26 February 2016

Friday Follies...
If you liked the second half of yesterday, then, you'll find today right up your alley.
And this weekend proves to be even nicer than that.
Welcome to the end of the week...at long last.
Sometimes, you just don't think it will get here.
Our Hoosierland weather for today finds us with partly to mostly cloudy skies, temps reaching to around  the 33-35 range, and some light breezes. Might see some early flurries, but no accumulation here.
Everything you need to get your weekend off to a fine start, hmm?
So what say we all get our cups of Friday Fortitude poured and parked close by, as we see what's been going on in some other places, shall we?
*** First off of the coat rack is our "What the hell happens today, Bob" feature:
February 26 -
("Once upon a time, there was a city called Fort Wayne, that had NO crime..." How's THAT for a fairy tale? lol)
(but they're so bloody expensive these days...what happened there?)
---And, it's CARNIVAL DAY
(too cold and no place is open FOR a carnival where we live - fegeddeboudit.)
*** Since it's a FRIDAY, let's see what we can get into over the next 48 hours:
February 27 -
(now, we're talking - goes great in coffee. Wonder WHY? heh, heh, heh)
(shortcake, yogurt, soda, chocolate-covered...all works for me)
(funny, they're not griping about global warming, are they?)
February 28 -
(why don't they call this homeless day?)
(Is the LGBT gang okay with the whole fairy thing?)
(yes, straight people know how to do this, too)
(always thought that was done with eggs? Maybe they use CADBURY eggs?)
So there you have it...plenty of things to make sure you don't wind up in jail.
Moving on...
*** Well, the FWPD still have not released information about the Lewis St "trifecta" (homicides) they found yesterday, BUT, others are coming forward with details about the house AND it's occupants.
Here's the story link:
Now THAT is pretty revealing, and sheds much light on what possible MOTIVES might be, right?
A man who used to live near that house for a decades paints an interesting picture of the residence and it's occupants.
A house with 12-15 kids, older boys who get new vehicles when they graduated, retribution for shootings, loud music...sounds like something dubious going on there.
Allow me to toss out some pertinent questions...
Were the FWPD aware of or have anyone living there under suspicion or surveillance?
Those living there who were acquainted with the police were arrested for minor infractions, and didn't have extensive rap sheets (according to the story).
We know the victims were AFRICAN males...perhaps they were refugees...from say...SUDAN?
BTW, the largest concentration of Sudanese refugees is in NEBRASKA...just thought you should know that. Here's the proof on this:
Sudanese refugees...and a gang.
Perhaps they were all SHOT to death?
Maybe one or more of the males found by police were high-school age?
Maybe they attended North Side High School?
Perhaps it was a "clash of cultures" or territorial dispute?
Maybe it was a possible (new) Sudanese gang trying to flex it's muscle?
I'm just "speculating" here, and I'm not assigning any FACT to these postulations.
The story is a good one, and leans toward the description of a drug house.
It has too many of the signs of one.
And since FWCS has not mentioned ANYTHING regarding this incident saying IF any of the males were (in fact)students (due to the CRIMINAL nature of this investigation - a bad press thing) is VERY telling.
Policy is that such information is not forthcoming, unless a students ides in an accident, fire, or any natural causes.
Time (and others on the periphery of this) will tell, even if the FWPD does not...right?
((  ** Editor's Update - 1205 hrs - Looks like the coroner and I are on the same page (again). Here's the latest on the three HOMICIDES:
Easy enough to make the right call when you're INFORMED))
*** Next up, let the "tech-wars" begin...at least between parents and their children.
Here's the report (from WPTA), and it's a good read:
As if parents and teens weren't ENOUGH at odds, by all means, let's make it EASIER for that to happen. And let's use all the TECHNOLOGY we have in our cars today to accomplish this.
I'll grant you that the tech is safety-related, and makes good sense, but isn't GOOD SENSE what these kids need by way OF their parents doing their job, rather than the technologies they've all embraced and become dependent upon?
It's like I say...people take the easy way out, instead of the RIGHT way (which is often more difficult...but not impossible).
LOL - an onboard report card for teen drivers.
Kids will no doubt "fight back" with other apps designed to defeat whatever the parents are using to keep their kids safe, because that's what kids do.
*** Next, in a related story, how SAFE are those APPS you download?
Maybe not AS safe as you're led to believe. Here's the story:
Yeah, that "harmless" FLASHLIGHT app for your phone COULD be opening the door for people in BEIJING to spy on you, and there's lots more apps that have similar effects.
Kinda makes you MISS those old-fashioned phones NOW, hmm?
When I saw this, I just shook my head, because I could see this coming, and my phone is a "dumb" one.
All this tech, and so many ways to subvert it...by the wrong people.
You can become a victim these days (and maybe see your bank account wither away) without leaving the comfort of your home, OR having anyone break in unannounced. Now THAT is real progress, isn't it?
*** Are you one of a growing number of people who have a WIRELESS mouse for your computer?
(I am NOT)
Well, if you are, you COULD be at risk for being "mouse-jacked"....seriously.
Here's the story link:
A "flaw" in the security software of these mice can lead to others being able to hack into your entire system.
Now, I'm not a "technophobe", but you can easily see my reasoning behind my reluctance to glom onto all this crap. I never get something because of it's novelty, or any other gimmick. I prefer things that have been TESTED and are as close to "bullet-proof" as the manufacturer can make something.
Maybe that's why I put up with the annoying daily "Chrome will no longer support XP" prompt across the top of my screen.
Just because something is "new and innovative" doesn't mean it's ANY better, and now we're seeing the proof.
Caution should be the mainstay when even thinking about any electronic gizmo that comes along.
Remember the hoverboards and their ability to spontaneously combust?
*** Last back to the umbrella stand...technology is a cornerstone of the progress and evolution of a society.
Fortunately, the animal world has no such encumbrance, does it?
With new tech comes new ways of thinking...and acting (we know that last one to be too true), but it also opens a Pandora's box of problems, that, if not addressed before an item is rolled out, creates more problems for the users and companies making this stuff.
The manufacturers of these devices and software have stopped learning to think like the bad guys, and that costs the rest of us a LOT...in time, money, and sanity.
In order to defeat (or catch) a criminal you have to think LIKE a criminal.
That's basic investigation and preventive law-enforcement 101.
Technology does have it's place in today's world. Much of it keeps us safe, keeps us warm, keeps pour houses, sores, schools and churches lit, and much much more.
But even those things are at risk to others who would hack into the systems driving our utilities, or that which defends our nation.
In some strange way, we had things a tad better when we didn't have this reliance upon all the tech at the disposal of the "regular folks". We knew how to write letters, used proper etiquette when speaking to others, or when on a phone.
We drove without all the (infotainment) distractions we have today.
We had children we could monitor a lot easier, and better parents who knew HOW to properly raise their children.
The more you think on it, the more things you can come up with to prove the point.
And perhaps, back then...we were a people filled with a lot less angst...and rage.
Sometimes in life, you might have to back up a few steps so you can proceed forward again.
I know it works when your car is stuck in the snow, doesn't it?
Just a little something to ponder.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

25 February 2016

Thoughts For Thursday...
Okay, so we didn't appear to get the TOTAL amount of snow predicted (which was supposed to be between 3-6 inches where we live), but places north and west of us DID.
Now, that doesn't mean the roads are worth taking one's time upon, because we did get some snow, and we had rain before that, so the streets are a bit on the "slicker than snot on a doorknob" side. Luckily the salt I had down during the last event stuck around enough to keep any of this new stuff from sticking.
Conditions will vary depending on where you live.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see light snow continuing with maybe another inch or so, highs around 35 degrees (melting extravaganza?), and mostly cloudy skies, with none of those gusty winds that were predicted.
So, go get your cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa as we take a look at what else hase been going on...
*** First off of the runway is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them."
This was spoken by none other than Frederick Douglass (February 1818 - February 20 1895)
And here is his WIKI:
His EXACT birthdate remain unknown as he was born into slavery and owners did niot keep accurate records (if any) of such things).
He was an African-American social reformer, orator, writer, abolitionist, and statesman.
Let's just say he was a real AMERICAN.
He was the first black man to be invited to the White House to speak to Abraham Lincoln.
The Wiki is rather long, and I will leave that to all of you to read, and you should because this part of American history needs to be remembered.
Douglass was also involved in women's rights as well as those of his race.
His story of how he escaped slavery to become the voice of his people (and America) when it came to freedom is nothing less than remarkable.
And his home (which he PURCHASED, and wasn't given to him for free) in Anacostia Maryland was designated (in 1962) as the Frederick Douglass National Historical Site, and is part of the National Park System.
Interestingly, he was buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, NY.
Truly, a man of courage and of vision.
*** Next, we bring you our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
February 25 -
(God made man and woman, and Samuel Colt made them all EQUAL)
(sometimes you feel like a nut...sometimes you don't)
(good in weather like this)
(I like both the red Manhattan and the white New England varieties)
*** Next up, it looks like we have a "Trifecta" (as Wifey called it) regarding a "death" (read HOMICIDE)investigation.
Three black males were found dead in a house located at 808 E. Lewis St around 1735 hrs.
Here's the story (don't expect any real details, you know how it goes these days):
I chose the N-S story, because there was some "history" with that particular area.
Other sources lacked this, and every nit of information HELPS (note to FWPD)
This could well be homicide numbers 2,3, and 4 (that's more like it)
Love the lack of information.
*** And speaking of police stuff, I found out what that police call was early Tuesday morning that brought SEVEN FWPD vehicles in and around our area.
Here's the police blotter incident listing:
((16F023242 05:34:54 53 ARMED ROB 4800 MONROE ST S))
It was cited as an ARMED ROBBERY and that begs a question: Who was trying to rob a neighbor with a weapon (unknown) that early in the morning as he usually is getting ready for work?
It looked to be in the back of the house, near the garage, so maybe there was a break-in attempt.
I didn't see anyone running through the area.
Guess we'll never know what really went down.
*** Next, when it comes to your car, what's the most important thing you expect?
If you said "dependability", then give yourself a gold star and a pat on the back.
Let's face it, a good solid motor and transmission are the MAIN reason you can get from "A" to "B", right?
Well, not so fast there...many people value something else.
And here's the proof:
Jeezus, that's a crapload of parts!
People are more concerned with the TECHNOLOGIES that go into a car, rather than the "nuts and bolts".
I can see their point, because we've gone and taken every function of our cars and made them totally dependent upon some electronic device in order for it to work.
The most complained about issues are the entertainment systems, navigation and phone connectability.
Hell, when a radio didn't work, we carried a portable on the front seat, or we went out, bought a new radio and installed it OURSELVES.
And when we needed to navigate, we used a damn ROAD MAP and read STREET SIGNS.
And when it came to using a phone, we pulled over and used a PUBLIC ONE (which we have in abundance).
We never seemed to have ANY problems with THOSE, did we?
But, along the way, people got "spoiled", and it shows.
They can't name historical figures, or know who's running for president, or even find a country on a damn globe, but they sure miss not having access to things inside their car.
Whatever happened to DRIVING as being the NUMBER ONE JOB when behind the wheel?
Nah, can't do that...not when you're (my phrase) "Infotainment--Dependent".
What a world, right?
*** Next up, got an unexpected "gift" yesterday from my nephew out in VA. He's a captain in the Alexandria FD.
He sent me an "official" ball cap and t-shirt from his own department...how cool is that?
I sent him an email thanking him and told him "All I need to do NOW, is be able to haul a three-inch line up several flights of stairs without giving myself a heart attack." LOL.
He's a good soul with a good heart. And he's a good husband father and firefighter.
Can't ask for more than that, can you?
*** Last back to the hangar...it never ceases to amaze me as to what people will not only settle for, but what they all but demand in our society.
Like I mentioned above, we've at least one generation of "spoiled brats", that live to satisfy their own desires, and don't feel any need to do what might be required in order to attain whatever it might be.
And many times, technology is helping them along that path.
Now, I've never considered such thing as a "lifestyle choice", and I was brought up to realize (early on) that in order to get something, you have to give something.
It's like that "money for work" deal we ALL have to endure, right?
We have to GIVE...in order to GET. Sounds simple enough.
But, there are those (today) who believe that they "deserve" everything while doing nothing (or as little as possible). It starts as early as the first years of school. Kids are taught that all you HAVE to do is "show up or participate" in order to get the trophy (or the passing grade).
Sorry, that's not the way it works.
You have to APPLY ONESELF...and that means becoming knowledgeable (which means learnin stuff) - that which you need to make it in the REAL world.
This whole "something for nothing" socialistic bullshit has no logic or purpose.
Everything costs something...to someone...at some time for some reason, right?
There is no escaping the entire "cause and effect" of life.
Or, if we were to invoke a more "Biblical" principle, we could always cite the "sowing and reaping" parable.
You can't sit back and not sow anything and still expect to reap whatever benefit is expected as if you DID sow.
(ask any farmer for the truth behind that one)
We used to call it American Exceptionalism for a reason.
Time to get more people to dust that mindset off and start applying it.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

24 February 2016

Humpday Happenings...
We're waking up to a very different scenario outside this morning.
And unfortunately, it doesn't get ANY better.
A winter advisory is effect for our area (through tomorrow evening) of the Heartland.
We begin our Hoosierland weather with some freezing rain, which will turn to all rain until later this afternoon into evening, when THAT turns to SNOW. The snow will continue into tomorrow evening, with accumulation from the 3-inch range on up (totals could be between 4-7 inches).
Told 'ya to keep that shovel handy.
Highs today will not even reach the 40-degree mark (it will feel colder due to gusty winds as well) before they start dropping into the 20s for our overnight.
Gonna be a heavy, WET kinda snow, too
Welcome to the mid-week crisis called WEDNESDAY, such as it will be.
At least on Sunday, we'll be back around 50 degrees.
This is what my Mom used to call "pneumonia-weather".
Dress accordingly, and drive safely out there, because streets might be a tad slick, and those high winds might bring down branches or toss about trash bins and other flotsam.
Now, let's have that (needed) soothing cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa as we set about seeing what's going on elsewhere.
*** First off of the weather-desk is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them."
Sure sounds like this was spoken recently, does it not?
But, it's our history that is the teacher in this case, for such words still ring true.
So, WHO said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Anacostia area of Washington, D.C...
*** Next up, we bring you our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
February 24 -
(arriba! Pass the salsa, please.)
And that's all she wrote.
*** Next up, our "Prez" aka Blamer-in-Chief NOW believes (erroneously, as usual) that closing Club Gitmo is "the most pressing issue for America today".
Guess the ECONOMY, or GLOBAL WARMING, or FREE STUFF , or OBAMACARE, or all the other craptastic liberal agendas mean nothing all of a sudden?
Closing Gitmo is THE big deal now?
Yeah, well guess what? I've recently been elevated to Master of the Universe.
Okay, maybe not that (yet), but perhaps I AM a JEDI!
The FORCE is strong with him...
What is it with this jerk in our White House and his "cause of the week", which he loves to begin (usually by executive fiat), but NEVER finishes? Here's the story link:
Please tell me this man is NOT delusional, because I'm just seeing the exact opposite.
Keeping those terrorists (detainees) OFF our shores does NOT advance our national security, BUT, bringing those same terrorists (detainees) to OUR shores and putting them in one of OUR super-max jails DOES?
Yeah, let's call this our "WTF???" moment for the week.
Are you f$cking shitting me?
You'd rather have them IN our country than off our shores?
Your a damn lunatic, pal.
What makes you think that having these mooks ON our country's soil will NOT allow other such terror cells (for we DO have radical Islamists in America, "MISTER" president) to make some sort of attack AT whatever jail you stick them in (like the Boston Marathon bombing)?
The only reason no one has TRIED to attack Gitmo is that it's a MILITARY INSTALLATION...ON A DAMN ISLAND, you asshole. Any terrorist attack would be shelled and sunk before it made landfall.
I thought this was all figured out as being a GOOD thing?
But, by all means, bring them all HERE instead and place America at further risk...just as you've done for the past 7+ years. Is Barry still toking that weed in D.C.? Sure seems that way.
*** Next, and more locally, there us a electric utility rate HIKE a'comin to residents in Indiana. Who'da thunk that?
Here's the story link:
It's good to know we'll NOT be seeing an 11% rate hike. But, it's bad to see that 5.4% rate hike..
NIPSCO says this decision was made under a collaborative agreement.
Funny, no one asked US about ANY of this.
Now, what you need to know (per NIPSCO) is that the customers will benefit from:
• Smaller overall bill impact, as well as a substantially reduced monthly customer charge increase for residential, commercial and industrial customers when compared with the original proposal.
(that sounds okay so far)
• Platform for NIPSCO’s continued investments and service improvements for customers.
(again, not bad if it helps customers)
• Offering of a new LED streetlight rate, which supports a LED streetlight conversion program for municipalities awaiting approval in NIPSCO’s infrastructure modernization plan.
(another good idea - better lighting and fewer bulbs to replace)
• Expands interruptible program for industrial customers.
It "expands" the INTERRUPTIBLE program?
Which program is THAT?
And why does my (or your) service need to be "interrupted"???
That last one needs a bit more scrutiny.
And, could it mean that more SMART-METERS are on the way?
We really DON'T want that, trust me.
Check my archive post from 29 Jan 2013 for the lowdown on these smart-meters.
("What You're Missing" at right - new drop down menu)
There's more to this than meets the eye here.
*** Last back to the garage...Patches didn't stop by Monday evening, but he WAS outside way up in our big tree yesterday morning.
So, I called to him (..."You want some peanuts?").
Well, he could not get DOWN from that tree fast enough, and then ran down the garage roof SO fast, I thought he wouldn't stop at the gutter (he did).
Then, he dashed about looking for a way down from there.
He finally settled for using the downspout to get to the corner of the garage and climb down the wood.
Naturally, he followed me to the patio, where I fed him.
Now, this would have made a great video, but I hadn't thought about that.
Still, it was fun to see him so "manic" over some peanuts.
THAT is the type of behavior you love to see...not some kids screaming and running about unsupervised, or people walking down the middle of the streets, or double-parking and shouting to one another..
Hell, even the critters have better sense than THAT, so you know where my respect tends to go, right?
For an "evolved" species, there are times when I doubt the continuance of such "evolution", or even the ability to maintain that which we have evolved into.
Too much stupid going around, that's for sure.
Much of it that "special kind", also.
I related this little tale to demonstrate that the simplest acts can net nice rewards.
I want to think that all humans have the ability to wake up and just say "today I won't kill...", or I won't steal or defraud, or lie, or deal drugs, or use drugs...whatever.
If such sentiments can work for this old codger, why not others who need it much more than I do?
Just something to think about.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.