25 October 2017

Humpday Happenings...
Yes, it was a gloomy day for most of yesterday. We did have the sun peek out (as if it were scared or something).
Somehow, that didn't make me personally feel all warm and fuzzy (it was a bit chilly as well).
And that cool down will continue today.
Our Hoosierland weather will see us with mostly partly to cloudy skies (the sun IS trying to peek through the overcast), temps only climbing to around 48 degrees (jacket weather), and less of the wind we had yesterday (thank you).
Now, what say we warm ourselves on the inside with a nice hot cup of coffee, tea, or cocoa as we see what else has been going on, hmm?
*** First out of the china cabinet is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society."
This fits into today's post just as well as it fits into most of the conditions we're seeing with today's social issues.
So, who said that? The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back at the Jagiellonian University...
*** Next, is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Greasy Foods Day
(as long as it's not that greasy that I can lubricate my car with it)
---It's the Sourest Day
(as opposed to WHAT, exactly?)
---It's Chucky, the Notorious Killer Doll Day
(seriously? Can't think of anything better than that?)
*** Next, Wifey is heading (back) down to Vincennes for a couple days (returning Saturday) once again, so it's back to "bachelor mode".
Yes, the mileage IS adding up on the Wifeymobile, and the tire tread isn't getting any better.
We'll be grocery shopping on Sunday (not my favorite day to do such things), but that should be okay.
Whenever this house does not have it's compliment of souls inside, it does become larger than it needs to be.
*** Next, you've heard me state the problems we've had with low-flying passenger jets for a while, and every year, we go through this same BS with our airport, cver since their "localizer" broke in the early 2000s.
We're not THIS bad yet, but getting there.
Well, there's a new wrinkle in the mix, and I'm no longer the only person noticing this potentially dangerous change. I really feel for this woman. Here's the story link:
I found this in the BUSINESS section (which has become everyday reading for me).
((The Federal Aviation Administration started revising flight paths and procedures around the United States in 2014 under its air traffic control modernization plan known as “NextGen.” The new procedures use more precise, satellite-based navigation that saves time, increases the number of planes airports can service, and reduces fuel burn and emissions.
Noise complaints exploded from San Diego to Charlotte, North Carolina, to New York as flights were concentrated at lower altitudes, in narrower paths and on more frequent schedules. The new paths often reduce the number of people exposed to noise, but those who get noise get it far more consistently.))
And the public (who is directly affected by all the noise) was never informed of this...WHY?
Having planes at LOWER altitudes over residential areas instead of altitudes they USED to overfly the same areas makes no sense and doesn't really save anything...it's all about MORE DOLLARS in the pockets of those at the top of the FAA and their connected food chains.
This low-flyer was less than 1000 ft overhead - 2006.
This low-flying crap has started up AGAIN where we live over the past couple weeks. Planes come over SO damn low, you can count the windows lit up at night. It's more like living down along Ferguson Rd, rather than 4 miles away.
Taken near BWI in Maryland - same thing there.
Maybe we need to add FORT WAYNE to the litigation list, before something bad happens. Personally, I don't like airliners along MY street.
*** Next up, someone finally got their head out of their ass (downtown) and is now doing something along our rivers that I said they should have done YEARS ago...dredge them all. Here's the story:
Oh, that little barge is so cute...LOL.
Let's hope it does the job it's supposed to, and gets all the crap OUT of the river. Can't have anything like logs and such mucking up any phase of the riverfront development...can we?
*** Next, I saw this story about a (former) FWCS employee and it has provided me with the "WTF???" moment for the week. Here's the link:
Now, Bob Rinearson has been with FWCS for 17 years, and Wifey knows who he was. But, all of a sudden, he gets suspended and then fired...for what? Doing his job? He does have a law-enforcement background (I'm told). And, I heard he was always fair but firm (something kids NEED these days).
He makes a good case for being discriminated against. After all, such discrimination IS a TWO-WAY STREET, it's just that not many have pushed back on the white side (however correct the people may have been). No one race OWNS discrimination. Let's make that abundantly clear..
There is this claim that he was derogatory against the BLM movement.
(considering who they are and what they represent, who wouldn't be?)
Here's his original article from the date in question - note that he only mentions BLM at the very END of the column.
It took a bit to FIND the article, but there you go. I think it's a damn good column, and says exactly what a lot of the problems are in parts of Fort Wayne. We hear as much from the media and the FWPD spokespeople almost weekly...so what's the big deal with FWCS? They get a damn stick up their ass or something?
It would seem that FWCS is concerned LESS with it's employees, and MORE with (bad) students when it comes to not acknowledging the TRUTH in many matters, and that is a dangerous path to go down, isn't it?
*** Next up, Leo Morris had a good column in the N-S about guns, and here it is:
I know Leo's brother through emails, and he's got a nice chunk of ground in the Lone Star State.
So, it takes a lot to say that Indiana gun owners  are "better off" than gun owners in Texas.
((The idea is that if bearing arms is an individual constitutional right, why should we need a government permission slip to exercise it? I have to admit the jury is still out on the constitutional question, but the Supreme Court has been leaning that way lately, and if it finally goes all the way, I find the permit-less argument persuasive. Are we required to get government approval for any of our other constitutional rights, such as free speech or the exercise of religion?))
A very good point, Leo. Well said.
*** Next, it's bad enough to lose all the larger businesses down here in the crotch of Fort Wayne, but when you lose the smaller stores, it hits closer to home.
Soon to be added to the "gone" list.
Our Low Bob's Discount Tobacco Store, located in the 4400 block of S. Lafayette is closing it's doors this Sunday, and that IS a real shame.
Sure, we still have others around town, but this place was a very short drive from our house. It's been there as long as I can remember (20 years anyway), and the ladies working there were the kind of people you WANT living around you (instead of the human refuse we seem to have).
They were robbed a couple times over the years, and one vehicle even drove into the building (got away with cartons of smokes), but it remained in the area...until now.
A woman from Michigan owns the place and is selling it (doesn't want to place money into upgrades and such), putting several people out of work, and making US have to go over to Waynedale to get cheap ciggies (yeah, I know smoking's bad for you).
Gonna miss chatting with a couple really GREAT black ladies (just like those I knew from decades past).
*** Next up, let's take a stop at "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were less crazy yesterday (thank God!), and spent the day being as normal as they can be at their age.
It's a roller coaster ride with them. They need to find that happy place where we all enjoy one another without having to chastise (them) for bad behavior. Besides, rewards are always better, right?
In the evening, both Violet and Gallifrey came into the living room and napped while I watched the television. He was on the one chair, and she curled up on my jacket on the floor.
That was a good end to a nice day.
*** Next, time to do our check in with "Midnight and Company"...
"I still say it's YOUR turn to meow"
Because it was still raining lightly most of the day, we fed the cats under the table.
When the rain slacked off, it was back ON the table for Midnight, and near the water dish for Whiskers.
And naturally, they were there nice and early to remind me it was time for them to eat///talk about a routine...lol.
They were both damp in the morning, but dried out by the afternoon (as did we all)
They stayed around until it got dark, and then it was off to wherever they go overnight.
*** Last back to the junk drawer...it's often been said to "let your conscience be your guide".
And, that seems to work quite well for regular folks.
It helps to reinforce the principles and values that allow us to be GOOD, as opposed to evil.
It's when people with little to no conscience hold sway or have power they never deserved, who take the stage, which causes so many of the problems we face today.
I've always likened my conscience to that voice in your head that advises you what is right or wrong (thank you, Walt Disney).
Some consider this the spirit of God speaking to us.
(thank you, Lord)
Whatever the case, it's the motivating factor that encourages us to face those who are wrong, call to task those who lie, cheat, or steal, and hold them accountable for their actions.
It also provides us to clarity to view ourselves in like manner - like a stopgap which can prevent us from doing that which we know to be wrong (not that we always listen, right?).
It's what makes us do the right thing against insurmountable odds, allows us to speak the truth when all around us are falsehoods, and often makes us outcasts because we're not "going along with the program" when that program is found to be in conflict with what we know to be right and just.
It provides REASON - something those (who we see protesting the least trivial thing) today lack.
Having a conscience that speaks to us isn't something to ignore (as many have), but it's something we need to take to heart. Besides, having a clear understanding does make you sleep better at night.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

Listening to Dent's lp as I type.... I think you'd like it...

Greasy food- tomorrow with the dinner for the company meeting...

Sourest- that's for those of us without a honey on Sweetest day... equal opportunity act, ya know...

So stop up and visit Saturday afternoon, or have us come fetch ya!

The craze for shortest paths is the same "logic" that is giving me markers to cut that are supposedly set to use the least fabric, but consistantly scatter little bitty pieces throughout - making them easy to miss and lose- when they can be gathered in one spot. More we bitch at engineering, the worse it gets.

So basically the FWCS situation is, he isn't black enough for Wendy Robinson. 'Bout cover it?

Bob G. said...

---I probably would...I'm still reeling from hearing that FATS DOMINO passed (I'll do a good mention tomorrow about that, but I'll leave the REAL tribute to you.
---A company meeting with food?
You sure you don't need a "taster" for that one (I'm NOT volunteering, BTW)?
---Figured there'd have to be some PC in there someplace.
(thought it was something to do with SWEET-TARTS)
---Dunno what time Wifey's due back Saturday - most likely after 1PM)
Wouldn't wanna have us get together only to cut it short (we KNOW how the time flies anyway when we start jaw-jacking...LOL)
I'm thinking weekend after The Great American Beg-A-Thon?
Maybe during the week if you're both free (or at least fairly reasonable...heh).
---Yeah, I wish we'd get some engineers like MONTGOMERY SCOTT. At least HE understands and avoids the BS as much as possible (and STILL gets the job done better than anyone else).
---That covers it better than 3 quilts and a comforter on a frosty night, my friend.
We're going through this "changing of the (color) guard at FWCS...thing is, the kids are getting worse, and teachers are fed up with a lot of this.
Thing is, Bob's NEVER had a reprimand or lawsuit tossed at him those 17 years. Sure makes you think about stuff (like affirmative action).
I'm not quite done with this story...yet.

Hey, thanks for swinging by to comment.

Stay safe (and warm) up there, brother.