with higher WHEAT prices will follow higher CORN and SOYBEAN prices.
Wow...what to do...
Should be EAT, or keep dumping all those commodities into "alternative fuel sources"?
SO many decisions...SO little time.

Here's the link:
Here's a guy with some chip on his shoulder that pitched a REAL fit after he was caught stealing beer and selling it to a THIRD party.
And HE'S the "victim"?
Tell THAT to the families of the ones he killed!
I better not hear ONE word about that.
But his white girlfriend probably will have a LOT to say about things.
Like I said, if there is to be ANY type of RACE war...uh, let me clarify and perhaps say "CLASS" war, it will not likely be a white person firing that first shot.
*** I was watching one of my FAVORITE shows on TV last night - Police Women of Memphis (Fort Wayne with a drawl) on TLC.
They had TWO new eps on,and it was a helluva "ride-along".
One call had two black "youts" (16 years old) who stole a car, and one jumped into a drainage ditch and booked, as the other one got caught. They DID get the 2nd boy and they were BOTH lying out their asses...with that "I didn't do that...wasn't me!" BS.
C'mon got CAUGHT in the damn car. The one that ran has wet shoes - said he just WASHED them...((*blink"-*blink*)) - (a "Momma Fargo" moment) and that all the bruises he got (from jumping the fence into the ditch) were there "before".
THIS is EXACTLY the type of behavior all our police have to deal with...I've seen and heard it so many times.
As soon as they open their mouths, the lies start pouring out like Niagara Falls!
And the police are "supposed" to just say: 'Wow, so THAT'S what went down. Thanks for all your cooperation. We wouldn't have guessed that you were NOT the one who stole the car, even though YOU were behind the wheel. Have a nice day".
Well, that's what these people EXPECT from the cops...another ENTITLEMENT. The ONLY entitlement they DO (or ever SHOULD) get is named MIRANDA...and a nice shiny pair of "bracelets" that accompany that ride "downtown".
You see, when you GIVE enough to people who:
a) Don't deserve it.
b) Don't appreciate it.
They get REAL comfortable...REAL fast.
My Dad had a saying for it - "They think the world owes them a living".
And that sums it up nicely.
Trouble is...SOMEONE has to PAY for all this free sh*t...and GUESS who winds up footing the bill?
Just look in the mirror for the answer.
The time of entitlements to the undeserving and unappreciative needs to end...NOW.
This nation needs JOBS...and a much better sense of direction, if we are to remain at least as competitive as we USED to be.
Actually, I'd like to see us rise again to the top of the damn heap.
This nation has too much to lose, and yet SO much more to gain...IF we do the right thing.
And that needs to start with every single one of us.
Think of the E PLURIBUS UNUM phrase, if you ever doubt that.
(Out of
And that's ONE nation...UNDER GOD...INDIVISIBLE (incapable of being DIVIDED) with all that LIBERTY, and all that JUSTICE (and none of that "social justice" crap)...for EVERYONE (that is an American).
Just a little something to ponder...
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend. Be well, make a difference, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
I better not hear ONE word about that.
But his white girlfriend probably will have a LOT to say about things.
Like I said, if there is to be ANY type of RACE war...uh, let me clarify and perhaps say "CLASS" war, it will not likely be a white person firing that first shot.
*** I was watching one of my FAVORITE shows on TV last night - Police Women of Memphis (Fort Wayne with a drawl) on TLC.

One call had two black "youts" (16 years old) who stole a car, and one jumped into a drainage ditch and booked, as the other one got caught. They DID get the 2nd boy and they were BOTH lying out their asses...with that "I didn't do that...wasn't me!" BS.
C'mon got CAUGHT in the damn car. The one that ran has wet shoes - said he just WASHED them...((*blink"-*blink*)) - (a "Momma Fargo" moment) and that all the bruises he got (from jumping the fence into the ditch) were there "before".
THIS is EXACTLY the type of behavior all our police have to deal with...I've seen and heard it so many times.
As soon as they open their mouths, the lies start pouring out like Niagara Falls!
And the police are "supposed" to just say: 'Wow, so THAT'S what went down. Thanks for all your cooperation. We wouldn't have guessed that you were NOT the one who stole the car, even though YOU were behind the wheel. Have a nice day".
Well, that's what these people EXPECT from the cops...another ENTITLEMENT. The ONLY entitlement they DO (or ever SHOULD) get is named MIRANDA...and a nice shiny pair of "bracelets" that accompany that ride "downtown".

a) Don't deserve it.
b) Don't appreciate it.
They get REAL comfortable...REAL fast.
My Dad had a saying for it - "They think the world owes them a living".
And that sums it up nicely.
Trouble is...SOMEONE has to PAY for all this free sh*t...and GUESS who winds up footing the bill?
Just look in the mirror for the answer.
The time of entitlements to the undeserving and unappreciative needs to end...NOW.
This nation needs JOBS...and a much better sense of direction, if we are to remain at least as competitive as we USED to be.
Actually, I'd like to see us rise again to the top of the damn heap.
This nation has too much to lose, and yet SO much more to gain...IF we do the right thing.
And that needs to start with every single one of us.
Think of the E PLURIBUS UNUM phrase, if you ever doubt that.
(Out of

Just a little something to ponder...
Have yourselves a fantastic weekend. Be well, make a difference, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
Love the summary of events! Have a great weekend yourself. You watch the cop women of Ft. Wayne? Had no idea. :)
Momma Fargo:
Gald you enjoyed the "recap".
I wouldn't miss an episode. I've been there since Broward Cty, and before that, they had some ladies from a suburb of Chi-town...reruns are still on somewhere (A&E?)
Hey. I practically grew up with COPS...LOL!
(including the show)
I WISH we had female LEOs like them in Ft. Wayne!
(actually, if we had TWO just like YOU...that would work MUCH better)
Roll safe out there.
my computer caught a nasty virus. i had not renewed my protection with mcafee or whomever. so i was running around "naked" on the computer. it was so bad even my kid couldnt fix the computer when i brought it to her attention. we had even bought a new virus protection disk. so... long story short we now own 2 computers. this computer will be a "clean" one. i will not forget to do my updates at all. never the less. very off topic. did you know detroit and dubai are sister citys? hummmm heck i didnt eithor untill i was reading on yahoo(?) or msn about the 10 come back citys by 2014. and detroit was one of them. so i read the caption and according to some real estate dude people in dubai are buying up the properties. so i know there is a large arab community up there. so i did a little research. they have been sister cities since 2003. freaking amazing. i had no idea. here's my link to an interesting news story.§ion=theuae&col
well i was planting things (strawberrys and flowers) in pots and i just stopped by as i took my break. last night of vacation. sigh.....
In case of a vurs, we now have THREE computers...LOL
You can;t win with this stuff.
What uyou CAN do to save some $$$ is get a FREE download of MALWAREBYTES and that should work for you.
A fellow blogger buddy DAN , recommended this, and I;ve had NO problem with it.
Also, check into getting Microsoft WIndows SECURITY ESSENTIALS. That gioves you a real-time WARNING whenever something looks "hinky".
ANd it will remove the item.
I run both now.
(well, that certainly explains a LOT...(if you're into Saul-Alinsky rhetoric).
Desroy America from WITHIN...that's a damn good way to topple a country.
Glad you could take soem time to drop on by. Tomorrow's post will be a "beaut", I promise.
You know me...keep stirring the pot.
Have a great Sunday.
thanks for the advice. i was wrong with the sister citys date. they been sisters since 1998...things that make you go hummmmm. also THIS is the last night of vacation. lol
Hey, I'm just happy you could read past all my TYPOS...LOL!
Make this LAST night a fantastic one.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope the 'puter woes end.
(with me, they only go away for a while)
Dear Bob,
Wow, you make T.V. seem more attractive than I remember. This sounds like a fun show, plus the documentaries you keep finding!
I am afraid that China is growing right into that world hegemon approach. We have not been strategic in this country with how we spend our money domestic/foreign and the interest we are paying on that debt goes where???? China owns many many dollars of our debt.
We are paying them because we have done poorly. I am against the debt, not China carrying it, but really, who is strategic here?
Gripes me no end,
Ann T.
At this rate, we'll have you back in front of that "evil eye" known as TV in no time...LOL!
I couldn't think of that word...HEGEMONY!
Excellent command of the lexicon.
That's exactly what CHINA is fast becoming.
And we ARE rapidly becoming more REACTIVE than PROACTIVE with our world "strategies" these days.
Speaking of indebtedness, you would be SURPRISED how much of our big COLLEGES are beholding to MIDDLE EASTERN POCKETS for funding new buildings and grant programs.
And this goes back close to three decades.
But You NEVER heard ANY of that...and I was NEVER here.
(wink, wink)
Have a great day!
Thanks for stopping on by.
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