Looks like we have another nice day on tap, if you like WARM weather (I'm not that much a fan these days).
A good day to run the mower and clip that ever-growing tall grass along the side street of the property (before we get another "weed" violation...lol)
After that, I can kick back and take it (very) slow.
Our Hoosierland weather brings us mostly sunny skies, temps climbing into the lower 80s, and no rain (AGAIN?).
I think we can call this one well enough for most folks.
Now, let's get that nice refreshing beverage to start our day, as we see what else has been going on...
*** First out of the flower bed is our "What the hell happens today, Bob?" feature:
JUNE 7 -
National Boone Day
(call it Daniel Boone Day and be done with it?)
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
(yeah, this will work)
National VCR Day
(lol...try finding ANYONE who can FIX the damn things these days)
National Oklahoma Day
National Doughnut Day
(thought this was during national law enforcement week)
JUNE 8 -
National Best Friends Day
(you know who you are)
National Name Your Poison Day
(how about "southeast FTW"?)
National Upsy Daisy Day
National Rosé Day
(nothing like a little wine now and then)
*** Next, and because the weekend is here,let's see what we can observe over the following 48 hours...
JUNE 9 -
National Donald Duck Day
(nothing beats the classic Disney stuff)
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
National Earl Day
(we need a national Bob day)
National Children’s Day
There you go...lots to do for the weekend. Just make sure you always observe responsibly.
*** Next up...The "OK" sign isn't okay any more???
Yep, here's our WTF??? moment for the month!
Sorry, I don't plan to stop using it ANY time soon, so screw you loons out there.
If it was good enough for Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop...it's good enough for me.
*** Next...Wow, FTW has some more human refuse:
When you read the story, you know he's not some baby-mama's "good boy" who is the life at parties and always has a smile for everyone...right?
He's a shame to himself, his family and his race (toss in our country, too)...period.
When it comes to animals like this, sometimes all you CAN say is..."really"?
*** Next up...This weekend is the Fort Wayne Air Show, and I would LOVE to attend, but for a couple reasons..
1) Wifey's not here to watch the "Fortress".
(I went by myself in 2012, and had a pretty good (but tiring) time out there.
2) The Batmobile (Firebird) wasn't made for driving over grassy areas where ATVs usually roam.
Wifey's old Caprice had lots better ground clearance.
3) I can't do THAT much walking about like I used to, especially when it's hot outside (and concession food and drink us kinda pricey).
That last show I went to (in 2012) and walked around then was rough enough.
I would have liked to see that B-52 they're supposed to have there this year.
Maybe I'll catch a couple flyovers at home, if I have the camera out and am fast enough.
*** Next...Yeah, I'm back to having some "bachelor time" here (again).

Plus, you don't have anyone else to bounce ideas or thoughts off of, and that makes you talk to YOURSELF a lot more (than usual)...lol.
The good news is that I can eat and drink whatever I want and when I want to (that goes for anything alcoholic in nature).
*** Next up, time to drop on by our "Kitten Corner"...
The kids don't seem to mind Wifey's absence, because they got into a wee bit of running about.
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"I can haz treats now?" |
Can't say I blame them one bit. I'll be on THAT today.
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"...ZzzzZ..." |
*** Next, let's do our last check-in for the week with "Midnight and Whiskers"...
Our furry duo were around for most of the dayw.
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"Might be slow, but I'm here for eats." |
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"It's more comfy in the shade." |
*** Last back to the flower pots...aging is very highly overrated.
I'm sure I'm not the first to notice this, and I certainly won't be the last.
Funny how we no longer have the longevity that those in the early Old Testament of the bible "enjoyed". The suns of mankind have seen to that, it would appear.
And yet, there are a few nice things about getting old...like telling tons of stories to those who will listen.
There's the accumulated wisdom and knowledge to pass along. And there's the discounts at various places and eateries (cheap java at McD's...lol)
But, aside from that, not much else, except to watch yourself not being as able to do things you once did without blinking an eye.
There's assorted aches and pains, the arthritis, and vision impairments. Others have to deal with failing organs or respiratory issues (like COPD). Trying to stem that tide as best I can.
Some suffer hearing loss, brittle bones, and even Alzheiner's or dementia.
I'm actively trying to NOT go that route, believe me.
Yet, through it all, there is still the relief that comes from knowing that our current condition is not our permanent condition.
(that's where God comes in)
It would "seem" great to live a very long time, but that does come with it's own price tag.
And do we really want to expose ourselves to more loss in our lives? I'd like to sit a lot of that out, to be honest. I've had my share, as I know you all have had.
It becomes a trade-off, really, and in the end, all we can do it hope we've done our best along the way for ourselves, and for others, especially those we love.
Do have yourselves a good weekend.
Be well, make a difference to someone today, and as always...
Stay SAFE out there, America.
See 'ya next week.
Well, I guess Chris is running late this weekend...lol.
I may run late, but I get here!
Well, your national days ran the gamut from things I can't have to things that I lost to things I don't need, so fooey on 'em!
OK sign: More stupidity from people who don't work enough for a living to be not considered idle...
A FB friend went and commented on how enormous the B-52 was.
You know, you could always gimme a call when she's gone if you need idea bouncers...
Y'know, I've read the articles about the "troll-like" humans paleontologists are digging up, and often wondered if that's what you end up looking like after 900 years...
ROFL...that you DO, my friend.
---Yeah, not enough food stuff for me.
(and no doughnut shops down here...)
---THE OK sign deal is SO damn stupid, I can't even think of a proper name to call that.
---Yes, that's a BIG 'un. Wish I had a chance to check it out.
(we have something in common - the plane and I are the SAME AGE...LOL)
---I COULD use some "neighborhood" bouncers...HA!
(nah, I don't want to be an imposition with you and Laurie and family stuff.)
---Good Lord...I certainly HOPE not.
Somehow, I don't think METHUSELAH was troll-like...just very wrinkled.
Hey, thanks for stopping down to comment.
Stay safe up there, brother.
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