As usual, I've got a few things (ONLY a few, Bob? That IS a frigging surprise) on my mind, that I want to share, if you'll indulge me.
This is one of those days where you don't know HOW to title the post. It IS "humpday", but I'm going to focus on MY part of fort Wayne, which means it's a "Tales from the SOUTH side" kinda day.
I know...decisions, decisions.
Anyway, let's split the difference and call it a "Tales From the South Side Humpday"...fair enough?
It's like getting one of those "TWO-FERS"...aka a REAL bargain!
Feel free to let me know if stuff like this happens in all those nice, quiet neighborhoods full of decent, law-abiding people in your cities.
*** (( Man charged in 90-mph chase, crash into cruiser / The Journal Gazette

Dominique McElvene, 18, of the 4300 block of Plaza Drive, is charged with three counts of resisting law enforcement and one count each of criminal recklessness, possession of marijuana and unauthorized entry to a motor vehicle.
A Fort Wayne police officer was patrolling Aug. 4 near McKinnie Avenue and South Anthony Boulevard when he spotted a Jeep Cherokee matching the description of a vehicle that had been reported missing.

Police set up "spike strips," but McElvene swerved and avoided them, court records said.
He drove off the road near Rose Avenue and Hartzell Road in New Haven before ramming a marked Indiana State Police cruiser on its passenger side, court records said. He then crashed into a tree and tried to flee on foot before being arrested, court records said.
Caleb Anderson, the trooper in the cruiser that was hit, suffered back pain because of the crash.
The SUV McElvene was driving had been reported missing by his mother, court records said. ))
Wow...amazing how a lot of this kinda stuff always seems to occur around that (now) infamous area of ANTHONY and MCKINNIE, isn't it?
Luckily, an officer was (ahem)..."PATROLLING" the area (what have I always said here about MORE patrols...like they WORK) when he noticed the vehicle (good eye, officer).
And doing around 90 MPH is ANY area down here really isn't a GOOD idea (especially after dark, when people wear dark clothing and have dark skin...they're damn hard to spot.)
That's NOT a "racist" statement, either...just a FACT!
(in case any uber-PC "libtards" happen to be lurking).

I sure hope Dominique ( a man's name...go figure. These people can't even determine right sex names for their kids) thought taking Mom's SUV was worth the hassle, because she...I mean HE just got handed a bucketload of it, courtesy of the FWPD.
Helluva learning experience, yes?
But wait...there's MORE...
*** (( Chase, arrest cap 4 a.m. club gunfire
Holly Abrams / The Journal Gazette
A man was arrested early Saturday after running from police who were responding to gunshots on the city’s south side.

When police arrived at the club, a Dodge Intrepid with three people inside sped away. Witnesses pointed toward the vehicle and indicated the people inside had a role in the gunfire, the report said.
After a pursuit, the driver stopped and a back-seat passenger fled on foot, police said.
That man, Christopher Hale, 20, of the 800 block of Milton Street, was arrested after a foot chase and was shocked twice with a stun gun, the report said.
Hale is charged with possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon, receiving stolen property and resisting law enforcement.
He was being held in lieu of $13,250 bail.
As police ran after Hale, the driver of the Intrepid took off again, reaching speeds of about 70 mph before losing control on McKinnie Avenue and striking a street sign, the report said. He then fled on foot and was not found, police said.

No one was injured in the shooting. ))
In THIS case, I'd say the final score was a TIE. The FWPD got ONE...and ONE got away.
Now, this area is REAL close to our house...we can walk there in less than 3 minutes.
And the businesses there are few and far between (as is the case in ANY blighted part of any city).
-On the SW corner of Pettit & Lafayette, you have a Walgreens (so no after hours club THERE).
-On the SE corner, you have a TIRE BARN (Hoopty-rims R Us), so that seems to be a washout as well.
-On the NW corner...you have a large EMPTY lot...no club there.
-On the NE corner, you DO have a house...could be worth a look.
Nearby, you've got a recently-opened pancake house (not a name-brand franchise) at Avondale St. Across from them is a car repair shop (Seems dubious as all get out...seen a few donks parked there, so I'm not taking MY car there). I would watch this place because if they're doing extreme modifications to cars (illegal HEIGHT, for example, which presents real SAFETY issues), they could be closed the hell down....just a suggestion.

Now we ALL know what happened earlier this year ( refer to post of 1 FEB 2010 - Monday Musings ) at that OTHER "after-hours" club...that's right a shooting.
And that was not a "proper" building for 30-60 people, but was in fact, a regular HOUSE.
Makes me wonder exactly HOW MANY of these party-cribs we really DO have down here...and MAY-BE that explains traffic patterns at certain houses (that are still open, seemingly for YEARS)
And I guess no one shakes down these party patrons for firearms, either.
Be nice to figure out HOW these assault rifles are coming INTO Fort Wayne, when we all know that criminals can't really "buy" them locally.
Not hearing anything about ANY more arrests. Musta caught ALL of them...right?
*** (( Suspect, 42, charged in rape of sleeping woman
The Journal Gazette
A Fort Wayne man was charged Tuesday with raping a woman while she slept in December.
Rafael Nevarez, 42, of the 3500 block of Raymond Street, is charged with rape and criminal deviate conduct.
He had not been arrested as of Tuesday night.
Police said the woman had been drinking and had taken Vicodin for pain associated with a medical condition.
She then went to sleep, court records said.
She awoke to find Nevarez sexually assaulting her, according to court records. The woman asked Nevarez to get away, but he didn’t, court records said.
She then locked herself in a bathroom until her boyfriend arrived and called police, court records said. ))
Okay, now how many "faults" can you find with THIS story, hmm?
I mean, if I were on Vicodin, the FIRST thing I would is reach for a bottle of booze, too.
That doesn't add up to me. I'd check the validity OF that "prescription", and the person's history of substance abuse.
And how DID this guy get in? She leave the doors open?
Does he roam the neighborhoods, looking for a quick bit of "relief"?
And, after awakening from a liquor-laced Vicodin stupor, HE doesn't get away from HER, but SHE gets away from HIM...
Love to see what her "boyfriend" is like...(rolls eyes)...oh, yeah.
It's things like this that will REALLY shake your confidence in the ability of mankind as it appears to stumble into the future.

THOSE are the people who restore faith in humanity...as well as the future of this nation.
And hopefully, such people will always be found in much greater numbers, and always nearby.
Be well, make a difference today, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
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