10 January 2018

Humpday Happenings...
Welcome to the middle of the week, and a day in which our weather might seem a little less than "wintry".
In fact, it will feel downright spring-like.
This will continue into tomorrow, but during the weekend, things will chill back down, so don't get TOO used to the respite in this year's deep-freeze.
Our Hoosierland weather for today brings us cloudy skies, temps reaching all the way up to around 50 (as in FIFTY) degrees, and some scattered showers...you should know the drill there, right? Things are a bit on the slick side this morning.
Beware of BLACK ICE (and natural ICE cans tossed by BLACK males on the SE side...there IS a correlation...lol)
Now, let's all pause to get that morning drink, and then we can see what has been going on elsewhere...
*** First off of the melting snow-piles is our WHO SAID THAT? quote for the week:
"Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." 
I feel that this wonderfully details our current state as far as technology goes, becasue if you take the time to dig a bit deeper, you will see that nearly every aspect of technology is not being fully utilized in the manner it was originally intended.
So, who said that?
The answer at the top of tomorrow's post.
Meanwhile, back in Godalming, Surrey, England...
*** Next, it's time for our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
---It's National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
(nice to know confections can mirrors life)
---It's National Cut Your Energy Costs Day
(picked a good day for it. Might even turn the thermostat down)
---It's National Oysters Rockefeller Day
(I only like oyster stew...I'll pass on this one)
---It's National Save the Eagle Day
(no problem with this one...eagles are cool. The football team sucks...lol)
*** Next up, two robbers (both of them black...big surprise there) hit the Belmont Beverage down on E. Tillamn Rd back on the 3rd and we're just NOW finding out about it.
Here's the story link:
Yep, that's a GUN in his right hand.
(any bets that the ciggies they also took were...NEWPORTS?
I cleaned these pictures up as best I could.
The getaway vehicle.
And yes, this is the SAME liquor store where another robber was shot by an employee back in 2009. That perp died in the middle of Tillman Rd due to .45ACP poisoning. (The employee wa shot in the leg ).
You can check my archive post from 22 January 2009. 
(the original story link has been removed by the J-G).
So much for things on the Internet "lasting forever", hmm?
I also have this referenced on my archive post from 9 June 2015.
Some things on the SE side never seem to change...do they?
*** Next, the robber (another black male) who targeted the Blue Jacket thrift store last week has been caught.
Here's that story:
He claims he was robbing the stores to pay off drug debts.
How about NOT USING drugs, so as not to INCUR such debts (and the retaliation by disgruntled dealers in our city), huh? I know...it's too difficult a thought process for these people to undertake.
*** Next up, a house fire has me asking a question.
Here's the story:
Okay, so NO ONE was home at the time of the fire (two dogs were there and were saved by firefighters), but it's known that two ADULTS and two CHILDREN lived there. The fire took place after 2330 hrs, so WHY aren't the children at home (and in bed) at such an hour ON A SCHOOL NIGHT?
Something simply does not add up there.
*** Next, let's stop by "Kitten Corner"...
The kids were very well behaved yesterday, and they didn't get into hardly anything (having the Christmas tree put away helps to no end).
Of course, napping took center stage, as can be expected.
I guess watching the snow melt fascinates felines (and tires them out).
Who could have known?
*** Next up, let's take a minute to check in with "Midnight and Company"...
Our furry twosome seem to also be "thawing out" from the recent deep freeze.
I cleared as much of the patio off as I could, so they wouldn't be walking on snow or ice, and they seem to like my efforts.
Whiskers was M.I.A. and missed her midday snack, so Midnight got a bit more than usual.
Where she went, I have no idea, but she was there for last call.
But, I iz back now...
I worry that they'll go after tossed food from the minority contingent in the area, and run the risk of getting hit by a car. That's why I try to keep them as close to our "Fortress" as possible as much as possible.
Better to let them know they'll be WELL fed here moreso than anywhere else.
*** Last back to the storm drains...,I promised a spot on the technological "stuff" we're seeing in many homes these days.
Here's one story that makes a case for those people who seem a lot lazier than in times past:
And HERE is a NYT article on a "how-to" method to make your home smart, if you so desire:
Lastly, HERE is an article on how ALL this crap is "supposed" to work:
Now, you have to understand that at my age, I do the push-back on a lot of this stuff.
I'm a firm believer that the SMARTEST DEVICE in ANY home should be the PERSON (or persons) LIVING THERE...period.
Apparently, with the age of Millennials upon us, such is NOT the case any longer.
And, in some specific instances, many "mature adults" among us haven't a clue on how to run (manage) a home...that's why we have grease fires in kitchens at 3 A.M. that burn houses the hell down.
A while back (in the 80s to be exact), I had the pleasure to tour a "model" home that was touted as being "smart"...and the amenities were kinda cool.
There was a computer in a closet that controlled such things as cameras inside and outside the house, which is pretty much SOP these days no matter where you live (thank you criminals).
The system also controlled lighting, drapes, and the sound system via  keypad.
Today, it's all pretty much voice-activated...not a bad progression.
(All that cost around $10 grand at the time.)
But, when my fridge notifies me about what I need at the grocery, or my washer contacts my phone, I gotta draw the line. I worry about the appliances talking to ONE ANOTHER...LOL.
I can check our in stock pantry with no problem...I use my EYES.
Ditto for any appliance. Even with a new washer and dryer, I don't leave the house when we're doing a load of laundry.
I do see a benefit for those among us with disabilities who can actually use such technology, but like any of these gadgets, the tech is only as good as the software that prevents it's hacking (of whatever device is available). This goes for our newer vehicles as well.
But NO smart PEOPLE?
In instances such as those, people are the first line of any defense,
I just don't feel the need for all the bells and whistles being shoved at us every week.
You can never feel that much at ease should something unexpected comes along. The only trust I place in anything found inside our house, is that I trust it to fail when I least expect it, and I want to  BE HERE if and when it does, to avoid any problems (like fires or floods).
That's called practicing COMMON SENSE.
And guess what? It STILL works!
Low tech is always good tech...don't let anyone tell you different.
Be well, make a difference to someone, and...
Stay SAFE out there, America.


CWMartin said...

I'm here... barely... called in and slept till 930.

Good catch on the fire. Wonder if the family laft state.

I agree on the smart homes. And the tech. All tech is doing now is making it easy for people to get progressively lazier. Zager and Evans, y'all?

Bob G. said...

---A good day to take it easy & be "thankful" for whatever small mercies come along...right?
---The fire doesn't appear to be arson, but it DOES show the lack of responsibility of pet owners!
(we animal lovers are justly BIASED).
I'll bet those living there will have LOTS of "splainin" to do.
And the kids should have been in BED with the parents AT HOME! No excuse for bad behavior.
---I figured you'd enjoy the "smart" homes gig...WE are still the SMARTEST devices in ANY home.
(and when we forget THAT...God help us all).

Hey, thanks for swinging by today to comment.
Much appreciated.

Stay safe (and get well) up there, brother.