10 November 2017

Friday Follies...
We made it to another weekend...pat yourselves on the back.
And, it looks like we're going to need to dig out those sweatshirts for the duration.
Ar least we had a little time to acclimate ourselves to colder weather and were not suddenly thrust into near freezing temperatures. I like that, and so do my knees.
Our Hoosierland weather for today will bring us mostly sunny skies, temps only climbing to around 34 degrees (so much for the sun warming anything up), and more of the breezy conditions we had yesterday (which should make raking any leaves more of a chore than it already is).
So, how's about we all get some coffee, tea or hot chocolate inside ourselves to chase away the chill, as we see what's been going on elsewhere...hmm?
*** First out of the ice cube tray is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's The Marine Corps Birthday
(Semper Fi)
---It's National Forget-Me-Not Day
(forget WHO or WHAT, exactly?)
---It's National Vanilla Cupcake Day
(hopefully not liberal cupcakes, right?)
*** Next, and since it IS the end of the week, let's take a look at what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
---Saturday is National Sundae Day
(A sundae...on a Saturday? How novel)
---It's Veteran's Day
(A time to remember and reflect)
---Sunday is National Pizza w/  the works except anchovies Day
(could we get anymore "contrived"?)
---It's National Chicken Soup For The Soul Day
(yeah, this is wearing a bit thin with me, too)
And there we go...remember to observe responsibly.
*** Next up, an update on the three women shot yesterday. Here's the story link:
Well, I had a feeling the victims were WHITE (told Wifey that it would be odd if they were, given the area and the names), but there's lots more. Think about the TIME the shootings occurred - around 0430 hrs. Now, what (business) would be closing before that time?
Well, since all three women worked at a strip club called The Harem (on N. coliseum Blvd)...you can figure things out easily enough. Just didn't think they all worked at some hospital...the hours were a bit off for a shift change.
My "hunch" at this point is that this is a "domestic"-related situation in some say.
Statistics prove that close to 80% of homicides are committed by people who KNOW the victim (or victims).
The woman not ID'ed in the story was Danielle Carter, and one of the women had 5 kids.
Looking at some FB pages, there seems to be some interracial children, but whether it was a former father, a current one, or a jilted lover/boyfriend remains to be seen.
Hopefully, police are following up on ALL males involved in this, because one of them IS the guilty party.
And, it would not surprise me if the shooter has some kind of history regarding mental health problems (maybe even fueled by drug usage). It's speculation on my part, and I may be wrong.
I will say it's one helluva way to enter the holiday season for all involved (especially the children).
*** Next, the city is making another "land grab"...I mean purchase. Here's the story:
Yes, the old (and vacant since 2006) Omnisource site just north of the MLK bridge might well be the next piece of this riverfront puzzle (read masterplan).
We're being told it'll cost $4.63 MIL, but you KNOW it will wind up costing LOTS more, because everything this city touches usually DOES, right?
And, this land just so happens to be available at such a CONVENIENT time...don'cha think?
Naturally, our "king" (mayor Henry) had to weigh in on this:
((“This is a tremendous next step in our ongoing efforts to ensure Fort Wayne is a point of destination for economic development opportunities, job growth and quality of life amenities that businesses and residents desire,” Mayor Tom Henry said. “We're looking forward to what opportunities will be possible for private development as a result of the city having control of the North River property.”))
CRIPES...does this guy EVER say anything WITHOUT those two damn CATCH-PHRASES???
I mean come the hell ON now...haven't we heard this broken record enough?
Sorry, your highness, but such branding DOES NOT APPLY to us down here on the SOUTH side of your domain.
Someone smack him on the back of his head to "make the needle jump" on this record (so we can hear something different)...it's getting real old real fast.
*** Next up, on the other hand, stories like THIS one always make me smile. Here's the link:
Operation Buzz Kill, a joint drug task force in our area has netted 21 perps (so far).
This story lists those arrested (the Berlanga family just got a lot smaller...lol)
((The Adams, Allen and Wells county sheriff's departments; the Berne, Bluffton, Decatur and Geneva police departments and the Indiana State Police began arresting suspects about 4 a.m.)) Some folks got an unexpected "wake up call"...heh.
This link has the mugshots (if you feel the need to toss your cookies or look for a relative):
The substances seized involved heroin, cocaine, meth, spice, and prescription drugs.
(a veritable Costco, no doubt)
Nice job to all the LEOS involved. Keep the arrests coming.
*** Next, a followup with the FWCS / Bob Rinearson story:
Here can be found an exclusive interview with Rinearson and the ongoing lawsuit aginst FWCS.
I think it's enlightening...perhaps you will find it so as well.
*** Next up, time to drop by our "Kitten Corner"...
Can you hold your head STILL?
Another great day with the "kids", and a day which probably made our cats feel glad they were not outside (although the afternoon wasn't bad). They did spend time watching the birds stop by (when the outdoor cats were off someplace).
We even had a cardinal stop by for some seed.
Bet we see more birds as the weather gets colder. There is a feeder that no cat get get to (haven't ruled out squirrels, but they may be shy with the outdoor cats around.
No problem with still heads HERE.
In any event, our indoor cats had a nice time, and that translates to happy people in the "Fortress" as well.
*** Next, I think it's time to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry community cat buddies stayed close by again all day.
Okay, I'm here. Feed me, please.
Didn't have to call either one when it was time to eat. Well, I did shake the dry food container to get Midnight in our yard, but Whiskers was nearby all day. Both Wifey and I even saw her EXITING the shelter we built, so the "Mark I" is working as designed.
All we need is the 2nd shelter for Midnight (a bit larger, of course), and hopefully, we can get the items this weekend.
Gonna roll while the ground's warm.
It's going to be fun to have to thaw out the water dish each morning when it's freezing, so they have something to drink, and I'm not even thinking about clearing any snow (yet)...we'll cross that tundra when we get to it.
*** Last back to the bonfire...the world keep getting crazier by the day, doesn't it?
Thing is, what used to be aberrations in society are becoming a lot more commonplace. Or are they?
Mass shootings used to be an anomaly, and I would have to say that they still are, but because of the 24/7 news cycle they "appear" to be more sensational.
Terrorist attacks have been (thankfully) static of late, and that shows we're a more aware people, and that law-enforcement is doing their job.
But, we do have to be careful when it comes to our security, for we can easily sign away our freedom in the process of becoming MORE secure.
We were warned about as much by men like Ben Franklin.
With people being distracted so much these days, the onus of (personal) security falls upon the shoulders of others, rather than ourselves, as it used to be. That needs to change.
We all need to require more of ourselves and each other if we are to remain secure and free.
We can have both, and in the right amounts, but only if we pay attention, and keep distractions to a minimum.
Therein lies the lesson for the day.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

One of our new girls (from Arkansas) asked her boss if it got any colder than this up here. Tee heee heee....

More like, "a sundae... in NOVEMBER?"

I think someone is anti-anchovy. S'okay, if I want one, I'll just pop the top off my salt shaker...

CSFTS Day... My first thought was, "Well, there's a fad that finally died..."

Ah, the former Cagneys... Prolly a deranged douchebag who thought he should get some for a dollar. I hope he gets roasted fast. I despise assholes who go into a strip club thinking they're there to pick up a dancer. It's fantasy, a-hole. Go back home to Rosy. If you want to shoot someone, look in a mirror.

Parks thing- this city sure does blow a lot of money on giving pervs a place to get their bjs...

Jeez, toss yer cookies is right! There are a lot of "reasons to retire my photography studio" snaps there!

Bob G. said...

---Oh, is SHE in for a rude awakening...heh.
(show her the wooly worms!)
---Gotta turn UP the furnace to enjoy that, I guess.
(or wait until June)
---I've had anchovies...they're okay but it's ALL the other crap they toss on pizza that ruins it.
(pepperoni or sausage or both is as good as plain cheese)
---It's taking forever but yes, I think it's finally on it's way OUT.
---Nice call there, and I totally agree...(It's just a fantasy -woh,oh,oh,oh...it's not the real thing...)
Good song, btw
---And they blow lots of money in STUDIES and TASK FORCES to look into this crap.
Cripes the city has MORE task forces than NIMITZ and HALSEY put together in WW2!!!
---Yeah, many of those "mugs" are very puke-worthy. Hate to wake up next to ANY of them, that's for sure.
(and I will never have to, Thank the Lord).

Thanks much for taking some time top drop by and comment.

Have yourselves a good weekend.
Stay safe (and keep warm) up there, brother.