10 June 2016

Friday Follies...
Welcome to week's end at last.
Looks like the rain we were supposed to get passed south of our fair city...again.
We're also "supposed" to get some rain today, and it feels like it outside.
I'll believe it when I see it, and not before.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will have temps creeping back into the mid-to-upper 80s (we're on A/C mode again), mostly cloudy skies and that "chance of rain" we're being told. You can feel the humidity as well.
Now, let's all get ourselves a nice cup or glass of Friday Fortitude poured (we might need it), as we take a look at what's been on my mind of late...
*** First out of the fridge is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
June 10 -
(wonder if today's youth can appreciate this?)
(sounds a bit racist from a bovine point of view...lol)
(sorry, marijuana is still NOT a proper "herb")
(yeah, we got this one covered well enough)
*** And since it is Friday, let's see what we can get into over the weekend.
June 11 -
(wanna make MY life beautiful? Take all the "locals" living down here and replace them with some NORMAL people)
(okay, NOT the flower, but the WINE - and cracklin' at that)
(just keep the toothpicks handy. You'll need them)
(as usual, chocolate gets my attention)
June 12 -
(I found that it does NOT apply to ANY of our "neighbors"...damn!)
(Has to do with INTERRACIAL marriage as per the decision  in 1967 of Loving v Virginia)
(Those with allergies need not partake - more for me)
(our climbers are in bloom, too
There you have it. Celebrate responsibly and stay out of trouble.
*** Next up, there was ONE story that got me nice and PO'ed yesterday, and I'll bet you all know what that was. Here's a hint.
And, here's the story link I chose (from MANY):
Libtards working hard to restrict YOUR rights
So, this 9th "circus" court of appeals, based in San Fran (uber-liberal as the day is long, I might add) states that our 2nd Amendment does NOT provide the right for citizens to carry concealed weapons...
Well, THAT...IS...BULLSHIT...!!!
Does that mean I can carry OPEN then?
Carrying concealed means you don't want to "scare the locals", because SOME people fear guns like the plague and will piss themselves if they so much as see one.
Funny, the best defense against a BAD guy with a gun STILL is a GOOD guy with a gun. Anyplace, anytime.
In some cities, people are required to provide documentary evidence that they NEED to carry concealed, and those are often cities where it's difficult to even get a gun.
Now, this court (which did NOT even have a unanimous vote on this) wants to RESTRICT people to carrying a gun ON THEIR PROPERTY only? What a frigging laugh.
Sorry, but the 2nd Amendment says WE, the people, have the RIGHT to KEEP AND BEAR arms. It makes NO distinction as to WHERE and HOW we can carry them. That's usually left up to the states themselves, but it's still a restriction.
Here in Indiana, you ONLY need a permit for carrying a handgun, and NOT a specific (or separate) CCP permit (so I've read).
That doesn't seem to stop all the criminals who ILLEGALLY obtain handguns and then proceed to ROB people and businesses, does it?
Oh, wait...criminals NEVER follow the law to begin with...
And forget all the crimes that WERE prevented or stopped BY citizens with concealed handguns, and the lives THEY have saved.
This might wind up (eventually) at the foot of the "Supremes", and that could be a REAL hairball against our Constitutional rights. Yeah, THAT will piss me off again real fast.
*** Next, and because the paper has not arrived as of 0630 hrs, I've got to peruse the local media sources online, so bear with me here.
He beat me to it...damn!
We go through these "phases" down here in Ghettoville. This week alone, the MAIL didn't arrive until around 1600 hrs (4 PM) on two days.
Today, the PAPER is late. Some weeks, trash pickup comes BEFORE 0900 hrs, while other weeks, it doesn't come until AFTER 1500 hrs.
To echo the words of Mr. Swift, if there is ONE thing that is CONSISTENT down here, it's the INCONSISTENCY. And with kids knocking over trash bins or poking through mailboxes, you can't leave things alone to handle themselves...not one damn bit.
Welcome to the SOUTHEAST side of Fort Wayne.
Like I said the other day, parents with NO parenting skills to speak of are the main culprit, and why these kids are seemingly SO "bored" that all they want to do is mess about with anything and everything that has nothing to do with them (like setting fires at Southgate Plaza, for example) or the mundane lives they've chosen to pursue for themselves, is asinine.
*** Next up, we have another example of the result of bad parenting and poor choices. Here's the story:
This robbery took place around 2330 hrs last night at the Phil's One Stop located in the 2600 bllock of Goshen Rd.
The suspect is a BLACK MALE wearing black clothing and (get this) SUNGLASSES...at 11:30 AT NIGHT!
(that shoulda sent up the old red flag immediately)
He remains "in the wind", and I heard that he only alluded to having a gun and that none was displayed. He got away with cash and cigarettes (wanna bet they were either KOOLS or NEWPORTS?).
*** Next, still another example of people that "just don't get it". Here's the link:
This took place around 0530 hrs this morning on the (where else?) SOUTHEAST SIDE of County Allen.
The location was given as Country Court Estates, off of U.S. 27 near the I-469 interchange.
One person was stabbed and the condition not known. One person was taken into custody, so I'd wager that this might involve whites rather than blacks (who never seem to get caught unless they f*ck up).
Funny, one of the FIRST things I do when I get up is make some COFFEE...any stabbings or shootings on my part will come AFTER that. I can be patient when I have to be...lol.
*** Next up, the FWIA is no longer having direct flights to and from Philly.
Here's the story link as reported by Kevin Leininger (N-S):
No more Philly flights.
Personally, it doesn't bother me one damn bit.
What DOES bother me, is the fact that these flights (since 2014) were SUBSIDIZED by the airport authority, which happens to get tax money from (you guessed it)...THE CITY!
We were paying for those flights here...imagine that.
Those damn economic development agencies...they'll fleece you EVERY single time, right along with those OTHER "agencies" (to which there are thirty that can levy taxes through the city).
The airport received about $600K from the city to make this work (which it didn't - not enough warm bodies on those flights). Matching funds were from the FEDS.
In total, from all sources, about $2 MIL was sunk into a failed program...sound familiar?
Welcome to modern (liberal) times, folks!
*** Next up, Ohio has become the 25th state to "legalize pot", after a fashion.
It's ONLY to be used for medicinal purposes and to be NOT of the smoking variety. Vaping only.
The program will take 2 years to get up and running, with the caveats in place by the governor.
Another genie let out of another bottle.
Good luck keeping THAT bad boy in check.
*** Next, I know school is out for the summer, but school absenteeism is on the RISE? Say it ain't so. Well, this story tells another tale:
Now WHO would have thunk it?
And this is starting as early as (hope you're all sitting down)...PRE-K!
No wonder we're seeing more of this in high school...they've all had time to "hone their craft", as it were.
The ONLY time I was absent in any grade of school was when I was sick as a dog, and Mom wouldn't let me go in.
Anything else was simply inexcusable. That's the way it sued to be.
But, good old social media takes care of that nicely, as does parents not caring all that much an acting SURPRISED when told by teachers that their child has been absent SO much.
Harsh, but fair.
The parents "thought" the child was in class...yeah, and I "thought" I was a billionaire the other day, when I wasn't busy being the Pope.
It's become a CHRONIC condition, and (for once) no one can point fingers at POVERTY as a culprit.
This stretches beyond ethnic or economic classes. It's basically all over the charts.
Funny, we used to have TRUANT OFFICERS in Philly, who actively sought out those NOT in attendance in classrooms and brought them back to school.
It was a kinder, gentler time to be sure...LOL.
*** Last back to the cupboard...every problem we have in this city, state, country, or even on the planet itself is brought about by PEOPLE.
And, as that Ronald Reagan meme showed us yesterday, ALL the problems of mankind can be solved by what can be found between the covers of something called THE BIBLE.
Seems pretty basic in concept AND execution, but there are those who would deny many of us of such solutions.
Those people would much rather keep trying the same things over and over again, and expecting results different from their last attempt to solve a problem.
That is what Albert Einstein once claimed to be the definition of INSANITY.
And by the looks of things around us, the inmates are indeed running the insane asylum.
We really need to check our destination in that regard snd possibly reverse our course, lest we find ourselves in even more dangerous waters than we currently are.
And that means some tough choices, but, as I've said many times, the HARD choice is often the RIGHT choice.
Where OUR "neighbors" live.
People have just become so complacent so as to not even attempt ANY choice.
Apathy might have it's place, but not in today's world, and certainly not in THIS nation.
People need to reacquaint themselves with their thought processes, and how best to utilize whatever skill set and intelligence that God has provided.
To do less is to court disaster from a societal standpoint.
We can be up to that challenge...all it takes is motivation and desire to do so.
Therein lies the lesson for the week.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and, as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

09 June 2016

Thoughts On Thursday...
Well, that cool spell we had is coming to it's end. Damn shame.
The last two days were great. Good sleeping and nice enough to do anything outside.
In fact , it was nice enough to open up a window or two, and cool the "Fortress" down (didn't have to run the A/C).
Our Hoosierland weather for today might see that change.
Expect partly sunny skies to begin the day, followed by increasing clouds with a 40% chance of rain (maybe a thundershower) later on. Highs today will top out in the low to mid-70s. And we'll have some mild breezes tossed in.
So let's all get that morning drink (good old double-sweet hazelnut coffee for me, thanks) and see what's been going on elsewhere...
*** First out of the sugar bowl is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote:
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves,  tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. "
This was spoken by our 40th President, Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004). We've featured him a couple times here (and rightly so), but for those of you who want a refresher, here is his WIKI:
Yesterday's reference to The Santa Fe Trail had to do with the 1940 film with Errol Flynn, which Reagan made after he portrayed George Gipp in the movie Knute Rockne - All American.
Never in my lifetime have I seen a better example of CONSERVATISM than with this president.
And I would advise reading the WIKI is you want to see a sterling example of the polar OPPOSITE of the last 8 years of the liberal agenda.
The major turning point in politics for Reagan was at the Republican national Convention in 1964 where he  gave his speech "A Time For Choosing".
Would this nation be THAT fortunate to have such a speaker TODAY, especially with the challenges our country now faces both here and abroad.
Moving on...
*** Next, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
June 9 -
(another contrived day - never met an Earl that was a legend)
(now HIM I HAVE heard of)
(like the strawberries - hate the rhubarb aka bloodshot celery)
(helping to keep fingers on the pulse of our health)
*** Next up, lots more things happening in the Summit City, and plenty of new construction going up. (up NORTH that is)
Here's the story link:
Imagine that - an "upscale" hotel to be located up on Diebold Rd.
It's just south and east of the Parkview Regional Medical Center campus and Parkview family park.
Add in some restaurants, too.
(with no additional fast food venues).
But wait, there's MORE...
(more you say?)
Denny Worman - mastermind.
In addition to all fo the above, there will also be a 244 lot subdivision for housing to be called Fox Hollow.
Right next to that is a plan for 65 homes on another 70 acres.
And the SE side gets an old vacant school on Tillman Rd made over into senior living.
Yeah, that seems quite equitable (not).
This is becoming a city more top-heavy than Dolly Parton (and not nearly as lovely OR talented).
*** Next up, another tragedy that COULD have been prevented. Here's the story link:
This took place yesterday around 1600 hrs in the 300 block of Darrow St (near South Side high school).
A 1-year old was killed when her father backed his Camry up and rolled over her.
Paramedics took the girl to hospital in critical condition where she later died.
And while this WAS very tragic AND very preventable, this is exactly what I've been talking about when it comes to being irresponsible as a parent.
You NEVER let a toddler of that age OUT OF YOUR SIGHT, because they will tend to be where you don't want them to be, and at the WORST time...all by themselves.
Hell, a one-year old should be in a PLAYPEN (if they still make them, which they seem to do).
Here's one toddler NOT getting run over.
We've at least one generation that has no real parenting skills, and obviously cannot remember what it was like to be a toddler either, and that's a shame for the young ones TRYING to grow up (without being run over in their own driveway by a father not paying attention).
*** Next, looks like the FWPD budget has taken a hit of sorts. Here's the story link:
Another "excessive force" lawsuit settled, but ONLY because it would cost even MORE to go through litigation.
Lesser of two evils time, folks.
This happens when you have to deal with people exposing themselves, driving barefoot and talking to God (not that the LAST one is a "bad" idea. I do it myself, and in this part of the ghettohood...I do it a LOT!).
*** Next up, Frank Gray had a pretty good column in today's paper. Here's the link:
He speaks about a tax "creep" on citizens, and he's pretty much correct on that one.
When the ability for any level of government to tax becomes "available", you can rest assured it WILL be levied.
And with (very) few exceptions, those taxes will NEVER go away. If anything, they will INCREASE.
With every tax we are forced to pay, it becomes evident that we, the people lose a smidgen of freedom. We didn't vote for the tax, but then again, we don't all fix roads, or police our streets, or man the airports.
You get the idea.
These are a "necessary evil", unfortunately, but they do have this tendency to get out of our control.
*** Next, Wifey returned home yesterday, safe and sound to absolutely no fanfare (well maybe some heavy kissing and hugging).
She brought back a load of chocolate from a place called "Charlie's", and it's all handmade as well as delicious. Also got some strawberries from a roadside stand. All I need now is a banana or two and we got us some SMOOTHIES (yeah, I can make those, too). Just wish that city tap water tasted like it did a month ago...lol.
*** Last back to the garage...life can be "taxing" and I don't mean that JUST in the manner in which we seem to be fleeced by any and all government levels looking out for "our best interest".
As is often the case, we not only have to deal with those financial nuisances, but also the two-legged variety.
Again, it all comes down to people, doesn't it?
Some of us "get it" and on a regular basis, while other DON'T, and possibly never will.
That is something we have to work through, and it can be a real pain-in-the-ass, when it's not being a challenge of Herculean proportions (remember those Augean stables...yuck!)
Our society is predicated upon certain values and principles, but of late, we're not seeing as much of those as I feel we should, and that is quite disturbing.
These days, it seems to be all about "doing one's own thing", and while that does have a bit of merit (practicing freedom), there are always caveats that have to be acknowledged.
The whole "do your own thing" was part of the 60s "counter-culture" and was meant to buck he "system". and stick it to "the man". I was never part of that, and I STILL don't like tie-dye apparel.
But, I still do MY own thing, provisionally-speaking.
I follow the values and principles that my parents, teachers and mentors passed along to me, and I'm no worse for wear by following them, and a lot wiser FOR following them
Be nice to see others WANT to do likewise.
It doesn't make me better than anyone else, but it DOES make me better that I used to be.
And I'll take that win ANY day...as should all of us.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.