19 February 2016

Friday Follies...
Sorry about any delay...had some "hardware" issues.
(don'cha just love technology some days?)
Welcome to the end of the week at long last.
And it looks to be quite a NICE  couple of days ahead of us in the Heartland.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will be have us with mostly cloudy skies, with highs trying to bust a record as we head up to the upper FIFTIES (gonna feel a lot like Springtime - maybe the groundhog was right?)
But, the mild weather comes at a cost, with some strong winds (we have an advisory until 1900 hrs this evening), perhaps with gusts as much as 40 MPH+. so watch for stuff blowing about out there.
Yeah folks, nothing is ever really "free".
Now, let's get that cup or glass of Friday Fortitude poured as wee what awaits us for today and the following forty-eight hours, hmm?
*** First off of the motherboard is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
February 19 -
(bat 'em if ya got 'em...or flog 'em if 'ya got 'em)
(so a caretaker does the opposite?)
(yes, another day involving chocolate...love it)
*** And because it IS the weekend, let's see what we can get into over the following two days:
February 20 -
(I'm still working on a blueberry one myself)
(isn't that one more like a lifetime event for them?)
February 21 -
(I like mine with raisins and butter...with a cup oif java)
And there you have it...things to keep you well-occupied and out of the local jail.
Moving on...
*** I mentioned that I has some hardware issues with this one computer.
Apparently, for no reason, the OPTICAL mice don't want to work with the system.
The pointer just freezes, and I have several "backups" in case one craps out.
So, being the resourceful person who believes in not only a "Plan-B", but plans "C" through "G" (when it comes to electronic technologies like computers), I dug out the old TRACKBALL mouse...and that works fine (if a tad slow).
I have no idea what could be the problem, as the optical mouse worked fine last night before I shut it down.
Gonna mess around later and see what gives.
*** Next up, a few briefs (no boxers) in the news:
---The Pope and Trump are "at odds" with building a southern border wall.
The Pope said that instead of walls, Trump should be building bridges (because they're easier to burn behind you?) This can be taken literally OR metaphorically.
Trump fired back that a religious leader taking issue with a person's religion is "disgraceful".
Can we STOP with this 3-ring circus (which seems to have FOUR rings these days)?
--- Obummer doesn't attend Justice Scalia's funeral (he's ending Joe Biden), BUT has the time to hang out with some "black lives matters" leaders (who are all stuck in the 1960s).
I suppose that conservative white Supreme Court Justice's lives DON'T matter (to him). Same can be said for all the slain police officer's funerals. He doesn't have any time for THEM, either.
I'll be glad when America doesn't have any time for HIM for a change (we can believe in).
---Speaking of Obummer (wish I didn't have to)...he is planning a trip to "our new best friend" - CUBA - next month.
Yep, cozy up to the Castro brothers, while your own country is divided by your OWN hand.
Made for each other - NOT America.
The first plane from the US to land there (willingly) in about 50 years will be Air Force One.
Many forget that during the 1970s, we clocked about ONE hijacking per week (to Cuba).
But, at last those planes weren't trying to be either blown up or flown into skyscrapers in the USA.
---In a related story, the Cuban citizens are praising da prez...but not so much in America.
Here's the story link:
Hell, even THEY "get it".
And you bet there are a LOT of former Cubans who fled here that are ROYALLY-PISSED at the president (as well they should be).
Hey, Maybe Obummer can get a lift around Havana in one of those "vintage" 1950s Plymouth taxi-cabs?
*** Next up, there is a "plan" in the works to ease the teacher shortage in Indiana.
(and NO, it doesn't have anything to do with hiring TALLER ones)
Here's the story link:
Millions of scholarships might become available should a state senate proposal go through.
The cost to the state, should it be implemented would be about $6 MIL a year.
But, is this the best recourse?
Funny you mentioned that. The House bill (1002) doesn't PAY for the program (huh, wha???).
It only sets up the "structure" of the plan.
Methinks there needs to be a bit more discussion before any knees become "jerked", hmm?
*** Next, for some reason, I'm still getting about a dozen or so "sex spam" emails to my yahell account. IPs appear to originate from India, Taiwan, Brazil and Ukraine.
The weird this is that the "addresses" are really peculiar and cannot be traced like if(dot)org or cckrsl(dot)net - totally random addresses. They all say the same thing, but with different "names", and NO, I do not "click the link to not receive further messages"...that's ASKING for trouble, right?
This began in earnest late last year, and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.
Wish that Yahell would do something to keep this crap off our mailboxes. While the emails DO go to my SPAM folder, I'd prefer to not have them even show up. I can see why Yahoo is struggling in the finance department.
At least with AOHELL, you can block ALL addresses EXCEPT those on a LIST you create. That solves a world of problems, and I never get spam to that address at all since I implemented that tactic many years ago.
Technology at it's worst in some instances, isn't it?
*** Next, and because I want to, here are a few pictures of "Patches", the second most photographed squirrel in Fort Wayne:
Now, this little guy doesn't always come along EVERY day, and when he does, it's always when it's just starting to get dark out.
That makes getting really good pictures difficult (at best)..
But yesterday, we made some progress. He came up and took a peanut from my fingers.
And he kept on doing it. Around 8 peanuts in all. I tossed more on the ground before I went in.
I suppose he likes "dining alone"?
Well, there's no competition when I'm out there with him.
We do get the cardinals (one couple) that also like the later hours in the early evenings.
So there we go then...hopefully, this will be the continuance of a beautiful friendship.
He's no Mr Wrinkles, but he's the next best thing...and therapeutic for me.
(( Breaking News - FWPD chef Garry Hamilton is being "reassigned". -
Here's the story link:
Guess Christmas just came early this year for a LOT of people in uniform as well as the citizens of Fort Wayne. Someone must be paying attention to this blog...lol))
*** Last back to the  CPU...it would appear that the harder we try to embrace the technological "marvels" that permeate our culture these days, the MORE we are beset with problems.
Whether it's the spammers we are exposed to, the cyber-bullying of our children, the hardware  issues (nothing built to last), the software issues (constantly upgrading when the current things work fine), or bringing out new tech to replace the "old" tech you JUST bought a couple months ago...it's all a lot of nonsense (to me).
And with all the inclusion OF this tech into everything we have (from houses to appliances to vehicles, to those damnable computers...and more) we can't seem to keep the hell up and make our lives better.
If anything, our lives are becoming COSTLIER...and more annoying.
That certainly is NOT anything close to BETTER, is it?
Most of us on a "good" day?
So, when I see a large part of the world in some sort of "crisis" or at least, displaying levels of anger at everything and everyone, it doesn't take much for me to conclude WHERE it all stems from.
We have created the means by which we have become enraged, and the outlet for such rage is (you guessed it) - everything and everyone.
Sure explains a LOT about society.
There should be an answer to this that does not take away from us, but rather adds to our journey to seek knowledge and wisdom in our lives.
That's what I'd like to believe, and some days, it's pretty hard to do so.
But the challenge comes from the attempt, and the success will be measured by the way we work to minimize the effects upon ourselves as well as the rest of us.
Now THAT sounds like a plan to me.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

18 February 2016

Thoughts For Thursday...
Well, we are getting there...to the weekend that is.
And, so far, it promises to be quite an unseasonable one.
(sure beats shoveling a foot or more of snow)
Yesterday saw a lot of melting, and today promises to be more of the same.
Our Hoosierland weather for today has us with mostly cloudy skies (some sun now and again), light breezes and a high somewhere in the upper 30s.
So, what say we get ourselves a nice warm morning drink poured as we take a look at what's been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First out of the family room is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen."
This was spoken by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr (Aug 29 1809 - Oct 7 1894). He was an American physician, poet, professor, lecturer, and author.
Here is his WIKI:
His son is noted for being a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, so don't confuse the two.
And try as I may, I could not find a decent black Supreme Court Justice quote.,..sorry to break the streak for Black History Month.
The WIKI is a lengthy read, but well worth your time.
And, you might want to thank Holmes for the preservation of the 18th century frigate, U.S.S. Constitution (yes, the sailing ship), because it was his 3-stanza prose called "Old Ironsides" that saved the ship from being dismantled back in 1830.
Imagine that. One man's patriotic poem kept this ship from becoming so much scrap lumber and furniture.
Holmes studied medicine, anatomy and surgery, obstetrics, chemistry and materia medica (the therapeutic properties of any substance used as medicine).
Around 1860, Holmes invented the AMERICAN STEREOSCOPE (like a precursor to the VIEW-MASTER). It was a means by which people could entertain themselves by viewing pictures in 3-D.
As I said, this is a good read about someone you could call a "renaissance man" for his era.
*** Next up, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
February 18 -
(and where would any of us be WITHOUT them, right?)
(Isn't EVERY day a good one for this...in moderation?)
(sounds tasty enough...and looks it too.  Pass the lemon-butter)
*** Next up, here in Fort Wayne, we're hearing about gas card "skimmers" (devices that can read a credit card - basically another form of identity theft). Here's the story link:
I would have liked it if the police provided some INFORMATION  (for a change) like WHERE the station that the skimmer was found at is located.
What part of the city...mine? Yours?
The only way the skimmer was found was when the pump went down for maintenance.
Again, a lack of information (which should be coming from the FWPD) can, and probably will cost people money, or more. Gee, thanks officer Joyner -  helpful yet pointless (as usual).
Now I can see the other side to this. If the locations were published, then people might shy away from them. Understandable.
Or, if the skimmers locations were known, people might GO to those pumps, as the equipment was FIXED and the devices removed.
Here is a link that tells (and show) you want to look for with most skimmers:
See, this is the kind of quandary that need not be caused by the denial of information TO THE PUBLIC, who becomes the real victim here.
(God, I sure miss the days of service stations where ATTENDANTS pumped your gas)
NO skimmer here, folks.
So far, we're hearing that this was only at ONE station, but you know criminals. If it works ONCE, it will work again...someplace else.
*** Next, We got us some vandals on the north side of town.
Here's the story link:
Yeah, seems there are some punks travelling around the Crestwood Colony area, armed with BB or pellet guns, shooting out vehicle glass and tail lights.
The area is up along N. Clinton St (west of St Joe Center Rd) and it looks to be near or along Redbud Drive.
(information the MEDIA won't tell you, but SPOT-CRIME will).
It appears as if the vandalism took place between 2300 hrs Monday and 1100 hrs Tuesday.
A Neighborhood Watch is being proposed for the area.
Might be teens, but I think the perps might be older, and perhaps not white.
I keep saying that crime is spreading, and this is the (usual) way it starts.
Intimidate people by committing property crimes first, to get the residents to contemplate leaving the area (so the crims can move in), and from there, it's all downhill.
Property crimes are easier to pull off, and harder to solve in general.
Just cause people to become fearful, because fear IS a powerful tool.
With some folks, it doesn't take much, either.
You get residents to change the way they live, and you're on the road to changing the face of an entire neighborhood.
Already has happened to our area over the years (as I have said and shown all of you here), so no reason to believe otherwise in other areas around the city, right?
*** Next, Kevin Leininger has a great take on this past Tuesday's city council meeting (regarding the PSD position).
Here's the story link:
And since he was in attendance, it seems only fair that he would have a "ringside seat" as it were. It did seem like a bit of a circus at times.
Kevin does not take sides, but instead provides BOTH sides of the argument for AND against the elimination of the position. Tom Didier said it best ("You have to pick your battles").
And while the 2 democrats (and our mayor-king) would deem this a victory, I say let them believe that for the time being.
It's just postponing the inevitable, and there is little victory in that, except for those who will win come the fall.
There is always a time and place for everything...even victory.
*** Last back to the man-cave...today, we've seen evidence of a number of aspects of human behavior.
We've seen the predatory facet of mankind, as well as the trait called chaotic behavior.
We've seen people willing to wait for the right time to do what it right for our city, and others who would just spend our way into debt.
And we've seen people become fearful in their own neighborhood...right alongside those others who feel emboldened to destroy because they can (for the time being).
What I've come to know, is that a large part of the populace (and this is not just in our city or state, but nationally as well as globally) just aren't giving as much of a damn as they should be.
What we permit is what we get (or in some cases deserve) for our apathy.
This goes for crime, politics, the economy...you name it.
One might say we're on the wrong track and our destination probably isn't where we really want to wind up.
We ALL need to start becoming more aware, and being bold enough to speak up whenever or wherever we see injustices being perpetrated.
Courage isn't something you can get from a bottle (although a lot of drunken hotheads would argue otherwise). Every part of our life is not readily handed to us.
The foundation is usually provided (through proper parenting, mentoring, faith in God and so on), but the bricks that make up the rest of the structure called "our life" is something WE must work at (and every day). You either care about what YOU build...or not. It's that simple.
So build the best life you can...it's the only one you'll ever get.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

17 February 2016

Humpday Happenings...
It's the middle of the week, and you know what that means...(halfway home, folks)
And that late evening snow shower yesterday dumped another inch on the ground.
I have a feeling that by Friday, people will think it's springtime (silly them).
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see us with a bit of a rehash of yesterday.
Mostly cloudy skies (bits of sun here and there) will follow us around, with temps again trying to surpass the 32 (F) mark, and little to no winds to speak of.
So while traffic will help to clear the roads, never get too confident on the streets with the recent snow...still going to be worth your caution while driving, and yes, make sure to clear off ALL that snow from your vehicle if it was parked outside. It's better for you and better for other drivers.
Now, let's go grab a nice hot cup of morning comfort as we see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the salt truck is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen."
This can apply to any and every one of us, but it should be applied to presidential debates, city council meetings, and our classrooms...lol.
So WHO said that anyway?
The answer at the toip of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Phiilips Academy in Massachusetts...
*** Next up is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
February 17 -
(okay, i promise to not shoot anyone in my neighborhood who deserves it..is.that "kind" enough for everyone?)
(since St Patty's Day is a month away, guess it's time to try some recipes?)
*** Next up, there was a rousing "discussion" about our city's Public Safety Director position last evening. The ordinance to eliminate it was tabled until this fall when council gets into the budget hearings.
I'm going to provide two stories about the meeting on this chunk of city "fat".
And then, we'll have my take, as I purposely watched this part of the meeting
First, the News Sentinel -
This headline makes it clear what city council decided upon last evening. By a 6-3 vote, council "agreed" to postpone the elimination of the PSD job until the fall.
Next, the Journal Gazette -
Just retire already
Now, this headline isn't a correct as it should be. The council did not DROP the measure...it was POSTPONED, or TABLED until the fall (as I just mentioned). And the story makes that clear, but I smell a bit of  sensationalism at work.
I also think this (J-G) story makes it abundantly clear that York is there to "coach" (they said mentor) Hamilton in his job as FWPD chief (a task that such a neophyte sorely needs). But how LONG to mentor?
Now, as to MY take on this (buckle up)...
Yeah, I agree that city council would spend more time and money (in court) than the position is worth fighting this (for now), BUT, I also believe that position WILL be going away come fall budget time.
King Henry himself stated that the PSD position was dependent upon the ELECTION results.
We knew that if Mitch Harper had won, the PSD would not exist, and if York had become 4th district councilman, the position he vacated would not be filled (according to our monarch).
These two are just bosses - not leaders.
So, there was consensus as to the (perceived) continuing "need" for a position that was originally supposed to be ONLY a mentoring job with both the FWPD and FWFD chiefs.
Hamilton (FWPD) and Lahey  (FWFD) both said they appreciated York's work and that they couldn't have accomplished what they have in the past two years (some boot-licking going on there?).
As I watched the proceedings, you could tell these two were "stumping" to keep York, and why I don't really know, other than the fact that perhaps one or both of these chiefs needs their hands held? I'd like to think different.
I can believe it when it comes to Hamilton. His (near) meteoric rise to FWPD chief says as much. Plus, it's hard to listen to him, as many times, some sentences are disjointed and don't make as much sense as I feel they should. It's like he can't get his thoughts together all that well,  and I've heard my share of police chiefs in several cities over the years. There has to be the ring of being not only in charge but also able to positively MOTIVATE the officers under him or her and exude CONFIDENCE in the position..
THIS man is a LEADER.
In essence, "He ain't no Sheriff David A. Clarke" (and will never even come close to anyone like him, and that's a shame)
MY city, MY rules.
MY supposition is that the typical democrat handling of the minorities is to appoint a (what else?) MINORITY to the area that has the highest crime rate (and see what happens).
That rarely works, especially in urban areas with high percentages of (low income and informational) black citizens, but it looks good at "pressers".
But, this is just MY opinion on these things, and it's based on the less-than-favorable conditions where we have lived for close to 20 years.
We don't have that quality-of-life our "king" talks about (that the rest of the city enjoys).
Nothing gets done to improve things, businesses leave, crime continues to rise, and the ignorant, indigent, unintelligent and self-serving flotsam continue to multiply, spreading outward.
*** Next up...I didn't mean to run long in that last segment, but it's difficult to get so much down that needs to be said.
Few in the local media have lived down here (Kevin Leininger being one of the exceptions), and he knows the score here.
All the rest do not, and if they did, we'd hear more about the way things really are.
But, we have a thriving and growing DOWNTOWN and soon enough a RIVERFRONT...who needs an entire quadrant of the city that SHOULD be contributing revenue to the city coffers when you can have a few $1800 a month apartments in the new skyscrapers, right?
Not as nice as downtown.
Our part of Fort Wayne has been "on the skids" since the Win Moses years...and that's before the Harvester move out of town, so we can't put the blame on that company alone.
Mayor after mayor never really addressed the growing issues down here, UNTIL they began affecting OTHER parts of the city, and that's a pretty damn sad state of affairs.
As the years passed, we've had crack, heroin and meth  come to town, with the usual results.
Criminals don't even brandish guns any longer...just had a note to a clerk or teller and "you get paid"...simple, huh?
Police will drive right past a boomcar thumping away WITHOUT enforcing the noise ordinance, or even telling the idiot to turn the music (?) down...and they certainly never seem to pull ANYONE over down here with blown out license plate bulbs or even headlights.
I know this because I see vehicles drive around that way FOR MONTHS (and sometimes over a year).
I miss the GOOD old days down here.
So why have a PSD when the public safety down here doesn't seem to be a real issue (let the mooks do what they want as long as they don't bother other parts of the city).
A little too late for that mindset. The horses are gone and the gate was never fixed.
*** Last back to the patio...one question that keeps burning  in my soul is "Why can't this world be a better place?"
We don't even need to be a LOT better (for starters)...just a tad better.
We can talk about the LACK of such necessary things like civility, ethics, values, principles, and the like until the cows come home. We all know the world (and mankind) could use a LOT more of those.
Then there's knowledge, wisdom, and morality...three more pillars of humanity.
We certainly need an abundance of each of those.
Then, a bit farther down the list, we have choices and decisions.
(preferably the good ones)
Lord knows that a LOT of people could take some remedial courses in those.
Instead, we're burdened (as both a nation, and as a global society) with too much of the wrong shit.
No other way to put it.
Well, we could put it THIS way, too.
People will happily go out of their way to do the wrong thing, if they feel it will get them something or advance some lunatic cause or agenda du jour.
Now, we ALL come up short in the perfection department...that's what being HUMAN is all about, right?
But we WILL try...and try again, and keep on trying until we do better, or become better.
That's what LIFE is all about.
In the arena of ideas, right and wrong are not something to be colored in "fifty shades of gray" but are simply black and white.
There's where a lot of our troubles lie.
Many out there believe that anything and everything is open to personal "interpretation" on a spur of the moment to fit whatever issue comes along.
The flaw in such beliefs is that the TRUTH of any matter really doesn't deviate from itself.
And while truth can often times be quite inconvenient, it IS nonetheless THERE.
If only people would put down their hypocrisy and delusions for a brief time, even they might see that.
And then things could be well on the road to becoming better...for everyone.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.