17 June 2016

Friday Follies...
End of another fun-filled week here in the Heartland.
(helluva week it was, too)
There was no lack of news both foreign and domestic, was there?
Anyway, here we are, let's make the best of it.
Our Hoosierland weather will see us with mostly sunny skies, temps reaching to around the 83-degree mark.
The humidity is lower, that's something, right? Back on the A/C circuit.
How's about we take a moment to get ourselves that cup or glass of Friday Fortitude poured and parked nearby as we take a look at some of the stuff that has been going on elsewhere, hmm?
*** First off of the dining room table is out "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
June 17 -
(did someone say "strudel"?)
(now they went snd spoiled it)
(okay, that's a bit better)
(keep going...)
(has to do with those thong-style footwear and NOT anything from the politicians)
*** Since we're at week's end, let's take a look at what the following 48 hours brings us:
June 18 -
(all that comes to mind is Andy and Opie...and whistling)
(that cutie just hurt someone's hip-national bank)
June 19 -
(why don't they put these days in November?)
(vodka martini...dry...shaken, not stirred)
---And, it's FATHER'S DAY
(some thoughts in a minute)
*** Next up, there were NO shootings in Fort Wayne yesterday - there goes our "trifecta" for the week. We DID notch HOMICIDE #14 with the passing of that teen shot near Baxter and Avondale.
But there was some other things. Here's one of them:
This duffus (Walik Whiteside - remember him?) landed himself a 60-year prison stint for RAPE (must be a cultural thang with keeping your "junk in the drawer". And this was an ATTEMPTED rape at that. Now THAT is some well-deserved justice.
Seems you get LONGER sentences for that than you do for shooting people (or killing them).
This was the perp that TRIED to represent himself, and failed wonderfully.
Oh, and that rape sentence comes AFTER another 25-year sentence for ROBBERY.
Once a loser...ALWAYS a loser.
No one failed this jerk...but HIMSELF.
---Then, there's THIS story:
A 19-year old faces charges of theft from FWPD cruisers...uh oh, that can't be good.
Interestingly, Wifey had him as a student where she teaches, and the family is a decent one, as are his siblings.
Drugs tend to screw people up in lots of ways.
This teen somehow had a "pass-key" that allowed access to several police cars, from which was taken ammo, an assault rifle (the REAL kind and not the civilian version) and a tactical body armor vest.
Police searched his house and discovered the items.
The teen told police he FOUND the key and that he took the stuff to sell to his DRUG DEALER.
That's sure to get you noticed by the vice squad.
*** Next, in lieu of Obummer mouthing off about guns and how best to control them (don't let anyone tell you differently), we have this local story:
Looks like Barry might once again secure his position as FIREARM SALESMAN OF THE YEAR. I think that's been EIGHT years running now. There was a ray of "light" however...
Texas senator Ted Cruz has some comments as he addressed the Senate. Here's the story:
Not too bad, is it? Still wish he were running for president. I get a much better feeling hearing him speak.
*** Next up, Wifey is headed down to INDY for the day (attending some continuing class about education)., so the cat and I do the "bachelor-day" gig again...shouldn't be that difficult.
(might even make a martini...LOL)
*** Next, regarding that Avondake/Bazter shooting, they had a neighbor on TV speaking (in broken English) about it's a GOOD neighborhood , and some mentioned it was "quiet".
It gets REAL quiet when the po-po stop by.
Okay, so now I discover that what SOME people think is quiet and what I KNOW to be quiet differ greatly.
Just because the Db meter isn;t pegged all the time does NOT make a neighborhood "quiet".
Between screaming kids (unsupervised of course), shouting adults (no shame), and the loud muffler-less vehicles and boomcars galore (as well as a boom-tricycle), adding in all the barking dogs (the only ones really protecting our part of the ghettohood), there is LITTLE to brag about in the whole "quiet" department.
I will say that most mornings, between the hours of 0500 hrs and 1000 hrs, we have MORE sustained periods of quiet than most any other time of day OR night.
Then again, if the FWPD did something to keep the "windows from breaking" like ENFORCING ORDINANCES, we might be able to state that our area is quiet (er) than most others...but I can't and won't lie to anyone. We're damn noisy.
*** Next, didn't see any buddies stop by yesterday, but on that rainy Wednesday, we did have a couple.
Neither rain, nor snow...
Kinda hopeful I get to feed them today.
You come to look for them, and when they don't show up, the day seems to be lacking something.
*** Last back to the kitchen sink...Sunday is Father's Day, and I admit that I miss MY father every day.
I look back and remember the times we had. How he used to roust me outta bed still makes me smile (just like a drill sgt - grab and shake the damn mattress).
I recall the times we went to air shows together, and the Indy car race at Mt. Pocono raceway.
Typical MAN stuff.
Watching dad fly his model planes and he helping me with my plastic models...shooting pellet pistols down along the Delaware...loads of things you wish you could just do (together) ONE...more...time.
You never really understand how much you come to admire and love someone until they are gone.
That's my dad - down in front.
Then, all you have are the memories, and if you made a lot of good ones along the way, they stay with you.
My father was a straight-shooting kinda guy. You always knew where you stood when talking with him.
And he did not bullshit you. If you wanted the truth, well, he was more than willing to accommodate.
Not bad for being a WW2 vet and part of the "greatest generation".
I hope in some way, I have not disappointed him, and that the decisions I've made would meet to his approval.
I know that I was never his opposite, and as I get older, I find more of him in me every year.
That's a good feeling, and I thank God for being blessed in such a way.
Time to remember the fathers...all of them.
Do have yourselves a good week.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

16 June 2016

Thoughts For Thursday...
Anyone who was wanting rain yesterday should not have been disappointed.
Although it didn't last ALL day, the periods where it did rain saw some brief downpours.
Must have made all the farmers happy around Indiana.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will see us with mostly cloudy skies and somewhat cooler conditions. Temps will wind up around the 78 degree mark, and no rain in the immediate forecast.
Now, what say we go get that morning drink poured as we sit back and take in all that's been going on elsewhere?
*** First off of the driveway is the answer to yesterday's WHO SAID THAT? quote.
"It's not a gun-control problem; it's a cultural control problem."
This was spoken by Robert Laurence "Bob" Barr (born 5 November 1948), who is a former federal prosecutor, and a former Congressman, representing Georgia's 7th district as a Republican from 1995 to 2003.
And yes, even he has a WIKI. Here it is:
Barr is perhaps best noted for being one of the leaders of the impeachment proceedings against (then) president Clinton.
He was also the Libertarian party's nominee for president back during the 2008 election.
He had an interesting career in Congress as well as had some good views politically (for the most part).
I'll leave it up to all of you to read the WIKI and make up your own minds.
I do think it's good to see some of the "other guys" in our government from time to time, and how they view things, good or bad.
*** Next up, we bring you our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
June 16 -
(damn, I knew I was missing something for breakfast...lol)
(has to do with being encouraged to ride PUBLIC transportation rather than drive, like using our own Citilink...if you don't mind the smell of stale urine and creepy people...heh)
*** Next up, yes folks, ANOTHER shooting on the city's (where the hell else?) SOUTHEAST side. Gee, that makes two in the last two days...anyone gonna attempt a "trifecta" today?
Here's the story link:
This took place around 1620 hrs in an alley along Baxter St between the 4100 blocks of Avondale and Lafayette.
People heard gunshots and when police arrived they found a male teen suffering from gunshot wounds in the alley (there was one report of a head shot). The teen was taken to hospital where he remains in critical condition.
Okay, so we have a person (or persons) emboldened enough to pull this kind of crap off in broad daylight, with no never-mind to being caught (let alone spotted) by the police.
Now, I wonder how this would play out IF we had MORE PATROLS down in sector 45 (that's where we live) INCLUDING all the alleys?
When I can count the number of FWPD cruisers going by on ONE hand per week, something is wrong, if in fact, we're being "told" that more resources are being directed down here to address the problems we have to live with.
"Changing tactics" was the phrase du jour, I believe.
This is probably the ONLY blog that chronicles all the crap that goes down here on a regular basis...no spin, just the facts, and I find it very hard to believe that I'm the only person that notices such things or bothers to post them here.
Not by a long shot!
You're always hearing about neighbors worried about their street, saying they're scared or that it didn't USED to be like this.
So, they only speak when on camera? Why not pitch a fit at EVERY and ALL city leaders as well as what is passing for community leaders to take action and stop this before it gets worse.
And, by the way, it HAS been getting worse over the last decade, so anything that was meant to stop the rising crime down here has been woefully ineffective and a waste of time and resources.
*** Next up, and just when I thought Indiana Senator Dan Coats might be a really good guy, you read something like this:
More Republicans are having this "change of heart" about GUN CONTROL?
I smell "waffles"...lol.
Are we pulling out the lockstep BS rhetoric again?
Now,  I admit that denying gun purchases to people on the terror-watch list IS a good idea, but like Bob Barr said (above),  we don't need more GUN control...we need some CULTURAL violence control. Stricter enforcement of CURRENT laws would work best.
M4A1 = full auto - AR15 = semi-auto Got it?
And let's once and for all make the PROPER distinction between  what is being called an "assault" rifle.
Also, people need to know the difference between a SEMI-auto long gun and a FULL-auto one. The media seems to be quite lacking along those lines and no amount of correct information is getting through their thick skulls.
When you stop and think about it, ALL firearms "could" be construed as being classified in some sort of "assault" category, if for no other reason than having someone assault another person WITH that firearm, so the ambiguity here can wind up leading to more far-reaching aspects of guns in general.
Let's all take a deep breath, get everyone properly EDUCATED on firearms first, and then our Constitution before we start jerking any more knees, kapeesh?
*** Next, here's something that should NOT be revelatory in nature:
And the socialism continues...
Yep, Obummercare costs are GOING UP...AGAIN.
And this was supposed to SAVE people money with health care costs...HOW exactly?
It has done nothing to that effect since it was forced down everyone's throat.
This latest "rise" will cost consumers an average of around 11%. 
When's the last time YOU got a raise like that, hmm?
For example, a 40-year old nonsmoker will pay anywhere from $192 in Albuquerque, NM to $482 in Burlington, VT.
Seems the people behind this study can't get the data available soon enough.
*** Last back to the fallout shelter...America seems to be sailing in perilous waters of late.
Pass the damn Dramamine!
And that can't be a good thing for so many reasons.
We used to have a lot better understanding of the course we wanted our nation to chart, and were moving along at a much better pace than we seem to be these days.
We have permitted, rather elected people into the highest offices in our land, not the least of which is the presidency, and found out that for all their persuasive powers and promises, we are no better off, and in many ways, a lot WORSE off.
But the people who voted these bullshitters into whatever office they held (or are still holding) didn't seem that upset about the state of our country, because they were busy texting, sexting, and finding out the newest "dirt" on some celeb living high and mighty and oblivious to what we, the people have to deal with daily.
That's when they weren't all taking selfies, video-capturing some bit of tripe or crimianl act against someone else on their smartphone. We have become like TAFFY - pulled in every direction for whatever reason.
And many are fine with that...huh, WHAT?
Life is apparently meant (just) to be "enjoyed" and that's to the exclusion of what every person in this country SHOULD be learning about life and all it's intricacies. What I see is more "hive-minded" than individual thoughts and actions. Sounds a bit hedonistic.
All you need is the right "hashtag" and everyone follows someone off the nearest cliff...again.
I suppose doing the latter means applying oneself, an people don't wish to be bothered.
Well, they better turn that around, and fast, before we lose this country to the evil that many are pursuing (without even knowing it).
We all need to make better choices, weight consequences of actions, and speak out against that which we KNOW to be wrong, rather than pass it off to the "next person in line".
And we need to do such things on a DAILY basis, for evil (in any form) never takes a day off.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.

15 June 2016

Humpday Happenings...
And if you live in our particular part of the Midwest, you're waking up to some thunderstorms, which blew in before sunrise (wherever that may be - NOT gonna see the sun much this morning).
It is the middle of the week once again, and that means we're halfway to the END of the week.
Our Hoosierland weather will find us with partly cloudy skies later this morning after the rain moves out. Never fear, as the rain will make a return later on this afternoon, with an eventual high of around 85 degrees. Oh, yes, there will be humidity a'plenty.
So, in lieu of these developments, let's get our drink poured as we kick back and see what has been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the soggy lawn is our WHO SAID THAT? quote of the week:
"It's not a gun-control problem; it's a cultural control problem."
With recent events as they have played out, and the usual pundits decrying the need for MORE control of guns, I think this pretty much sums up the ROOT of the actual issue facing this nation.
So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the 2008 Libertarian convention...
*** Next up, we bring you our daily "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
June 15 -
(well,, I woke up this morning - guess that warrants a smile)
(our nature is confined pretty much to the perimeter of our "Fortress"...lol)
*** Next up, we had a drive-by (actually, more like a drive-UP) shooting in the city...in the MIDDLE of the day, AND on the SOUTHEAST side.
(now seriously, where ELSE would you have such a thing?)
Here's the story link:
This took place around 1208 hrs. yesterday in front of a house located at 4507 SW Anthony Wayne Drive (near Capitol) on the other side of South Anthony Blvd.
A woman in the house was critically wounded by the gunfire (around 12 shell casings were discovered by police after they arrived), and a family dog was killed.
"Any of you beaners se habla ENGLISH?"
The WANE story has neighbor's reactions (and why the woman in the video does';t look up is bothersome). They do have a good reason to be scared, though. Police are not keeping streets (down here) as SAFE as they should.
Police have no idea why the house was targeted, and no suspects or vehicle description (one was seen speeding off, but no one seemed to know what type of vehicle it was).
Noon, AND barefoot - Third world much?
Amazing how people can whip out their smartphone cameras and capture all the details when posting something to social media, but when something "big" like this occurs, no one ever sees anything, and not a smartphone in sight.
*** Next, we had a machete attack not far from the downtown area.
Here's that link:
This took place early yesterday around 0015 hrs in the 700 block of Columbia Avenue.
Police found one man bleeding from a stab wound outside a house and found another inside, also suffering from a stab wound. Both were transported to hospital with one in serious condition and the other with no life-threatening injuries.
Police found something resembling a machete near the scene.
The FWFD was called in to hose down the blood in the area of the attack.
Police say this started with a knock on the door, after which an argument ensued and the two people got to stabbing one another.
I have a feeling that "liquid courage" may have been involved, or someone has some anger-management issues.
Either way, lesson to be learned: Don't answer doors in this city after midnight...
*** Next up, yes, we have that new wheel tax in Fort Wayne.
Here's the story:
The start of the story has to do with improving roads for DOWNTOWN as well as WEST and SOUTHWEST in the city. (nothing here on the SE - typical)
The wheel tax is mentioned...AND was passed by a 5-4 vote...AND we WILL have to pay it...AND, it will not go away (bet on that one).
These taxes never do, but they WILL increase over time. Mark my words on that.
As long as costs to maintain the roads and streets increase right along with the supplies needed to do the jobs, the tax will also increase. It's a given.
*** Next , our whiner-in-chief has been in fine form over the last couple days, and we get to see the REAL persona.
You can tell he's pissed at a few things, not the least of which is the way Muslims are being "painted with a broad brush", and that we're waging war on an entire religion.
Funny, I (along with a LOT more Americans) must have missed that, because I thought we were targeting those (home-grown or nationalized) RADICAL ISLAMIIC TERRORISTS in our midst?
It's nice to see Barry-O lose his cool...and you can tell he's off the teleprompter, because every untruth he spews is laced with stuttering.
Life isn't all about YOU, pal.
Build a damn bridge and get over it (and yourself).
*** Next, a college is "leaving town"? Here's the story link:
Brown-Mackie College in Fort Wayne is closing, as is the location in Indy, due to "downsizing".
Have to admit, that's a new one on me. Never thought I'd see such a thing happen.
At a time when education is more important than in generations past, we see a college closing ALL but four of it's 26 locations. That's pretty damn odd.
*** Next, there doesn't seem to be enough of some things in Fort Wayne. Here's the story:
FOUR more parks have been added to the FREE BREAKFAST program (for lazy parents, no doubt).
Funny, the girls in the picture don't appear to be that bad off. Well dressed and neat hair-dos.
And this is at the Weisser Park Community Center (another place for area kids to go, rather than play ball in the damn streets).
The BEST part of this program, is that parents DO NOT have to document their family INCOME to qualify for the program, according to parks capo (for life) Al Moll...imagine that.
The parks added are Lafayette, Hamilton, Lakeside, and Packard.
Nice to know that lazy parents are found in areas OTHER than just the SE..
Another freebie (on top of all the other ones)? Hey, if they serve Froot Loops, can I SIGN UP???
*** Last back to the rain barrel...there used to be a time when people acted a LOT differently.
Take many of the "charitable" assets available to those fallen on hard times.
These agencies and their programs used to help those ONLY in the most dire of circumstances, and that was a very noble endeavor.
Many other people who were close to being on the edge of poverty had something called pride, which kept them from taking from the mouths of others. Those folks struggled and made it past their bad times, and it was due to hard work and persistence to not fall into such a level of poverty.
Today, it seems just the opposite. People of MANY classes in life take (unfair) advantage of the plethora of programs designed to help ONLY the poorest among us..because they CAN (and do) get away with it.
The Bible says that the poor will ALWAYS be with us (kinda like the FORCE), and that we are charged with helping them any way we can, and that also is a noble cause, for the poor deserve the same opportunity that those wealthy often take for granted.
Something to think about.
That doesn't mean we "redistribute that wealth", nor does it mean the poor have to remain poor in order to get all the "free stuff" being given out.
It also doesn't mean we keep taking care of families who can easily take care of themselves, but choose to let someone else do it for them.
We need to stop making poverty so damn comfortable for too many who are not even close to being poverty-stricken. That's not the American way and certainly not the better way, but it is the "easy" way.
Again, Ben Franklin was correct in calling such things out. Poverty should be made "uncomfortable", so people will not want to remain there and move away from it.
And, it's not like we don't already have the methods and resources in place to take care of that. We have and still do.
When people stop taking hand outs from those who need that safety net to get them back on their own feet, and start doing more for themselves, they just might find a source of appreciation for that which they work for and attain along the way. They'll never find out if they never try. They just need the proper motivation to get them going.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.