Back in the day, the amenities were a LOT fewer than what is offered today, and prices were a LOT lower.
Most places offered such basics as FREE ICE...or even FREE TV (local stations only - about 3 channels).
We stayed at a few places that didn't even HAVE a TV in the room.
The Ox-Yoke Inn along Rt. 6 in Galeton, PA was one of them.
Then again, you really didn't NEED a TV...the scenery itself was much better viewing.

The inn was nestled in the upper Pocono and Allegheny mountains in (very) northern Pennsy, and is still there today (but they DO have TV now...lol).
It's more of a road stop for hunters, some truckers, and those wanting to "get away from it all" for a spell.
And man, how they could feed you for cheap!
Those were truly spectacular days when a family road trip really was something.
These days, it's a little bit different...

(*blink* - *blink* - Excuse Me?)
You heard correctly.
There MIGHT be some sex offenders housed at the very SAME motel you and the family are considering staying at.
And you can thank the Department of Corrections for this wonderful program.
Here's the story about some local (Fort Wayne) motels:

It pays for their stay for 2-3 weeks, typically.
Oh, that would be paid for by YOU...the TAXPAYER, just so you know that YOU DO have an interest in all this.
There is a Traveler's Inn and a Hallmark Inn involved in this situation here.

But, that's not the worst of it, it would seem.
This story comes courtesy of the great state of New York:
This article is about a Best Inn motel owner jailed for WELFARE FRAUD and was ALSO housing 14 sex offenders.
The welfare fraud was perpetrated to pay for the "continental breakfast" served at the motel...
(Gonna feel guilty about grabbing that danish and coffee, aren't 'ya?)
Yeah, I know...another "WTF?" moment to be sure.
This is only ONE reason I really detest the CURRENT welfare system.
How the hell is this helping those that REALLY need assistance?
I also have to take exception to having sex offenders in motels where CHILDREN will stay with their parents.
I'm sure all you parents out there are more than a bit bothered by this, right?
So, that's why you really need to ASK if the motel you plan to stay at is part of the DOC Assist program, and if they don't know what it is...clue them in.
It'll be better for everyone concerned, trust me.
*** Had some good police work go down out in Kosciusko County:
The first bust was four Hispanics from CHICAGO pulled over for a traffic violation around 0400 hrs near Warsaw, IN.
A drug-sniffing dog hit on the vehicle and the four were arrested for controlled substance violations (possession).

When officers arrived at the apartment, they found evidence of meth production. Three were arrested in this case.
Nice job, people!

Here's the link:
Well done...good eyes, officer!
*** Lastly today...if you're thinking of moving TO Indiana, you might want to consider the following story:

The GOOD news is...we didn't (totally) FLUNK!
The BAD news is...we got a D+!
This is a really decent read, and whatever state YOU happen to live in, it might be worth your while to see how YOUR state stacks up with the American Society of Civil Engineers. The report is out as of yesterday.
One excellent point was made about "how good" Indiana seems to be doing...
"Indiana's economic prosperity and quality of life depend on the condition of the infrastructure system we rely on every day."
That seems to be the case with ANY state in the Union, doesn't it?

Well, I can speak from experience by looking out my window.
My "local" infrastructure is terrible, and the people are causing it's rapid decline.
Just as people maintain our infrastructure, other people will be the cause of it's untimely demise.
And with financial resources at a premium these days, we'll be hard-pressed to find a quick fix.
But with higher levels of people on the dole (many of them undeservedly), comes the subsequent LACK of tax revenue needed to fund infrastructure maintenance or improvement.
It's one helluva vicious cycle, and we can blame big government for this one. They pretty much OWN it, in fact.
Well, all you have to do is look at Detroit to see what I mean.

Sure seemed like a lot better times, didn't it?
Would be nice to get some of that back again.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay safe out there, America.
A+ with the sex offenders at the hotels story. I had not seen that one, and see the problems with the idea--as I do with all the offenders live here and there under overpasses in FL.
I guess you could say I blog to "serve"...!
Yeah, the one story only recently appeared, but it's got a LONG history, and in a LOT of other states.
So I got out my shovel and started "digging"...
Amazing what you find...and often scary.
One more reason to watch your children and know where they are...even if it's just a motel stay with the family.
You never know, but you CAN be aware.
Thanks for stopping on by today.
Much appreciated.
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